01 July 2021

Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon


YEAR:  2003

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5











You’re on the roof above the courtyard, still looking for a way into the castle.  Walk down, until you see the crate.  Navigate the crate into the side passage (S & Arrow Keys), so it’s up against the stone wall. 



Climb up onto the crate (W), then jump up to the wall (W) and raise yourself up onto the wall (W).  Walk forward, until you reach the door.  Try to open the door (S), but it’s locked.  Climb over the wall on the right (W), and walk along the ledge a few steps.  Look at the damaged gargoyle (D), and push the damaged gargoyle off the ledge (S).  Now continue along the ledge until you see a large gap in front of you.  The ledge is a lot narrower now.  Face the wall, then hug the wall (S), and continue over the ledge.  


When you get over the gap, step away from the wall (S), and continue along the ledge, until you see the balcony below you.  Now walk to the edge of the ledge, then lower yourself down the side of the wall (A), and drop down onto the balcony (A).  It’s a long drop, but you can do it.  Stand on the right edge of the ledge, facing the window.  Jump up (W) to the ledge above, and shimmy along to the next ledge.  Drop down (A) onto that ledge.  Look at the opened window opposite the ledge (D), and climb through the window (S), into the Store Room. 




Try to open the door (S), but it’s locked.  Walk down a few steps and look at the old oil lamp hanging on the wall (D).  Turn the old oil lamp on (S), and oil starts dripping onto the floor.  Turn the old oil lamp off again (S).  Climb up onto the crates at the back of the room (W), and climb into the small gap in amongst the crates (W). 


Push the large crate on the top, back (S & Up Arrow Key).  Climb back over the crates again (W).  Move the  lower crate that is now free. 


Move this crate into the gap at the back wall (S & Arrow Keys). 



Climb up onto the crates at the back wall (W).  Pull the crate that’s on top, over to the right (S & Arrow Keys).  Now go back to the left.  The crate on the left is now free.  Pull it away from the wall (S & Down Arrow Key). 




Climb over the crate (W) and climb through the window (S), onto the Walkway. 







Follow the Walkway along, climb down all the stairs, and continue into the courtyard. 







At the bottom of the stairs, walk forward into the narrow section.  There’s an old drainpipe on the left.  Look at the drainpipe (D), try to use the drainpipe (S), and take the TIN CUP on the drainpipe (A).  Now leave this narrow section of the courtyard, walk forward, and head back up the stairs you just came from. 







Climb up all the stairs, and head back along the Walkway, to the end.  Climb through the window on the left (S), back into the Store Room. 







Climb over the crates (W), and go back to the old oil lamp on the wall on the left.  Turn on the old oil lamp (S), so the oil starts dripping again.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to the TIN CUP (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use the TIN CUP to collect some oil (S), so you now have CUP FILLED WITH OIL.  Turn off the oil lamp again (S).  Climb over the crates at the back wall (W).  Climb through the window a the back left (S). 







As before, follow the Walkway along, climb down all the stairs, and continue into the courtyard. 







Explore the courtyard.  Look for the iron grate on the ground, next to the wall, between 2 trees.  Look at the grate (D) and try to open the grate (S).  It’s rusted shut.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to CUP FILLED WITH OIL (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use the oil to lubricate the grate (S).  Now open the grate (S) and climb down through the grate (S). 












Your disguise worked.  The guards think you are Petra.  Look at both guards at the foot of the stairs (D), talk to them (S), and work through all the conversation topics (S).  Walk left a few steps, look at the guard behind the desk (D), talk to him (S), and ask about Bruno.  Look at the door behind the guard (D) and try to open it (S).  You realise it’s operated by a card reader.  Talk to the guard behind the desk again (S) and ask about the security door (S).  When he asks you about the Security Sergeant, decide if you want to tell him ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.  It seems that the Security Sergeant has your PASS CARD for the security door.  Let’s go and find him.  Open the front door (S), and go outside to the courtyard. 






