02 August 2021

Broken Sword 4: The Angel Of Death


YEAR:  2007

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5











After Nico told you what happened to her in Phoenix, the evidence against Anna Maria is overwhelming!  But something inside you still doesn’t want to believe that Anna Maria is evil.  You & Nico decide to go back to the Monastery - you’re determined to prove that she’s innocent. 












Talk to Nico and work through all the conversation topics.  Talk to Archie on the bench and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the HALF EMPTY BOTTLE OF METHS on the pavement next to Archie.  Try to take the HALF EMPTY BOTTLE OF METHS, but Archie objects. 


Head up to the Monastery.  Try as you might, the guards won’t let you in.  You’ll need to find a way to distract them.  Walk left a few steps, until you see the bin in the pavement - it‘s to the left of the guards.  Look at the bin, and search the bin to find a HALF EMPTY BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE.  Take the HALF EMPTY BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE.  Head right, and go back to where Archie is sitting on the bench. 


Talk to Archie, and ask him about the BOTTLE OF METHS 2 times.  You offer him a trade.  When prompted, choose the following option. 



        -       Half Empty Bottle Of Champagne



He’s happy with that trade, so pick up the HALF EMPTY BOTTLE OF METHS from the pavement next to Archie. 


Head up to the Monastery again, then walk left to the bin.  Pour HALF EMPTY BOTTLE OF METHS into the bin, then use your LIGHTER with the bin to set it on fire.  The guards rush over to try and put out the fire.  This is your chance!  Head right to the door next to the office window, then go through the door, into the wafer factory. 







Walk forward a few steps, and enter the door that was previously locked. 


Watch the cut scene with Sister Angelica.  Nico is distracting her outside, allowing you to explore the room, uninterrupted.  Walk left a few steps, and look at the conveyor belt full of wafers.  You automatically eat a couple.  Look at the Control Panel showing the wafer machine’s settings.  Use the Control Panel - you can’t make hear nor tales from it, and smoke starts pouring from the machine.  Look at the mixing vats in the corner, and look at the monotomic gold lying on the ground, between the mixers.  What is gold doing near a wafer making machine?  Watch the cut scene, as Sister Angelica returns.  Work through the conversation topics with her.  Watch the cut scene with the Cardinal.  Look at the conveyor belt again.  Leave the room. 


Head left, and go up the path next to Sister Angelica’s office. 


Follow the path right, and go out into the Courtyard. 




Walk forward a few steps, and climb up the stairs.  The Cardinal has left the gate open, so simply walk through the gate, into the garden. 







Watch the cut scene.  Go up the pathway on the left, making sure to avoid the Monks.  Enter through the door at the far end of the garden. 







Watch the cut scene with Nico.  She managed to get in here before you.  Walk left, climb up the stairs, and go through the arch to the 1st Floor Foyer. 







Head up the passage a few steps.  Look  through the window of the 1st door on the left, and enter through this door, into Devlin’s office. 







Watch the long cut scene.  The priests shoot the Cardinal, kidnap Nico, and knock you unconscious.  Eventually, Brother Mark wakes you up.  Thankfully, the Cardinal survives.  He tells you about the Ark, and about the priests evil plan to bring forth the Angel Of Death.  You HAVE to stop them!  He gives you a MANUSCRIPT BOOK… then dies from his injuries.  In your Inventory, look at the MANUSCRIPT BOOK, and read the information on the following subjects. 



        -       Templar

        -       Turk (and Latin Text next to it)

        -       Assassin

        -       Mamluk

        -       Hospitaler

        -       The Ark (and Latin Text next to it)

        -       Jesus (top right)



Talk to Brother Mark and work through the conversation topics.  Leave the office. 







Head up the passage, to the end.  Go through the door on the left, into the Cardinal’s Office. 







Look again at the painting on the wall behind the Cardinal’s desk - the Ark Of Ashdod.  Examine the painting again to see a close-up.  Look again at the following sections in the painting. 



        -       Angel on the bottom left corner (notice the hourglasses)

        -       Angel on the bottom right corner (notice the hourglasses)

        -       Temple block

        -       Men debating

        -       Woman with baby

        -       Men carrying corpse



When you’re ready, leave the office through the door on the right. 







Head down the passage, back to the foyer. 


Go through the arch on the right, and down the stairs, back to the Ground Floor Foyer. 







Look at the trapdoor in the floor, and try to open it - it’s locked.  From your Inventory, use BROTHER MARK’S ICON with the trapdoor.  He holds the trapdoor slightly ajar, giving you more room to work with the crack.  Use your GOLF CLUB with the trapdoor - you finally manage to pry it open.  Climb down the stairs in the trapdoor, into the Basement. 







There are 2 giant angels statues down here.  Look at the heads of both statues, and move the heads of both statues, to learn that the heads just click back into place.  Notice the 4 hourglasses below the angels - 2 for each statue.  Look at the hourglasses to realise that you can turn them.  But which way should you  turn them?  The clue was in the painting you saw in the Cardinal’s office.  Turn the hourglasses like so. 



        -       Left Angel Statue

                -       Left hourglass:  Left 2 times

                -       Right hourglass:  Left 2 times

                -       Climb up onto the statue, and pull the head


        -       Right Angel Statue

                -       Left hourglass:  Left 1 time

                -       Right hourglass:  Left  time

                -       Climb up onto the statue, and pull the head



A stone slab on the ground between the angel statues, slides open.  However, it shuts again quickly, so you don’t have enough time to get through it.  From your Inventory, use BROTHER MARK’S ICON with the head of the giant angel statue on the right.  Brother Mark is rather upset, because it means he won’t be able to come with you, but he reluctantly agrees to your request. 


