05 January 2022

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse


YEAR:  2013

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3












Watch the cut scene, as you, Nico, and Eva arrive in Montserrat.  Look at the Cathedral on the right - that’s where the Tabula is supposed to be.  Notice the 3 guards, guarding the stairs of the Cathedral.  Talk to them - they each give you a different excuse as to why you can’t enter the Cathedral!  There’s no way you can get past these guys, so you’ll have to find another way into the Cathedral.  Head down the stairs at the bottom right. 












It’s an impressive building.  And it looks new.  Look at the canopy on the left.  Cross over the bridge, and try to enter the front door, then watch the cut scene with Langham and his goon.  Eva decides to follow Langham, since he’s holding her father captive.  It’s up to you and Nico to find a way into the Monastery.  Walk left a few steps, and use the telescope that‘s looking out over the mountains. 


Drag the telescope view left, until you see a face in the rocks. 



Click on that face.  You’ve seen  that face before… in the LA MALEDICCIO PAINTING.  Langham has the forged version of the painting, which doesn’t show the face, so the face in the rock won’t mean anything to him. 


Use the telescope again, and drag the telescope view left, until you see Santa Cova Chapel. 



Click on the Chapel.  Drag the telescope view right and down slightly, until you see the other cable car station. 



Click on the cable car station.  Drag the telescope view right, a little bit more, until you see the yellow cable car. 



There’s something glinting in the cable car - click on the glint.  You recognise the people in the cable car as your old friends Pearl and Duane Henderson.  They seem to be stranded out there.  You need to signal them, that you will help.  Use your SIDE MIRROR on the glint.  Pearl must have seen your signal, because she writes a message on the cable car window, giving you the code to enter the cable car station.  You automatically step away from the telescope. 


Use the door of the building, to enter the Cable Car Station.  Thanks to Pearl giving you the code, you can easily get inside. 







Look at the counter near the door on the right.  There’s nobody here.  Pick up the LUNCH BOX on the floor next to the counter.  Hmm, the LUNCH BOX seems to be calling for help.  You need to find a way to break into it, so you can find out what’s going on.  Look at the cogs in the lower right corner, and place the LUNCH BOX in the cogs. 


Look at the cupboard door behind the counter - there’s someone in there, but she won’t come out until she knows it’s safe.  Look at the Timetable on the wall next to the cupboard door.  Look at the giant wheels next to the Timetable.  Look at the cable suspension above you. 


Walk over to the Control Console on the left.  Try to use the Control Console, but it’s not powered up.  Use the lever in the Control Console.  The cobs in the lower right corner turn, crushing the LUNCH BOX open.  Walk over to the cogs, and pick up the LUNCH BOX.  You find the 2-way RADIO that was locked in the LUNCH BOX.  Watch the cut scene, as you can now communicate with Duane and Pearl in the cable car.  They want to speak to Kat - that must be the woman who’s hiding in the cupboard behind the counter.  Knock on the cupboard door and talk to Kat, but she still won’t come out.  Use the RADIO with the cupboard door, and enjoy the cut scene, complete with musical number! 


Now that Kat is no longer hiding, she tells you how to repair the Control Console.  The problem is… reaching the damaged prongs, which are right at the back of the console.  Walk over to the cogs at the lower right corner.  Use PAPERCLIP with the jam on the cogs (courtesy of the crushed lunchbox) to get a STICKY PAPERCLIP. 


Walk left a few steps, and look at the hatch on the front of the Control Console, to get a close-up. 


Throw a PIECE OF RICH TEA BISCUIT onto the prongs. 



Use your MATCHBOX CONTAINING COCKROACH with the biscuit at the bottom of the screen.  You place the matchbox down, and the cockroach eats some of the biscuit, before returning to his matchbox.  There’s something missing.  Use STICKY PAPERCLIP with the cockroach.  Again, throw a PIECE OF RICH TEA BISCUIT (it’s amazing how well this biscuit has lasted) onto the prongs.  Watch the cut scene, as the cockroach scutters towards the biscuit, and unknowingly jams the PAPERCLIP in place, thus repairing the Control Console.  Watch the cut scene, as you and Nico use the other cable car to reach Santa Cova Chapel. 












You’re playing as Nico.  Open the Chapel door, and enter the Chapel.