You need to find the Security Sergeant, so you can get your PASS CARD.  Look at the guard outside the door (D), talk to him (S), and ask about the guard dog (S).  Walk right, to the other guard.  Look at him (D), talk to him (S), and ask about the guard dog (S).  Continue right, through the wall and down the stairs, and into the next courtyard. 


There’s an archway on either side, plus a door at the end.  There’s also a guard here, but he doesn’t have anything interesting to say.  Head up towards the door, and head up the path to the left of the door.  It’s hard to spot, but it’s there. 


Look at the guard standing in the archway on the right (D).  This is the Security Sergeant.  Talk to him (S), and he’ll give you an UNVALIDATED CARD, which you’ll need to get validated.  Head back along the path, the way you came. 


Climb up the stairs at the bottom of the screen. 


Head left a few steps, to the front door.  Open the front door (S) and enter the castle again. 







Head right a few steps, to the door.  Open the door (S), and enter the Security Room. 







Look at the various computers if you like (D), but you can’t use them, since you don’t know what you’re doing.  Walk down, to where the Technician is sitting.  Talk to her (S) and work through the conversation topics (S).  She validates your card then throws it down onto the desk beside her.  Pick up the VALIDATED CARD.  Now open the door (S) and leave the room. 




Make your way back over to the guard behind the desk.  Look at the security door behind the desk (S) and try to open it (D).  You can‘t use the door directly.  Okay then, focus on the card reader on the door (Page Up).  Now open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to VALIDATED CARD (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use that with the security door (S).  You’re finally able to open the door, and enter the Dungeon. 







Walk forward, then climb down all the stairs to the bottom.  Look at the prison cell next to the stairs (D).  Go through the arch, and follow the path along, until you see someone coming.  You automatically pick up the fire extinguisher, ready to defend yourself. 












After managing to open the grate above, you find yourself in the Laundry Room.  Explore the room.  Look at the laundry tub (D).  Look at the door in the corner (D).  Try to open the door (S), but it’s locked.  Walk over to the row of washing machines, and find the single, rusted, washing machine.  Move the rusted washing machine onto the trolley at the other side of the room (S & Arrow Keys). 




Position yourself behind the trolley, then push the trolley (S) into the door.  It acts like a battering ram, forcing the door open. 







Follow the corridor down and along, and take the 2nd exit on the right.  Walk along a few steps, then look at the door with the card reader on the left (D).  Go right a few more steps, to the end of the corridor… and get bashed over the head by Nico.  Watch the cut scene.  Look at Nico (D), talk to her (S), and work through all the conversation topics (S).  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk up to the end of the corridor, and turn left.  Follow the corridor to the end. 


You see a room with a guard.  This must be where Bruno is being held.  Nico could get past here, since she is disguised as Petra.  But you will be shot, if any of the guards see you.  You need to find a disguise.  Head back down the corridor, and take the corridor on the left, back to the door with the card reader.  If only you could open this door!  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use that on the door (S).  Nico uses her security card to unlock the door.  Now open the door (S) and enter the Guard Room. 







Walk over to the locker in the corner.  Look in the locker (D) to see a guard’s uniforms, and use the locker (S) to change into a guard’s uniform.  Now you don’t have to worry about the guards shooting you.  Open the door (S) and leave the room. 







Head up, to the end of the corridor.  Turn left, and follow the corridor up to the end.  The guard opens the door, and allows you to go through. 


Walk forward a few steps, and climb down the stairs.  Go forward again, and look at the door with the numeric keypad (S).  You don’t have the code for the door, so leave it alone for now.  Turn right, and follow the corridor down, until you reach the cell. 


Walk through the cell door, into the cell.  You can hear laboured breathing, as if someone is in pain.  Notice the grilled window, high above you.  It’s too far to reach.  Maybe you could move the crates around, so you could reach the grilled window.  There are 2 crates stacked on top of each other, as well as 3 single crates.  Move 2 of the single crates (S & Arrow Keys), so they‘re in front of the stacked crates, like so. 




