01 September 2021

Broken Sword: The Angel Of Death


YEAR:  2007

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5












Look at the priest - Brother Mark - with pink gloves.  Talk to him and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at Brother Mark’s bright yellow car.  He’s very protective of it.  Try to use the car, but he warns you off.  Look at Archie, who is the homeless man sitting on the steps.  Talk to Archie and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the MOULDY BREAD lying on the steps next to Archie.  Try to take the MOULDY BREAD, but Archie stops you. 


Have fun with any of the intercoms for the different apartments if you like.  When you’re ready, head to the building that Brother Mark is sweeping outside.  Look at the sign next to the door to confirm that it’s Anna Maria’s apartment building.  Look at the plans on either side of the door.  Try to open the door, but it’s locked, and you don’t have the key. 


Talk to Brother Mark again and work through all the conversation topics.  Talk to Nico and work through all the conversation topics.  Talk to Archie again and work through all the conversation topics.  He tells you that there’s a KEY TO APARTMENT BLOCK under the plant next to Anna Maria’s door.  You realise that he’s rather taken with Nico.  Maybe you could use that to your advantage. 


Walk up to Anna Maria’s door, and try to move the plant to the left of the door.  Brother Mark stops you.  You need to distract him somehow.  Talk to Nico and ask her to distract Brother Mark.  Archie is mesmerised.  Use this opportunity - quickly walk down to Archie and take his MOULDY BREAD.  Use the MOULDY BREAD on Brother Mark’s bright yellow car.  Pigeons fly onto the car, which gets Brother Mark’s attention.  While he is busy, move the plant next to Anna Maria’s door, and get the KEY TO APARTMENT BLOCK



Talk to Nico and ask her to distract Archie.  Now try to take Archie’s MOULDY BREAD - your plan doesn‘t work.  Damn!  Talk to Nico and ask her to distract Brother Mark.  Try to move the plant next to Anna Maria’s door - this plan doesn’t work either.  Now go through the door, into the apartment building. 







Climb up the stairs, then turn left into the hallway. 


Walk up a few steps, and look at the door for Apartment 8.  Try to open the door, but it’s locked.  Walk up to the end of the hallway.  Open the balcony door, and head out onto the balcony.  Nico doesn’t seem to be in a very good mood! 







Climb onto the plants on the left, then jump up to the narrow ledge right above you. 


Shimmy left, until you reach the broken section.  There’s no way into Anna Maria’s flat from here.  Shimmy right, until you reach the last balcony.  Drop down, into the balcony.  Try to open the balcony door - it’s locked.  Jump up on the cable on the right, and shimmy along, until you reach the building across the road.  Don’t fall! 


Drop down, into the balcony.  Walk right along the balcony, and notice the nun on the other side of the partition.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Try to open the balcony door.  It’s locked.  Wait for the nun to go inside (only after you’ve tried the balcony door), then quickly climb over the railing.  Shimmy all the way right, until you reach the window.  Now climb back over the railing, onto the balcony. 


Jump up to the ledge above the window. 


Shimmy right, past all the windows, and onto the balcony at the other side of the street. 


Drop down into the balcony.  Look at the door - it’s the kitchen door for Anna Maria’s apartment.  Try to open it, but it’s locked.  Look through the window to the right of the door, so you can see into her kitchen. 


From this new view, look at the window again - it’s slightly ajar.  Look at the bolt behind the door, locking it shut.  Use your GOLF CLUB with the bolt on the door to unbolt it. 


The view has switched back to the balcony.  Simply open the door.  You automatically enter, and let Nico in. 












Explore the Living Room.  Look at the computer on the table, and try to use it.  It’s quite a basic computer, so there’s not much you can do with it.  Look at the book lying on the table on the opposite side of the room.  Look at the bookcase standing against the wall, and search the bookcase.  Pick up PHOTO OF ANNA MARIA DRESSED AS A NUN from on top of the fireplace.  Walk through the lower left door, into the kitchen. 







Take the AIR LINE STUB form the corner of the table.  What was Anna Maria doing in Phoenix?  Leave the kitchen. 







Walk through the upper left door, into the bedroom. 