Thanks to Brother Mark, the stone slab stays open.  Climb down the stone slab, into the Catacombs below. 












Walk forward a few steps, and look at the junction box on the wall. 



The plastic cover of the junction box is screwed tightly to the wall.  Unscrew the plastic cover with your PASHA PALACE KNIFE.  The junction box is now open.  Now you can’t handle the live wires inside with your bare hands, so use the pink RUBBER GLOVES with the opened junction box.  You pull the wires loose.  Now walk round the corner, to the door. 


Try to open the door, but it’s locked.  How are you going to get through the door?  Look at the LIGHT BULB in the socket to the left of the door.  Touch the LIGHT BULB - it’s really hot.  Use your FIRE PROOF BLANKET with the LIGHT BULB to pick it up.  Place the C-4 EXPLOSIVES in the socket you took the LIGHT BULB from, then walk back down to the junction box. 


Use your pink RUBBER GLOVES with the opened junction box, to re-connect the live wires.  BOOM!!! The door explodes!  Head up, through the door, into the Chamber. 






Watch the long cut scene.  The monks catch you, and are about to shoot you, when Brother Mark comes to your rescue.  Brother Mark is shot in the arm.  Anna Maria pulls you to safety, away from all the gunfire.  Wait… ANNA MARIA???  She tells you that she’s been kept a prisoner here, ever since you were with her in Istanbul.  She also tells you that Nico is going to be used as a human interface in order to summon the Angel Of Death.  She had believed that the Ark was a peaceful cause.  Now, she knows otherwise.  So she wants to help you save Nico, and stop the Ark ceremony. 


Read the ‘Five’ verse on the pillar next to you.  Now you may get trapped here, between Anna Maria, and the pillar.  This bug is inconvenient, but just keep clicking on various spots in the ground, until you’re free.  It may help, if you run (Ctrl) at the same time.  Walk over to the right pillar, and read the ‘Seven’ verse.  Search the chamber, and read all 14 verses on various walls and pillars.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t find them all - it just gives you some background to the story.  Find Brother Mark, who’s sitting on the floor, somewhere in this Chamber.  Talk to Brother Mark and work through the conversation topics.  Talk to Spallacci and work through the conversation topics. 


Head up towards the archway at the top left, and go through the archway.  Watch the cut scene with Archie.  Good old Archie.  Look at the diagrams and rollers in the wall on the right.  Look at the MANUSCRIPT BOOK in your Inventory, and look at the 3 images of Jesus at the top right. 


Use the diagrams and rollers to get a close-up.  You have to turn the crucifixes in the centre row, to match the 3 diagrams of Jesus in the MANUSCRIPT BOOK.  Turn the crucifixes like so. 



        -       Move #1, 1 time

        -       Move #2, 5 times

        -       Move #3, 1 time



A door opens.   Go through the door, into the corridor. 







Follow the corridor along, and enter the Floor Tile Room. 







The aim here, is to cross the floor safely.  You need to avoid the pillars falling on you, and crushing you, from above.  Open your MANUSCRIPT BOOK, and read the Latin Text, to see a guide on how to get across the floor.  Cross over the tiles, like so. 



Go up through the door, into the small corridor. 







Follow the corridor along, and enter the Floor Trap Room. 







Walk across the narrow bridge.  OH NO!  You fell through a trap in the floor, and now you are being crushed!  Anna Maria finds some levers in the wall, and she has to pull them in the correct order to release you.  Again, open your MANUSCRIPT BOOK, and read the Latin Text, to see a guide.  Pull the levers like so. 



        -       Dagger (Assassin)

        -       Crescent Moon (Turk)

        -       Lion (Mamluk)

        -       Cross (Templar)



That’s it!  The floor rises, releasing the trap, and bringing you back into the room.  You need to push on.  Go up through the arch, into the next room. 




Look at the Templar Knight statue on the left.  Open your MANUSCRIPT BOOK, and read The Fourth paragraph of the Latin Text:  The master shall show the way through the warmth of his heart.  Place the MAP in the Templar Knight’s hand, then use your LIGHTER with the MAP to set it on alight.  The door opens.  Go through the door, into the small corridor. 







Walk straight up the corridor, into the Ark Room. 







Watch the cut scene.  It seems that the ceremony has already begun.  A frustrated Anna Maria kicks the empty stand in the middle of the room, triggering a booby trap, and releasing poisonous gas into the room.  Oh dear!  Look at the base of the stand, to see a slot, and the words ‘Memento Mori’.  Insert the ROSARY into the slot in the stand.  A door on the right opens, and the room clears.  Head up through the door, continue up the small corridor, and enter the Chapel. 







Watch the cut scene.  The ceremony has indeed started, as Nico is being used as a sacrifice.  She will become the Angel Of Death, if you don’t do something to stop this madness.  She pleads with you to free her.  Look at the 2 cherubs on the altar, and use your GOLF CLUB to smash one of the cherubs on the altar.  Watch the cut scene.  Anna Maria proves that she really is on your side now.  Use your GOLF CLUB to smash the other cherub on the altar.  Now watch the final bitter-sweet cut scene.  You free Nico, but Anna Maria steps into the line of fire to save your life… and she dies!  She was on your side all along!   *sniff*  





The End!


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