Climb up onto the crates (W).  Pull the stacked crate left, to the end (S & Arrow Keys).  Now move 2 of the single crates, so they’re in a row, leading up to the grilled window. 



Push the stacked crate along (S & Arrow Keys).  Climb up onto the single crate (W), and push the stacked crate along again (S & Arrow Keys).  It should be right underneath the window now. 


Climb up onto the stacked crate (W), then listen at the grilled window (S).  Watch the cut scene with Bruno, Susarro, and Petra in Susarro‘s office.  Things are not looking good.  Look at the grilled window (D), and try to open the grilled window (S) to learn that it is screwed in place.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to the SILVER COIN (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use that to unscrew the grilled window (S).  Try to climb through the window (S), but it’s too narrow for you.  Look at the window again (D).  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use NICO COLLARD icon on the window (S).  She climbs through the window, into Susarro’s office, and opens the door from the inside. 


Leave the cell.  Go down the corridor to the door with the numeric pad.  Open the door (S) and enter Susarro’s office. 







Explore the office.  Look at the green map on the wall (D).  Look at the large shield on the opposite wall (D).  Look at the map of England next to the door (D).  Look at the suit of armour next to the door (D).  Look at the bookcase in the corner (D) and try to open the bookcase (D).  Hmm, you need to find the release mechanism.  Stand next to the chair behind the desk, and look at the desk (D) to discover the release mechanism.  If necessary, shift your focus (Page Up) to look at the desk, not the books.  Now focus on the red button (Page Up), and press the red button (S).  The bookcase creaks open, revealing a secret passage.  Now go through the secret passage and climb up the stairs. 












Watch the cut scene with Andre and Beatrice.  Nico and Andre head for Egypt to look for St Stefan’s Holy Relic, while you make your way to Montfaucon Square to look for more clues. 












Look at the man sleeping in the yellow truck (D).  Try to talk to him if you like (S), but you can’t wake him up.  Walk behind the truck.  Look at the workman digging up the pavement (D), talk to him (S), and work through the conversation topics (S).  Look at the compressor near the workman (D) and turn it off (S).  While the workman is busy arguing with Alphonse in the truck, walk round to the other end of the truck.  Look at the brown bag on the pavement (D) and take the SEWER KEY from the brown bag (S).  Now look at the nearby manhole (D) and try to lift it (S).  You can’t lift it with your bare hands.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to the SEWER KEY (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use the SEWER KEY with the manhole (S).  You’re puzzled that you still can’t lift the manhole, but then the workman tells you that the manhole has been welded down.  Damn! 


Explore the area.  Walk left, to the café.  Look at the notice on the door (D), and try to enter the café (S).  Walk right to the fountain, and look at the fountain (D). 


Continue right, to the house with the scaffolding.  Ignore the house for now, but look for the old lady that sitting next to the urinal.  Look at the old lady (D), talk to her (S), and work through the conversation topics (S).  Enter the urinal.  Walk round to the back area, and look at the 2nd urinal from the left (D).  Use this urinal (S).  Now talk to the old lady again, and ask her about the urinal (S).  Leave the urinal for now. 


Walk left to the house with the scaffolding.  Go to the right side of the house, jump up to the scaffolding (W), and pull yourself up onto the scaffolding (W).  Go to the ladder at the end of the scaffolding, and climb up the ladder (S), up to the next level.  Follow the scaffolding round, and jump over the gap (S).  Walk to the end of the scaffolding.  The old lady accuses you of spying on her urinal, and orders you to come down.  You do so. 


Go back over to where the old lady is sitting.  Talk to her (S) and ask her about the urinal.  She is very particular about ‘her’ urinal, and goes to check it.  While she is busy, walk right, back to the house with the scaffolding. 