You’re George again.  Watch the cut scene with Duane and Pearl.  Explore the Chapel Hall.  Look at the crank handle on the pillar near you.  Look at the stone carving on the wall.  Look at the Wall Of Rock on the left.  Walk left a few steps, and look at the Black Madonna on the wall.  Look at the recess in the wall next to the Black Madonna.  Look at the Altar on the left.  Look at the builder’s mug on top of the Altar.  Look at the candelabra hanging from the ceiling. 


Walk right a few steps, and look at the WOOD SHAVINGS on the floor next to Nico, and pick up some WOOD SHAVINGS.  In your Inventory, mix the WOOD SHAVINGS with the FLOWERS to make POT POURRI, then mix POT POURRI with the EU DE TOILETTE to get SUPER POT POURRI.  Look at the scaffolding on the right.  Tap the oil drum to the left of the scaffolding.  Tap the paint tins hanging on the scaffolding to hear a dull sound.  Take the BOTTLE OF TURPENTINE from the bottom shelf of the scaffolding.  Touch the fire extinguisher.  Touch the industrial grater above the fire extinguisher.  Touch the traffic cone.  Open the toolbox on the floor, then take the MASON’S HAMMER from the toolbox. 


Talk to Duane and work through all the conversation topics.  Notice that he whistles a tune every so often.  Talk to Duane again and work through all the conversation topics again.  Pearl is also here, but she’s extremely upset because her holiday is turning out to be a disaster.  She needs some cheering up. 


Go back to the paint tins hanging on the scaffolding.  Pour the BOTTLE OF TURPENTINE into one of the paint tins - for easiness, we’ll use the left \ top paint tin.  Now use the MASON’S HAMMER to hit the following objects, in this order. 



        1.     Oil drum

        2.     Left \ top paint tin

        3.     Oil drum

        4.     Fire extinguisher

        5.     Lower \ right paint tin

        6.     Oil drum



That’s the tune that Duane was whistling - Ava Maria.  Watch the cut scene, as Nico takes her turn to bash out the tune.  Walk left a few steps, to the Altar.  Place the SUPER POTPOURRI into the builder’s mug on top of the Altar.  Use your SAFETY MATCHES with the builder’s mug to light the SUPER POTPOURRI.  Turn the crank handle on the pillar, near the door, to lower the candelabra.  Use your SAFETY MATCHES with the candelabra to light the candles.  Place the SIDE MIRROR with the candelabra.  Use YARN on the candelabra & side mirror, to tie the mirror in place.  Turn the crank handle again to raise the candelabra.  The light reflects onto the Black Madonna.  Watch the cut scene with Pearl - she’s really cheered up now. 


Talk to Pearl and work through all the conversation topics with her.  She’s a mine of information!  It’s becoming more apparent that you need to find the Ouroboros.  Duane gives his radio to Nico, before him and Pearl leave, so you each have a radio now.  Talk to Nico and work through all the conversation topics. 


Walk right a few steps, to where Pearl and Duane were standing.  Take a CANDLE from the display.  Walk left, to the Altar.  Use MASON’S HAMMER with the Altar to smash a hole in it.  Voila!  You found the Ouroboros.  Try to push the Ouroboros, but nothing happens.  Place CANDLE in the recess in the wall next to the Black Madonna, then use SAFETY MATCHES with the recess to light the CANDLE.  Look at the recess next to the Black Madonna again.  Now push the Ouroborus in the Altar again.  A secret passage is revealed.  You and Nico head through the secret passage. 











Watch the cut scene, as you and Nico become trapped in a very dark cave.  The stone door on the left, seals you in.  Look at the following things in the darkness, on the right. 



        -       Bottomless Pit

        -       Squidgy Hole

        -       Hard Thing

        -       Fuzzy Round Thing

        -       Unidentified Thing

        -       Big Thing

        -       Smooth Stone

        -       Stone Object

        -       Tall Thing

        -       Figment Of The Imagination

        -       Imaginary Malicious Denizen

        -       Wall










Now use MASON’S HAMMER with the following things. 



        -       Figment Of The Imagination

        -       Imaginary Malicious Denizen



Look again at the Stone Object on the right.  Use your last MATCH with the Stone Object.  The Stone Object turns out to be a lamp full of oil, and now the whole cave is lit up.  Watch the cut scene, as you realise that this is a Gnostic Shrine.  Look at Gehnen’s corpse slumped over the table on the right, to see a close-up. 


