04 August 2021

Broken Sword 4: The Angel Of Death

YEAR:  2007

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5













This is where we find out what Nico was up to, when she went to Phoenix. 


Look at the gate in front of you - it’s locked with a sturdy padlock.  The whole place seems to be deserted, though.  Try to open the gate - it won’t budge.  Search the jeep on the right to find a JACK HANDLE.  Use the JACK HANDLE on the gate to force it open.  Now walk through the gate, into the compound. 







Walk up the path for a few steps, until you see a gap in the wall on the right.  Walk into this gap.  Look at the dumpster against the wall, and try to move it, but it won’t budge.  Okay, notice the 2 crates on the ground, next to the dump.  Move both crates out of the way, so you have access to the brake on the side of the dumpster. 




Release the brake, then push the dumpster to the left.  Notice the gap in the guttering above the dumpster.  It’s too high for you to climb.  Move one of the crates, over to this part of the wall, and climb up onto the crate. 



Climb up the wall, onto the level above, so you‘re on the 1st Floor.  Walk right a few steps, to the metal platform in the wall. 



Climb up onto the platform.  Now jump up to the pipe above you, so you are hanging from the pipe.  Shimmy left to the next platform, and climb up onto the platform.  Jump left, over the gap, and onto the next platform.  Climb up onto the next platform.  Follow this platform left, and round the corner.  Now at the end of this platform, there is a gap in the barbed wire on the wall on the right.  Climb up the wall, through the gap in the barbed wire, and onto the roof. 







Explore the roof carefully. 



Look at the red lever on the ladder on the building opposite.  Look at the RUBBLE on the ground, and pick up some RUBBLE.  Look at the satellite dish holder (minus the satellite) on the pole in the centre of the roof.  Turn the satellite dish holder round, to the position in the screenshot.  It looks like a catapult now.  Use RUBBLE with the satellite dish holder - it really does act like a catapult, flinging the rubble across, and hitting the lever on the building opposite.  Now the ladder for that building has been lowered.  Walk right, climb down off the roof, and onto the metal platform. 


Work your way right, back along the platforms, they way you came, and back down to the ground. 







Opposite the area with the dumpster and crates, you can now see a ladder on the left. 



Climb up the ladder, onto the roof of the building. 







Look at the rusty pipe on the roof.  Try to move the pipe, but there’s stuff in the way.  Look at the wooden box next to the pipe, and push it down the hole - that hole is pretty deep.  Now that the box is out of the way, push the rusty pipe, so that it acts as a bridge over the gap.  Crawl through the rusty pipe, along to the other side of the gap. 


Walk right a few steps, and look at the hole in the roof.  But how deep is this hole?  Pick up the rubble that’s lying on the ground next to the hole, and throw it down into the hole.  Hmm, it’s not that deep.  Climb down the hole, into the office. 







Explore the office.  Look at the long window, overlooking the loading bay.  Look at the door in the corner, and try to open it - it’s locked.  Look at the secretary’s wedding photo on the desk nearest the door.  Look at the poster on the wall.  Look at the gun display case.  Look at the computer on the desk on the right - it’s password-protected.  Time for some more hacking.  Look at your PDA in your Inventory, and select the following options. 



        -       Connect

        -       c.jenkins_office1



Place the diverters like so. 



The readable files are downloaded to your PDA.  Scroll down to the bottom of the PDA Notepad, and click on ‘Files’ to read the emails.  Some of the emails mentions changing the codes, and reversing the dates.  Hmm, that’s something to keep in mind.  Look at the wedding photo on the desk nearest the door again, and notice the date - 12\08\91.  If you reverse that date, it becomes 91\08\12.  Go back to the door in the corner.  Use the code lock next to the door, and select the following option. 



        -       91 08 12 (Wedding Date Reversed)



Now go through the door, into the Loading Bay. 







Walk left along the Walkway, jump over the gap, and walk left a few more steps.  In the next gap, climb down onto the scaffolding below.  Shimmy left as far as you can, so you’re over the wooden crates.  Now drop down, onto the wooden crates.  Jump down, off the crates, onto the floor. 


Look at the large crack in the floor on the left.  Look at the hopper in the floor on the right.  Look carefully at the edge of the hopper, to see a KEY CARD



Pick up the KEY CARD.  You fall down, through the hopper, into what appears to be a Lift Room. 







There’s nothing you can do in here.  Walk right, and go through the door to leave the room. 







Go through the door on the right, into the Kitchen.  







Someone’s been cooking fish here, recently.  Walk right a few steps, and take the HOOK  that’s hanging above the sink.  Look at the cubby holes on the wall on the right.  There’s something on top of the cubby holes, but it’s out of your reach.  Move the dining table along, climb on top of it, then take PIECE OF GUM from on top of the cubby holes.  Now walk left, and leave the Kitchen. 







Walk down a few steps, so you see more of the corridor.  Go through the open door on the right, into the Men’s Locker Room. 







Oh dear!  Someone locks you in here!  Explore the room.  Look at the row of lockers on the right, and notice that one of the lockers has a bent door.  Try to open it, but you can’t get a proper grip with your bare hands.  Use the HOOK with the locker to pry it open, then take the can of ENGINE OIL from inside the locker.  Now walk back over to the door, and look at the electronic lock next to the door.  Let’s hack the lock.  Use your PDA, and select the following options. 