Go to the right side of the house.  Again, jump up to the scaffolding (W), and pull yourself up onto the scaffolding (W).  Go to the ladder at the end of the scaffolding, and climb up the ladder (S), up to the next level.  Follow the scaffolding round, and jump over the gap (S).  Walk to the end of the scaffolding, and lower yourself down (A), then drop down to the level below (A).  If you’re not quick enough, the old woman will return, and you’ll have to try again.  Follow the scaffolding to the end, and look at the LENGTH OF ROPE that’s tied to the pole (D), then take the LENGTH OF ROPE (S).  Now climb back up the scaffolding (W), and make your way back to the street. 


Head left, back to the manhole cover.  Look at the manhole cover (D).  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), and scroll round to the SEWER KEY (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Select the SEWER KEY (A), and combine it with the LENGTH OF ROPE (A) to get ROPE TIED TO SEWER KEY.  Open your Inventory again (Space Bar), and use ROPE TIED TO SEWER KEY with the manhole cover (S).  Watch the cut scene as you explain your crazy scheme to the workman.  Walk round to the front of the truck, and talk to Alphonse (S).  Watch the cut scene as he drives off, taking the manhole cover with him.  Now climb down, into the sewers (S). 







Walk over the plank, to the other side of the sewers.  Look at all 3 arches (D) and try to use them (S).  Head left, and round the corner. 


Walk left a few steps, and look at the door with the skull (D).  Search the skull (S), but to no avail.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar) and scroll round to the STONE CYLINDER (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Insert the STONE CYLINDER into the skull on the door (S).  The door slides open.  Walk through the door, and down into St Stefan‘s Headquarters. 












Follow the path along.  Ignore the opening on the right for now.  Continue along until you reach the room with the candles. 


Continue down, then climb up the stairs at the other end of the room.  Watch the cut scene as you eavesdrop on the guards behind the door.  You have to find a way in, without the guards seeing you.  Head back the way you came, until you see the opening on the right.  Go right, into this opening. 


Follow the path along a few steps, to the pool of blood.  Look at the pool of blood (D).  Follow the trail of blood up along the path, until you see the opening on the right. 


Go through the opening on the right.  Walk forward a few steps.  There is a door on either side - enter the door on the right. 







You arrived too late.  Susarro’s men have already been here, and brutally murdered the Templars.  Look at the Templar behind the door (D),  and search him (S) to find an OLD IRON KEY.  Explore the room.  Walk over to the counters on the right.  Look at the coffee machine on the counter (D).  Look at the microwave (D).  Look at the sink (D).  Look at the other 3 Templars (D).  Look at the fireplace (D).  When you’re ready, leave the room. 








Head up the tunnel, and continue to the  arch at the end of the tunnel.  There’s a guard in the kitchen, so you can‘t enter.  You have to distract him, which won‘t be easy.  Walk back down to where there is a door on each side, and enter the door on the right. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  This puzzle is tricky, and you need to be quick.  Look at the microwave on the counter on the right (D), and use the microwave (S) to set the 10 second timer.  Now quickly, leave the room. 




Run into the locker room on the left. 







The guard will hear the microwave ping, and come to investigate.  Wait until he enters the lounge opposite, then leave the locker room. 







Run over to the lounge door, and close the lounge door (S).  Quickly open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to the OLD IRON KEY (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use that to lock the lounge door (S).  The guard is now locked in the lounge, leaving you free to explore the area.  Go up, through the arch, and into the kitchen. 







Look at the meal lying on the guard’s table (D).  Continue forward to the end of the room, and look at the map on the wall (D).  Walk over to the shelves on the left, and look at the canned food (D).  Look at the iron pots next to them (D).  Now find the tunnel on the other side of the room, and enter into the tunnel. 




Follow the tunnel along, and enter the wine cellar. 







Follow the bloody trail along, until you reach the wine rack.  The bloody trail ends here.  How strange!  The wine rack contains 5 bottles of wine - look at them all (D), and take note of what they are.  Now if you think back to the last time you saw Andre, Andre told you about St Stefan and the relic.  Andre also told you that St Stefan travelled through Israel, Italy, Germany, Rheims, and Berentoires Preceptory.  You wrote it down in your NOTEBOOK.  You have to pull out the bottles of wine in the same order as St Stefan‘s travels.  Number the bottles like so. 