Explore the bedroom.  Pick up ITALIAN METRO TICKET from the bed.  Look at the slippers on the floor next to the bed.  Search the bin if you like, but it’s empty.  Walk left, through the door, into the bathroom. 







Look at the bathroom scales on the floor.  There’s nothing you can do here, so just leave the bathroom. 







Head up through the door in the top right, back to the living room. 







Talk to Nico and work through the conversation topics.  Walk right a few steps, and leave the apartment. 











Watch the cut scene with Brother Mark - he has a package for Anna Maria, but he won’t give it to you.  Head right along the hallway, and climb down the stairs. 







You find yourself back outside again.  Walk up to the top of the street, past the bollards, and onto the Map. 







Go to The Vatican. 












This is the place from the PHOTO OF ANNA MARIA DRESSED AS A NUN.  Follow the road up & left, until you see the door to the convent on the right.  Look at the door, and try to open the door to enter the convent - the guards stop you.  Use the doorbell to the left of the door.  Sister Serena answers - ask about the photo of Anna Maria as a nun. 


Look at the window next to the door - it looks into a small office.  Look at Sister Angelica, the nun sitting at the desk in the office.  Talk to her and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the schedule on the desk.  Try to take the schedule, but Sister Angelica scolds you.  Step away from the office window. 


Walk left a few steps, so you can see the guards.  Look at the gold plaque on the wall of the Monastery - it reads ‘Monastery Of The Order Of St Michael’.  Look at the large Monastery doors behind the guards, and try to open the doors.  Hmm, I guess there’s no way in through the front door.  There must be another way to get inside. 


Go back to the office window, and ask Sister Angelica about the Holy Order Of St Michael.  Apparently, it’s been around for 100s of years.  Ring the bell next to the convent door, talk to Sister Serena and work through the conversation topics with her. 


That’s all you can do here at the moment.  Head down and walk right, to the Map. 






Go back to Anna Maria’s apartment. 












You need to find a way into that convent, if you want to find answers about Anna Maria.  Maybe you could hack into their computer system.  Use your PDA, and select the following options. 



        -       Connect

        -       Vatican Server



Time for one of those puzzles again.  Place the diverters like so. 



Click on ‘OK’ to get the number for the wafer factory that Sister Serena mentioned.  Now go through door on the right to leave the apartment. 










Head right along the hallway, and climb down the stairs. 







You’re out in the street again.  Walk up to the top of the street, past the bollards, and onto the Map. 






Go to The Vatican. 












Head up to the office window, but make sure you’re not standing directly outside the office window.  Now use your PDA, and selection the following options. 



        -       Phone

        -       Wafer Factory



Sister Serena answers the call.  Ask her about Sister Angelica.  Sister Angelica is called away to answer your phone call, thus, leaving the office empty. 


Quickly, look in the office window to see the office.  Pick up the schedule from Sister Angelica’s desk.  Hmm, the Health Inspector is due for a visit.  You could use that information to your advantage.  When Sister Angelica returns, talk to her and work through the conversation topics with her, and pretend that you are the Health Inspector.  She’s rather startled, since she’s not expecting you until tomorrow.  However, she does let you inside the wafer factory. 







Watch the cut scene as Sister Serena gives you the grand tour.  When the tour is over, talk to her and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the mixing vat, and try to use the mixing vat. 


You seem to enjoy making things awkward for poor Sister Serena.  Look at the ovens, and try to use the ovens. 


Explore the factory as much as you like.  Work your way up to the tables in the top right corner. 


Look at the box of Communion wafers on the table, touch the box of Communion wafers, and have a chat with Sister Serena about it.  Look at the top-most box in the corner to realise that it’s precariously balanced.  Push the box onto the floor, then insist that Sister Serena clean it up.  While she is busy, place your MOULDY BREAD into the box of Communion wafers.  You’re being so nasty to poor Sister Serena!  However, since she has to take care of things here, you’re left to explore the wafer factory on your own.  Walk left a few steps, to the shelves. 


Look at the box on the shelf, and try to open it.  It’s firmly taped down.  Use your PASHA PALACE KNIFE with the box to cut it open, then take the MINITURE BOTTLE OF RED WINE from the box.  Now leave this area, and head over to the metal stairs. 


