12 January 2022

Syberia 1


YEAR:  2002

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Chapter 1:  Valadilene

Chapter 2:  Barrockstadt

Chapter 3:  Komkolzgrad

Chapter 4:  Cosmodrome

Chapter 5:  Aralbad

Chapter 6:  Return To Komkolzgrad

Chapter 7:  Return To Aralbad













Take the lower right path, leading to the Mansion. 












Head up, towards the Mansion. 


The front door is locked, so you can’t get in that way.  Take the path right, to the side of the Mansion.  Continue right along the path, to the back garden. 


Ignore the automaton ladder for now.  Head right again, then follow the path up to the maze. 







There is a woman busy gardening at the entrance to the maze.  Talk to her - she complains that her automaton gardener broke down, so now she has to tend to the garden herself.  When you’ve finished talking to her, use the following directions to get through the maze. 



        -       Left

        -       Up

        -       Upper right path

        -       Up, through the gate, to the fountain



Click on the fountain to see a close-up.  Pick up the VORALBERG KEY from the fountain.  Exit the close-up. 


Use the following directions to get back out of the maze. 



        -       Down

        -       Right

        -       Down



You’re back with the gardener.  Go down 1 screen to the Grounds. 







The automaton ladder is here.  Click on the ladder to see a close-up.  Insert your VORALBERG KEY into the base part of the ladder, on the left.  The ladder extends, reaching all the way up to the loft now.  Climb up the ladder, and climb into the loft. 







Walk left, to the corner of the loft. 


Click on the desk, to see a close-up. 


Pick up the INK BOTTLE from inside the desk.  Pick up ANNA’S DIARY from inside the desk, and read through the diary to learn more about Hans’s and Anna, Hans‘s accident, and why he left Valadilene.  Anna cares deeply for her little brother - her father’s treatment of Hans upsets her, and the charade of Hans‘s funeral is devastating!  Hans is not dead!  Close the diary, and exit the close-up.   


Go right 2 times, to the other side of the loft, then walk up to the dark corner. 


Click on the area at the top right, to turn the light on. 



Watch the cut scene with Momo.  Click on Momo to talk to him.   He wants you to draw him a picture of a mammoth, so he gives you some PENCIL AND PAPER.  Work through all the dialogue options with him - he‘s determined to get that mammoth drawing from you!  When conversation is over, walk right to the end of the loft, then up to the (previously) dark corner. 


Look carefully at the wooden beam on the wall on the right, and click on it to see a close-up. 



A mammoth sketch!  And it’s signed by Hans.  Use PENCIL AND PAPER with the mammoth sketch, to etch over it, so you have a PENCIL TRACING OF MAMMOTH.  Walk left, and then down, to where Momo is waiting. 


Give PENCIL TRACING OF MAMMOTH to Momo.  He’s delighted with it!  He wants you to follow him, so he can show you a secret.  Climb out the window. 







Head left 3 times, so you are in front of the mansion.  Walk down 2 times, so you are back at the fountain. 












Momo is waiting for you here.  As soon as he sees you, he runs down into the town.  Follow him down 3 times, so you are back in the street. 












Follow the street down, then left, and continue left, until you reach the gate at the end. 



Momo is waiting for you at the gate.  He unlocks it, and runs through it, into the forest.  Follow him. 











Follow the path along, through all the beautiful scenery, until you see the small rowboat. 









Click on the area next to the boat - it’s a shame the boat’s been left to rot.  Go right, to the next screen. 







There is a kind of crossroads here, and Momo is waiting for you here. 



Talk to Momo and work through all the dialogue options.  When conversation is over, follow the path leading up to the river. 







You can see a cave on the other side of the river, but you can’t reach it, because the river is too deep.  Could this be the cave that Hans and Anna found, all these years ago?  Return left to the crossroads, where Momo is waiting. 








Follow the path right, then climb up the stairs, to the dam. 







Hmm, if you could open the dam, you could lower the water level, and maybe get across to that cave you saw earlier.  Try to use the mechanism, but you’re not able to turn it.  It must be broken.  You could use some help here, so head back to the crossroads where Momo is waiting. 







Talk to Momo and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Help



Go right, and take him up to the dam. 







Watch the cut scene, as Momo tries to turn the lever of the mechanism, but ends up breaking it.  Pick up the BROKEN LEVER from the ground on the left.  Go down, then follow the path left, until you see the row boat. 







Again, click on the area to the left of the boat.  You could use one of the boat’s oars as a lever for the dam.  But how are you are you gonna reach it?  Try to use the BROKEN LEVER in the water next to the boat - you realise that the boat’s oar is all dirty and wet, so you don‘t want to touch it.  Walk right to the crossroads. 







Talk to Momo again, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Help



Watch the cut scene, as Momo fetches the dirty, wet oar. 







Yet again, talk to Momo, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Help



Watch the cut scene, as you and Momo return to the dam. 







Watch the cut scene, as Momo opens the dam for you.  Head down 2 screens, back to the crossroads. 







Momo isn’t here anymore.  Take the path leading up towards the river. 







The riverbed is empty now, since you opened the dam.  Cross the riverbed, and head up towards the cave at the top of the screen. 







Follow the path along, until you’re deep in the heart of the cave. 


Notice the mammoth drawings on the back wall.  Walk left, behind the huge stalagmite in the middle of the screen. 


There’s something on the ground, on the right.  Walk over to it, to see a close-up. 