Now pull out the bottles in this order. 


        -       Focus on Bottle #5 (Page Up & Page Down)

        -       Look at it (D) to make sure it’s the Israeli wine:

                Sauvignon Blanc

        -       Pull out the Israeli wine bottle (S)


        -       Focus on Bottle #4 (Page Up & Page Down)

        -       Look at it (D) to make sure it’s the Italian wine:

                Modena Lambrusco

        -       Pull out the Italian wine bottle (S)


        -       Focus on Bottle #2 (Page Up & Page Down)

        -       Look at it (D) to make sure it’s the German wine: 


        -       Pull out the German wine bottle (S)


        -       Focus on Bottle #3 (Page Up & Page Down)

        -       Look at it (D) to make sure it’s the French champagne:

                Montagne De Rheims

        -       Pull out the French champagne bottle (S)


        -       Focus on Bottle #1 (Page Up & Page Down)

        -       Look at it (D) to make sure it’s the French wine:

                Chateau Berentoires

        -       Pull out the French wine bottle (S)



The wine rack opens, revealing a secret passage.  You automatically enter the secret passage. 







Walk down the passage a few steps, then watch the cut scene.  After the Templar dies, look at him (D) and search him (S).  You don’t find any clues.  Follow the passage along, until you reach a door.  You automatically open the door and enter a room full of robes. 







Walk down a few steps, look at the smashed clock (D), and note that it stopped at 3.42.  Open the door on the right (S) and leave the room. 







You find yourself in a cathedral.  The door out of here is on the other side of the cathedral.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  There is a guard patrolling the cathedral, and he will shoot you if he sees you.  You must use stealth here, and it’s a rather frustrating section.  Stay in the shadows as much as possible.  Wait until the guard is walking away from you, then go up to the orange pulpit on the left.  In the pulpit, look at the bible (D) and read the bible (S).  Wait for the guard to climb down the stairs of the altar.  When he is walking upwards again, leave the orange pulpit, and creep (Ctrl & Arrow Keys) round to the back of the pulpit.  Walk over to the back of the screen behind the altar.  Wait for the guard in front of the altar to walk left, so he is ‘past’ your position.  Make sure his back is turned, then quickly walk right to the end of the altar, and climb down the stairs.  Run (Shift & Arrow Keys) over to the door at the top, open the door (S), and enter the Templar’s Office. 







Explore the office.  Look at the 3 stone statues along the wall (D), and note that there is a plaque under the middle statue.  Stand in front of the middle statue.  Focus on the plaque underneath (Page Down), and look at the plaque (D) to see the quote from Revelations.  Try to pull the plaque (S), but it’s set into the plinth.  Look at the tapestry on the wall behind the desk (D).  Look at the broken clock (D).  Use the broken clock (S), and set the time to the Smashed Clock Number.  Nothing happens.  Use the broken clock again (S), and set the time to St Stefan‘s Number.  That doesn‘t work either.  So what time WILL work?  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Open the door (S) and leave the office. 







Stay in the shadows, and wait for the guard to walk past you.  Now run up the stairs, and go behind the screen that’s behind the altar.  Wait for the guard in front of the altar to walk ‘past’ your position, then run right to the orange pulpit.  Enter the orange pulpit.  Look at the bible again (D) and read the bible (S) to find the Revelations quote you saw on the plaque beneath the statue.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now wait for the guard to climb down the stairs of the altar, then start walking up again.  When he has his back to you, leave the pulpit and run behind the screen that’s behind the altar.  Again, wait for the guard in front of the altar to walk ‘past’ your position, then run right into the shadows, and climb down the stairs at the end of the altar.  Run up to the door and open it (S) to enter the Templar’s Office again. 







Walk over to the broken clock.  Use the clock (S) and set the time to Number From Bible (S).  Watch the cut scene with the Preceptor Of The Temple, as he Knights you ‘Sir George‘! 





Continued In Part 5...

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