Climb up the stairs, and follow the walkway along to the end.  Look at the hatch on the side of the mixing vat nearest you (not the hatch on top). 


Open the hatch - a fresh batch of dough is being mixed.  Pour MINITURE BOTTLE OF RED WINE into the opened hatch.  Head back along the walkway, climb down the metal stairs, and watch the cut scene.  Now you’re being a jerk to Sister Serena AND Sister Angelica!  Leave the area, and head up to the door to Sister Angelica’s office. 



Look a the door, and try to open the door, but it’s locked.  Head up, and follow the path round to the rear door.  Open the rear door and head outside. 




You’re in a concrete courtyard area.  Climb up the stairs and look at the spiked gate.  Try to open the gate - it’s locked, but you NEED to get up to that garden.  Climb back down the stairs.  Walk over to the crates lying against the wall.  Climb onto the crates, then jump up to the narrow ledge, so you’re hanging onto the ledge.  Shimmy left, to where there’s a break in the stone railing.  Climb up, into the beautiful Monastery garden. 







You need to get into the Monastery, which is the door at the far end of the garden.  But you need to avoid the Monks, or they‘ll call for the guards.  Walk up into the centre of the garden. 


When the Monk nearest the door isn’t walking past the gap at the top, head over to the stone pillar at the top right.  Remember, the Monk on the right mustn’t see you.  Now throw some MOULDY BREAD into the shrub on top of the pillar at the top right.  Quickly walk over to the pillar at the top left.  The birds will flock to the pillar at the top right, so they can get the bread, attracting the attention of the monk at the gap at the top.  Again, wait for the Monk nearest the door to walk past, then head up to the Monastery door, open it, and enter the Monastery. 







Walk forward a few steps, and look at the trapdoor in the floor.  That thing is sealed shut!  Walk left a few steps.  Climb up the stairs and go through the arch to the 1st Floor Foyer. 







Head up the passage, to the end.  Open the door on the left, and enter an office. 







Explore the office.  Look at all 4 bookcases.  Look at the painting on the wall, then examine it to get a close up.  Look at all the different sections of the painting: 



        -       Angel on the bottom left corner

        -       Angel on the bottom right corner

        -       Temple block

        -       Men debating

        -       Woman with baby

        -       Men carrying corpse



Step away from the painting.  Now walk behind the desk, and open the top right drawer.  Look carefully, to see a file with Anna Maria’s name written on it.  It’s hard to spot, but it’s there. 


Pick up the file.  The Cardinal walk in, and catches you snooping.  Watch the cut scene.  You learn more about Anna Maria.  Father Gregor gives you GREGOR’S BUSINESS CARD.  After the cut scene, you automatically return to Anna Maria’s apartment. 












There’s nothing you can do here at the moment.  Leave the apartment through the door on the right. 











Walk down the hallway, to Brother Mark’s apartment.  Knock on his door.  Talk to him and work through the conversation topics.  Show him GREGOR’S BUSINESS CARD to trick him into believing that you are in fact Father Gregor.  Talk to Brother Mark again, and ask about Anna Maria’s package.  Since he now thinks you’re with the Vatican, he gives you PACKAGE ADDRESSED TO ANNA MARIA.  Open the PACKAGE ADDRESSED TO ANNA MARIA in your Inventory, to find the UNMARKED DVD.  I wonder what’s on it?  Walk back up the hallway, and enter Anna Maria’s apartment. 












Look at the computer on the table, and use the UNMARKED DVD with the computer.  Watch the report about a new kind of gold, called monatomic gold, that’s been discovered in Phoenix.  Nico decides to travel to Phoenix to find out more about it, while you remain in Rome to find more clues leading to Anna Maria’s whereabouts.  When you’re ready, leave the apartment through the door on the right. 











Walk down the hallway, to Brother Mark’s apartment.  Look at PEN FROM HOTEL ROOM to see that it has a logo of a black cat on it.  Knock on Brother Mark’s door again, and this time, show him PEN FROM HOTEL ROOM.  Brother Mark tells you about the Black Cat Club.  Talk to him, and ask him about the Black Cat Club 2 times, to learn it’s address.  When you’re ready, head right along the hallway, and climb down the stairs. 