It’s a MAMMOTH TOY DOLL.  Pick up the MAMMOTH TOY DOLL, then exit the close-up. 


Walk left, then make your way out of the cave. 


Continue along the path, and make your way back to the crossroads. 







As soon as you reach the crossroads, you receive a phone call from your friend Olivia, who works at the same law firm with you.  When conversation is over, head left, and follow the path along, until you reach the street again. 












Head right, and continue right, until you see the gate on the right, leading to the Voralberg estate.  Walk right, to the gate. 


Head up through the gate, then follow the path along to the fountain. 












Take the upper right path to the train station. 











Walk right along the path, and climb up the stairs.  


Enter Valadilene Station. 







Walk down 1 screen, to the Ticket Office. 



The Ticket Office is where you can get a ticket for the train.  However, there’s no-one there at the moment.  So just board the train on the right. 












Click on the door, and enter the train. 







Wow!  What a train!  This is the height of luxury!  And  this is where Oscar ran off to, after you gave him his legs.  Talk to Oscar and work through all the dialogue options.  When you ask about Tickets, he informs you that all passengers must have a ticket, then he leaves.  Okay then, let’s get a ticket.  Click on the door at the top. 







Leave the train via the exit on the left. 












There’s someone in the Ticket Office now.  Click on the Ticket Office. 


In the Ticket Office, is… OSCAR!  Start working through the dialogue options with him.  When he gives you a TRAIN TICKET and TRAIN RELEASE PERMIT, read the documents, then exit the close-up.  Oscar closes the Ticket Office, and then leaves.  Well, that conversation was… bewildering!  Board the train on the right. 












Click on the door, and enter the train. 







Talk to Oscar again, and work through the dialogue options with him.  He wants to see your TRAIN TICKET before starting the train… even though it was him that sold you the TRAIN TICKET only moments before.  Show your TRAIN TICKET to Oscar.  However, he won’t accept your TRAIN TICKET, since not all departure conditions have been fulfilled.  He’s definitely a stickler for the rules!  Show him the TRAIN RELEASE PERMIT.  He won’t accept that, since it’s not been authorised.  You’ll have to go back to the village, in order to get it authorised.  Click on the door at the top to leave the train. 







Leave the train via the exit on the left. 











Head up & right, to the next screen. 


Go straight up, through the door. 







Climb down the stairs. 


Follow the path left, back to the fountain. 












Take the bottom path, down to the gate. 


Go down through the gate, back to the village. 












Head down to the street, then down again. 


Follow the street left, until you reach the Notary. 



Click on the door to enter the building. 












Walk down past the desk, so you can see the door on the left. 


Click on the large reception desk to see a close-up. 


Place your TRAIN RELEASE PERMIT onto the brown mat on the desk.  The automaton stamper won’t work, because he’s run out of ink.  Pour your INK BOTTLE into the automaton stamper.  Now press the red button.  Your TRAIN RELEASE PERMIT is now stamped and approved.  Pick up the TRAIN RELEASE TICKET, then exit the close-up. 


Walk down, so you can see the front door. 


Head through the door on the left to leave the building. 












Head right, and continue right, until you see the gate on the right, leading to the Voralberg estate.  Walk right, to the gate. 


Head up through the gate, then follow the path along to the fountain. 












Take the upper right path to the train station. 












Walk right along the path, and climb up the stairs.  


Enter Valadilene Station. 







Walk down 1 screen, to the Ticket Office. 


Board the train on the right. 












Click on the door, and enter the train. 







Show your authorised TRAIN RELEASE PERMIT to Oscar.  He accepts it this time.  Now show your TRAIN TICKET to Oscar again.  Oscar accepts the ticket.  However, the train still cannot depart, because the departure conditions have still not been fulfilled.  Walk down to the next screen. 


Go up, into the cabin with the pedestal. 







This cabin has a pedestal in the middle of the floor. 



Place the HANS-ANNA MECHANICAL TOY on top of the pedestal.  Place VALADILENE VOICE CYLINDER into the little groove in the pedestal.  Watch the cut scene with Hans and Anna again.  You automatically retrieve  HANS-ANNA MECHANICAL TOY, and place it in the cabinet at the top left.  Click on the cabinet to see a close-up. 


The HANS-ANNA MECHANICAL TOY should already be here (if not, place it on one of the slots yourself).  Place MUSIC CYLINDER in one of the slots.  Exit the close-up. 


Look at the shelf at the bottom right, and place MAMMOTH TOY DOLL on the shelf.  Head left, and return to where Oscar is standing. 







Show TRAIN TICKET to Oscar again.  He STILL won’t start the train, because now, the train needs to be wound up.  Click on the door at the top, to leave the cabin. 







This time, leave the train via the exit on the right. 












Walk up, to see the whistling workman sweep the platform if you like, but you can’t talk to him.  When you’re ready, walk down to the next screen. 



The Winding Mechanism is on the right.  Turn the wheel on the mechanism to extend the winder.  Pull the handle on the ground, next to the mechanism, to open a compartment on the train.  Turn the handle on the mechanism again to retract the winder.  Walk up 1 screen. 


Board the train on the left. 












You get another call from Dan - he’s somewhat frustrated that you’re here on Valadilene, instead of hosting his dinner party with the Goldberg’s.  But you can’t worry about that now.  Click on the door, and enter the train. 







One last time - show your TRAIN TICKET to Oscar.  Everything is in order now.  FINALLY!  Watch the cut scene, as you depart Valadilene. 





Continued In Chapter 2:  Barrockstadt...

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