Look at the corpse.  Gehnen knew he was trapped in this cave, so he had chosen suicide.  Look at the hat.  Pick up the PISTOL 


Take GEHNEN’S MAP that Gehnen is leaning on - Gehnen wrote his last testament on this MAP.  Hmm, it looks like there might be a secret message left, hidden in the testament.  Exit the close-up of GEHNEN’S MAP. 


Take GEHNEN’S PHOTOGRAPH, lying next to Gehnen’s hand.  There are symbols on the back of GEHNEN’S PHOTOGRAPH, which Gehnen has translated.  Look at each of the symbols.  Exit the close-up of GEHNEN’S PHOTOGRAPH. 


Take the ARTEFACT on the desk.  This is it - this is TABULA VERITATIS.  It looks so small and innocent.  So what is it’s true purpose?  Exit the close-up of the TABULA VERITATIS. 


Look at the lamp, and use GEHNEN’S MAP with the lamp - the writing changes, leaving a clue behind.  Look at each of the letters on the MAP - a, b, c, d, e.  Exit the close-up of the MAP. 


Look at the inscription below the lamp.  Look at the filigree frame in the lamp, and insert the MEDALLION into the bottom right part of the filigree frame.  It fits snugly into the frame, illuminating the green carved figure on the wall opposite. 


Look at the green carved figure on the wall.  Look at the TABULA VERITATIS in your Inventory, then exit the close-up.  In your Inventory, combine the TABULA VERITATIS with GEHNEN’S PHOTOGRAPH.  You have to decode the Glyphs on the Tabula, which is shown at the top.  Just click on a Glyph, then click on the corresponding word on the right.  You have all the information you need, now.  Decode the Glyphs like this. 


        -       Begin Sun City Travel Five Day East River

        -       Travel South Six Day Desert Source Four River



Watch the cut scene, as you transfer the decoded directions onto GEHNEN’S MAP, and show your findings to Nico.  Nico, in turn, shows you a Secret Button in the wall that she found.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to do anything.  There must be something that you’re overlooking, so you explore the cave some more. 


Look at the blue carved figure in the wall.  Look at the pillar on the wall.  Look at the plinth \ statue on the platform - this must be Mary Magdalene.  Interact with the statue 3 times, so you turn it round 3 times, so it’s facing left.  Push the Secret Button in the wall again - this time, you hear a rumble. 


Look at the table again.  Look at the canteen on the right of the table.  Look at the torch on the right of the table.  Look at the lamp on the table again.  Remove the MEDALLION from the bottom right part of the filigree frame, and place it into the top right part of the filigree frame.  



Exit the close-up of the table.  The blue carved figure on the wall opposite is now illuminated.  Interact with Mary’s statue 2 times, so it is facing right.  Push the Secret Button in the wall - you hear another rumble. 


Again, look at the lamp on the table.  Remove the MEDALLION from the top right part of the filigree frame, and place it into the left part of the filigree frame. 


Exit the close-up of the table.  The light is now shining on the carved relief at the bottom of the wall.  Look at the carved relief.  Interact with Mary’s statue 3 times, so it is facing forward.  Push the Secret Button in the wall, one last time.  Success!  The door slides open! 


Look at the lamp on the table again.  Retrieve the MEDALLION from the filigree frame, then exit the close-up of the table.  Head through the Exit on the left, so you‘re back in the Chapel.  












Watch the cut scene.  Langham and his goon is holding Marques and Eva at gunpoint.  Luckily, they haven’t spotted you yet.  Use REVOLVER with Langham.  Watch the cut scene, as Langham calls your bluff, and takes the REVOLVER from you.  When prompted, choose the following options. 



        -       Lies

        -       Truth



Even if you choose different options, the outcome will be the same - Langham shoots Marques, then kidnaps Eva.  Poor Marques dies, while telling you about Eden.  You HAVE to get out of here, and find your way to Eden, so you can stop Langham and rescue Eva.  You can’t go out the front door, because Langham’s goon is still there.  Walk right a few steps, and head out onto the balcony. 







Climb onto the drainpipe, then climb down.  Look at the drain at the bottom of the drainpipe.  Use your RADIO with the drain, to communicate with Nico and tell her your plan.  When the goon is outside the door at the bottom of the stairs, throw MASON’S HAMMER at him to knock him out.  Climb back onto the balcony, then go through the door, into the Chapel hall. 