Walk up to the top of the street, past the bollards, and onto the Map. 







Go to the Black Cat Club. 












Walk up a few steps, until you see the Doorman at the top of some stairs.  Talk to the Doorman and work through the conversation topics with him.  He won’t let you into the club, unless you are a member.  But he won’t let you become a member.  Oh… problems, problems!  Head back up the street, and go to the Map. 







Go to Anna Maria’s Apartment. 












Leave the apartment through the door on the right. 











Walk down the hallway, to Brother Mark’s apartment.  Knock on his door.  Talk to him, and ask him about the Black Cat Card a few times.  He  refuses to give you his Membership Card.  There must be a way you could persuade him?  Show him your PHOTOGRAPH OF FILM STAR LUCY CHU.  He’s a huge fan of Lucy Chu, but he wants something a bit more personal.  Walk up a few steps, and wait until Mark closes his front door.  Now in your Inventory, use BLACK CAT PEN with PHOTOGRAPH OF FILM STAR LUCY CHU to sign it, so it becomes FORGED SIGNED PHOTO OF LUCY CHU.  You can pretend it’s been autographed by Lucy herself. 


Knock on Brother Mark’s door again, and give him FORGED SIGNED PHOTO OF LUCY CHU.  He’s fooled by the signed photo, and gives you his BLACK CAT CARD.  Head right along the hallway, and climb down the stairs. 







Walk up to the top of the street, past the bollards, and onto the Map. 







Go to the Black Cat Club. 












Walk up a few steps, until you see the Doorman at the top of some stairs.  Show BLACK CAT CARD to the Doorman.  He finally allows you to enter, so climb down the stairs, into the club. 







Walk forward a few steps, talk to the Receptionist.  He tells you to change, before entering the Steam Room.  Head up through the doorway on the left, into the Shower Room. 







Look around the locker room area, and notice that Locker #17 (the only locker you can interact with) is empty.  Head up into the shower area. 


One of the showers is occupied.  Walk up to the far end of this shower, and try to take the towel that’s hanging on the wall next to the shower, but the guest in the shower stops you.  Leave the shower area, and go down to the locker room area. 


Walk down to the far end of the locker room area.  Look at the plastic plant in the corner, and move the plastic plant.  You can now see the hot water valve in the wall, next to the lockers.  Turn the hot water valve on.  Ahh… hot water, at last!  Return to the shower area. 


It’s all steamy in here now.  Walk up to the occupied shower, and walk round to the far side.  Take the towel that’s hanging on the wall, next to the shower.  Since it’s so steamy now, the guest doesn’t see you.  You automatically wrap yourself in the towel, leaving all your other belongings in Locker #17. 


Leave the Shower Room. 







Walk down a few steps, and talk to the Receptionist in his reception cubicle 2 times.  Work through all the conversation topics with him.  When conversation is over, head up through the door next to him, into the hallway. 




Head up the corridor, and follow it round, until you see an opened door on the left.  Enter through the door, into the Steam Room. 







Follow the corridor up & right, into the actual Steam Room itself. 


Explore the room, and find your old pal Duane Henderson - the American tourist who thinks he’s in the CIA.  Talk to him and work through the conversation topics.  When you’re ready, head through the door on the right.  Watch the cut scene with Mr Spallacci, as you are taken prisoner, and tied to a chair.  As you are being interrogated, you hear Nico on the phone… then you hear gunshots! 







After being beaten unconscious, you finally come round, still tied to the chair.  Look at the power switch in the wall, and kick it with your feet to activate it.  Watch the amusing cut scene.  Afterwards, you end up holding a long hook. 


Look at the metal box on the left, and talk to the metal box - there’s someone in there!  Look at the harness hanging from the ceiling, on the right.  Use the harness 2 times.  Well, that doesn’t really do anything.  Look at the bottle of baby oil on the table, and click on it to knock it over with your hook.  It spills onto the floor, making the floor all slippery, so now you can slide on it.  Kick the power switch in the wall again, and watch the cut scene as you free yourself from the chair. 