        -       Connect

        -       admin.pc_office7



Place the diverters as so. 


All doors are now unlocked.  Open the door, and head up into the corridor. 







Open the door at the end of the corridor, and head up into the stairwell. 







Climb down the stairs to the level below.  Open the door, and go up into the corridor. 







You automatically try to open the door on the left, only to find that it’s locked with an old fashioned lock, so you can’t hack it.  Try to open the door on the right, but that’s locked as well.  Walk down a few steps, and enter through the open door on the right.  Someone closes the door behind you.  Try top open the door, but it’s now locked.  Watch the cut scene as you are cornered by Mr Spallacci’s goon.  But don’t worry, Maynard comes to your rescue.  Now we know that the gunshots George heard over the phone, weren’t Nico being shot.  Maynard is the man who discovered Monatomic gold, and he’s rather… eccentric!  He takes you to his Safe Room. 







It seems that Maynard hates Anna Maria as much as you do - he believes that she was making a fortune from his Monatomic gold.  Look at the safe, and try to open the safe - you don’t know the code.  Talk to Maynard and work through all the conversation topics.  When conversation is over, climb up onto the desk on the right, then climb up through the hole in the ceiling. 







Look at the rollers on the floor.  Walk left a few steps, and look at the Centrifuge Chamber.  Look at the Control Panel in the wall opposite the Chamber.  It controls the pulley system hanging overhead.  Try to use the Control Panel, to learn that the chain has rusted in place.  Look at the chain hanging above the hole in the floor - it’s very rusty. 



Use ENGINE OIL with the chain to grease it.  Now use the Control Panel again, and select the following options. 



        -       Right

        -       Down



The pulley is now in the Safe Room below.  Climb down the hole in the floor, down into the Safe Room. 







The pulley is hanging above the safe.  Use your HOOK with the pulley to attach it to the safe.  Climb back up the hole in the ceiling, into the Centrifuge Room. 







Go back over to the Control Panel on the left.  Use the Control Panel, and select the following options. 



        -       Up

        -       Left



The safe is now on the rollers.  Walk right a few steps, too see that Maynard has climbed up through the hole, into this room, as well. 


Walk right, and make your way to the other side of the room.  Look at the large Control Panel, sitting on the platform, to learn that it controls the rollers.  Use the Control Panel - the system is dead.  Look carefully at the front of the Control Panel to see that the wires are loose.  Use your PIECE OF GUM with the wires in the front of the Control Panel to re-attach the wires.  Try to use the Control Panel again - it still doesn’t work.  Walk left a few steps, and talk to Maynard.  Ask him about the Control Panel.  He goes over to fix the panel - all it takes is one swift kick! 


Make your way back right, and head to the large Control Panel on the platform.  The roller system works now… partially.  You need to navigate the safe into the Centrifuge Chamber.  Select the following options. 



        -       Left

        -       Left

        -       Down

        -       Right

        -       Right


        -       Up

        -       Up

        -       Left

        -       Down

        -       Down


        -       Left

        -       Up

        -       Up

        -       Up

        -       Up



Walk over to the safe, and try to push it into the Centrifuge Chamber.  You can’t shift it on your own.  Talk to Maynard and ask about the safe.  Now walk back over to the safe, and push it.  Watch the cut scene.  When you get the chance, push the button on the Control Panel.  Watch another cut scene.  Sadly, Maynard is trapped inside the chamber, and can’t get out in time. All you can do, is watch, as he is vaporised!  R.I.P. Maynard! 


Enter the Centrifuge Chamber. 


Walk into the centre of the Chamber.  Pick up the PLASTIC FOLDER and pick up MAYNARD’S KEYS from the floor.  In your Inventory, look at the PLASTIC FOLDER to find a BANK STATEMENT.  Read the BANK STATEMENT in your Inventory to learn that the factory has received a large about of money.  Hmm, interesting!  Watch another cut scene.  Now you have to get out of here, before the thugs find you.  Leave the Chamber. 


Walk left a few steps, and look at the blast door.  Try to open it, but it’s locked.  Use MAYNARD’S KEYS with the blast door to unlock it.  Now go through the door. 







You find yourself back in the Stairwell.  Climb up the stairs, to the level above.  Open the door, then watch the short cut scene, as the Boss orders Vito to stay by the Lift door.  But notice that Vito uses the doorstop at the bottom of the door to keep the door open. 


Look at the light switch in the wall, and flip the light switch, so that it’s dark.  Use ENGINE OIL with the doorstop to make it all slippery.  Now unhook the doorstop, so the door closes again.  Quickly hide in the shadows on the left.  Vito comes out to investigate why it’s suddenly got dark.  He slips on the oil and bangs his head, knocking himself unconscious.  Turn the lights back on again.  Head up through the door, into the corridor. 







Quickly head down the corridor, and go through the 2nd door on the right, into the Lift Room. 







Close the door, and use MAYNARD’S KEYS with the door to lock it.  That should buy you some time.  Now walk right a few steps, and simply use the Lift to get up to the Loading Bay. 







Head left along the Walkway, and go through the door.  Watch the cut scenes, as you make your escape, and return to Rome. 





Continued In Part 5...


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