Click on Nico, then watch the cut scene as you both make your escape. 












You and Nico are hanging onto the side of a cable car, after having escaped from the Chapel.  Look at the window of the cable car - the catch is on the inside, so you can’t open it.  Edge over to the door - you can’t quite reach the handle.  Use your YARN with the door, to pull it open.  Now interact with the door to swing across and climb into the cable car. 







Well, you’re safe inside the cable car now, but what about Nico?  She’s still outside.  And she’s banging on the window!  Try to use the window catch, below Nico, to open the window… but it’s stuck.  Suddenly, someone starts shooting at you.  Watch the cut scene, as Medovsky catches up with you, wanting his painting. 












You’re playing as Nico again, and you’re hanging on for dear life, after Medovsky shot at the cable car.  Talk to Shears in the cable car on the right, and work through all the conversation topics.  He has an epiphany, and decides that he wants to be a good guy.  So he shoots Medovsky, and helps you and George.  Watch several cut scenes, including George’s bizarre dream.  Eventually, you arrive at the Garden Of Eden. 













You finally arrive in Eden.  This is where Langham was heading, and this is where you must stop him from raising Lucifer.  Walk left, towards the goat.  Oh dear, your fear of goats strikes again.  Nico, on the other hand, is quite taken with the goat.  Try to pet the goat.  Nope… you just can’t bring yourself to do it.  Look at the fig tree near the goat, and note that one branch is full of nice, juicy FIGS… just out of the goat’s reach.  Take HANDFUL OF FIGS from the branch above the goat.  Give some FIGS to the goat, if you like. 


Continue left, past the giant stone head, until you see Langham’s thugs… but no Langham!  Watch the cut scene.  You need some kind of a distraction, if you want to get past those thugs. 


Look at the giant stone head.  Walk back right a few steps, then continue up the path, towards the truck.  Look at the back of truck, and take the KNAPSACK from the back of truck.  Try to open the driver’s door of the truck, but it’s locked. 


Walk down a few steps, then take the path on the left, back to where Shears is.  Give KNAPSACK to Shears - you get a close-up of the KNAPSACK.  Take DYNAMITE STICKS, TNT, DUCT TAPE, FUSE WIRE, DYNAMITE (which turns out to be a SAUSAGE), and PETROL LIGHTER from the KNAPSACK.  Exit the close-up of the KNAPSACK. 


Walk right a few steps, and return to the goat.  In your Inventory, combine FUSE WIRE with the DYNAMITE to get PRIMED DYNAMITE.  Also, in your Inventory, combine FUSE WIRE with SAUSAGE to get PRIMED SAUSAGE.  Attach PRIMED SAUSAGE to the goat,  then use LIGHTER with the goat.  Now you just have to lure the goat closer to the goons - from a distance, they will think that the sausage is actually dynamite. 


Walk left, along the path, past the stone head, back to where Shears is.  Throw HANDFUL OF FIGS at Langham’s Henchmen on the left.  Throw HANDFUL OF FIGS at bottom of path. 



 Throw HANDFUL OF FIGS at the top of the path. 





Watch the cut scene.  Your little ploy worked - the thugs think that dynamite is tied to the goat, so they flee for their lives.  Try to go through the dark hole in the wall, in between the giant Shedu statues, but it‘s too dark to see anything in that cave.  Use your LIGHTER with the dark hole in the wall.  Watch the cut scene, as Nico takes the explosives from you.  Again, use LIGHTER with the dark hole in the wall.  You and Nico enter the cave, but Shears is too afraid, so he remains outside. 







Watch the cut scene.  You MUST stop Langham, before it’s too late.  Look at the dead bush next to Nico. 



Use your LIGHTER with the dead bush to set it alight.  Use EAU DE TOILETTE with the dead bush to enhance the flames.  Look at the collapsed bridge leading into the river.  Use the ladder above the collapsed bridge, to cross over the gap in the rocks, and reach Langham.  Work through all the conversation topics with Langham.  Watch the cut scene, as Langham pushes you into the river. 












It’s all up to you now, Nico.  You MUST save George, and stop Langham from raising Lucifer!  Look at the dead bush.  Use the ladder to cross over the gap in the rocks.  Use PRIMED DYNAMITE with the large crack in the back wall. 



Now sit back, and enjoy the final intense cut scenes.  You did it Nico!  Langham is dead, and the world is safe once more! 





The End!

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