Now, how do you get out of here?  Look at the dark red curtain, and open the dark curtain, then watch the cut scene with Mr Spallacci.  Did they really kill Nico?  Look carefully at the left side of the window, to notice a small button. 


 Look at the button, and press the button.  A door opens.  Go through the door. 







You’re back in the corridor of the Steam Room.  You hear a ‘Pssst’.  Head right, into the Steam Room itself. 


Climb down into the steam seating area in the centre of the room.  You hear Duane talking to you from the drain!  Talk to Duane in the drain, and work through the conversation topics.  He has a key to the Laundry Room, and tells you that you can escape through there, but he can’t get his hand through the drain to give it to you.  Damn!  Climb up the stairs, and leave the Steam Room. 


Leave the corridor through the door on the left. 







Follow the hallway up & left, and along to the end.  Go through the opened doorway, into the Entrance Room. 







Walk across to the other side of the room, and enter through the opened doorway, into the Shower Room. 







Open Locker #17 (near the door) to get dressed, and get all your things back.  Now remember Duane, and how he has the key to the Laundry Room?  In your Inventory, combine ROSARY with PAPER CLIP to create ROSARY WITH CLIP.  Leave the Shower Room. 







Walk over to the door at the other side of the room, and enter the Hallway.  Ignore the Receptionist’s request to change. 







Head up the corridor, and follow it round, until you see an opened door on the left.  Enter through the door, into the Steam Room. 







Follow the corridor up & right, into the actual Steam Room itself. 


As before, climb down into the steam seating area in the centre of the room.  Duane’s still down in the drain.  Use ROSARY WITH CLIP with the drain.  Duane attaches his key, so it’s now ROSARY WITH KEY.  In your Inventory, disassemble ROSARY WITH KEY, so you have 3 separate items - ROSARY, LAUNDRY ROOM KEY, PAPER CLIP.  Fantastic!  Climb up the stairs, and leave the Steam Room. 


Leave the corridor through the door on the left. 







Follow the hallway up & left. 


Look at the 1st door on the right, that‘s marked ‘Personnel Only‘, and use LAUNDRY ROOM KEY on this door to unlock it.  Now open the door, and enter the Laundry Room. 







Climb up the stairs, open the door at the top of the stairs, and head outside. 







Walk forward, along the street, until the realisation of Nico’s death hits you.  You need a drink!  Watch the cut scene, as Brother Mark tells you that Gasmen have repaired the gas leak in Anna Maria’s apartment.  Wait a minute… Anna Maria doesn’t have gas in her apartment! 












Watch the cut scene as you and Brother Mark discover a bomb in the kitchen.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You have 10 minutes to diffuse the bomb!  But you don’t know how to diffuse a bomb - maybe the Military would have that sort of information.  In your Inventory, look at the PDA, and select the following options. 



        -       Connect

        -       US Military Field Notes



It’s time for another one of those diverter puzzles.  Note that this one is a lot more complicated than the previous ones, and that double-sided diverters have to be placed in 2 points, as shown below.  


Place the diverters like so. 

Bomb diffusion notes have been downloaded to your PDA.  Quickly scroll down to the bottom of the notes, and click through the following text.  Don’t bother to actually read them - you don’t have the time.  Just scroll through them. 



        -       US Military Bomb Defusal Field Notes

        -       Self Protection

        -       Back Arrow (bottom right of the PDA)

        -       Defusal

                -       Part 2

                -       Part 3



Okay, now you know how to diffuse a bomb, so let‘s get started.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You can’t touch the bomb with your bare hands.  Talk to Brother Mark, and ask him for his RUBBER GLOVES.  He gives them to you.  Now interact with the bomb on the table, to get a close-up of it. 


Now diffuse the bomb like so. 



        -       Use PAPER CLIP with the blue wire at the bottom left. 

        -       Select ‘Live Trigger Wire’ from the options at the bottom

        -       Use PASHA PALACE KNIFE on the blue wire at the top



YOU DID IT!!!  You diffused the bomb!  Congratulations!  Now watch the cut scene with… WITH NICO!  SHE’S ALIVE!!! 





Continued In Part 4...

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