23 October 2021

Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon


YEAR:  2003

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5












Bruno has brought you to a book repository, here in Paris, to look for Susarro.  Look at Bruno (D), talk to Bruno (S), and work through all the conversation topics (S).  Walk down the street a few steps, and look at the book repository door on the right (D).  Try to open the book repository door (S), but it’s locked, so you have to find another way inside.  Head through the archway, into the alley next to the door. 


Follow the alley down & left, until you see the dumpsters next to the window.  There is a crate under the window.  Drag the crate (S & Arrow Keys) so it’s in the gap to the right of the dumpster with the ‘R’ sign. 


Climb up onto the crate (W), then turn to face left. Look at the dumpster on your left (D) to see that the lid has been propped open.  Pull the lid down (S), then climb up onto the lid (W), so you are standing on top of the dumpster.  Stand in front of the window, and look at the window (D) to see that one of the panes is smashed.  Unlatch the window (S), then enter through the window (S), so you are inside the book repository. 







It’s very dark in here.  Head down, towards the other side of the room.  Next to the metal door is a light switch.  Try to turn on the light switch (S).  Unfortunately, the light switch is broken.  You can’t really do much in this dark room, so just open the metal door next to the light switch (S) and leave the room. 







It’s still really dark.  Head up to the top of the room, then open the door at the top left (S), and enter another storage room. 







In the corner of the room, next to the door, is a light switch.  Try to turn on the light switch (S), but a box is in the way.  You’ll need to move that box, to get access to the light switch.  Walk down & right, to the box in the opposite corner.  


Drag the box up (S & Arrow Keys), then drag it left, along to the gap near the door. 


Push the box into the empty space (S & Arrow Keys).  Now climb up onto the boxes (W), turn to face the right, and drag the top box away from the light switch (S & Left Arrow).  Jump down from the box.  Now look at the light switch next to the door (D), and turn it on (A).  Finally!  You have light! 


Look at the floor in front of the middle boxes (D) to see some deep scratches.  That calls for some investigating.  Climb up onto either of the single boxes (W), then push the top box along to the end (S & Arrow Keys).  Jump down from the box.  Drag the middle box back to the other side of the room, where you originally got it (S & Arrow keys).  Now go to the pile of boxes next to the door.  Look at the floor at the now-empty space (D) to see a trap door.  Open the trap door (S) and climb down into the passage. 




Follow the passage along to the end.  Climb up the ladder (S) to the Boiler Room. 







Walk forward a few steps, and look at the red boiler.  Climb up the next ladder (S) to the theatre. 












Watch the cut scene with Nico, Petra, and Susarro.  You have to find a way to rescue Nico.  After Sussaro leaves, walk left towards the door, but DON’T go through the door.  Walk down the aisle next to the wall.  Head through the door at the end of the aisle, next to the stage, into the next room. 






Don’t climb up onto the stage, because the thug will shoot you dead.  Climb the ladder (W) up to the gangway. 







Head down & right towards the back wall.  Look at the rope (D) that’s holding up the lighting rig.  Untie the rope (S).  The lighting rig lowers slightly, but then jams.  Jump up to the lighting rig (W), and shimmy left (Up Arrow Key), over the gap to the other side.  Drop down (A) onto the rigging on the other side. 


Follow the rigging along, until you reach the sandbags.  Untie both sandbags (S), so they drop down onto the thug below.  The first one misses, but the 2nd one lands on him, knocking him unconscious. 







Watch the cut scene, as you and Nico are finally reunited.  You realise that you are both working on the same case!  Look at Nico (D), talk to her (S), and work through all conversation topics (S).  Look at the unconscious thug on the floor (D), and search him if you like (S), but you don’t find anything useful.  Notice the trapdoor in the floor - you can’t do anything with it yet.  Go to the top left corner of the stage, and leave the stage. 







Climb left down the stairs.  Nico will follow you.  Head down the next set of stairs, into the basement. 







The constantly changes camera angles make this area very tricky.  Walk down the corridor at the bottom of the stairs, on the right. 


Head through the gap in the fence on the left. 


This area is under the stage.  Walk down & left, to the other corner of the room.  Look at the box of theatrical make-up (D) in the left corner. 


Take a  stick of THEATRICAL GREASE PAINT from the box (S).  Walk down a few steps, and look at the alley scene (D).  Walk over to the other side of the room, and look at the market backdrop (D).  Now walk over to the lift platform area. 



Look at the counter weights inside the lift (D).  Look at the button to the left of the lift (D), and push the button (S), to learn that it operates the trapdoor above you.  Now head to the door at the top right corner, go through the door to leave the room. 


You’re back at the gap in the fence.  Walk up to the end of the corridor.  At the end of the corridor, when the camera angles changes, walk up to the end of the corridor.  There’s a wooden door in the alcove here - open the wooden door (S), and go through, into the sub-basement. 







Climb down the stairs.  You hear gunshots being fired, and a man yelling.  Watch the cut scene.  The terrified man has barricaded himself inside the room, where’s he’s safe.  Walk down a few steps, so you can see the stairs again, but don‘t go up the stairs.  Head up a few steps, away from the stairs.  Open the door in the left wall (S), and enter through the door, into the maintenance room. 







Explore the room.  Look at the fuse box on the wall.  Look at the ladder.  Look at the support strut in the middle of the room (D) - it’s holding up the room above.  There’s nothing you can do here at the moment, so when you’re ready, open the door (S) and leave the room. 







Head down, and follow the corridor round to the end.  You find a dead man on the ground.  Look at him (D) to see that he’s been badly mutilated.  Search him (S), but he has nothing useful.  Look a the big metal door in the back wall (D).  Look at the card reader to the right of the door (D) - unfortunately, you don’t have the card that activates it.  Back-track along the corridor, until you see the stairs again.  Climb up the stairs, open the door at the top of the stairs (S), and go  back to the little alcove in the corridor. 







Head straight along the corridor, to the other end.  Open door on the right (S), and enter the Dressing Room. 







Explore the Dressing Room.  Look at the wig mannequin on the cabinet (D).  Look at the drawers in the dresser.  Look at the safe on the floor, under the dresser (D), and try to open it (S), but it‘s locked.  You can’t do much here at the moment, so when you’re ready, open the door (S) and leave the room. 







Walk down a few steps, then head left along the corridor. 



This is the fenced area you were at earlier.  Walk down to the end of the corridor, then turn right, and climb up the stairs. 







Follow the red carpet left, and go through the door on the left, back to the audience area. 







Head straight up the aisle, to the back of the theatre.  Go left (ignore the ladder heading down), and go through the doors on the left, into the foyer. 







Explore the foyer.  Walk down to the brown doors, and look at them (D) - this is the main entrance in & out of the theatre.  Look at the theatrical poster on the wall (D).  Find your way to the Refreshments Counter, and go behind the counter. 


Look at the popcorn counter on the left (D).  Look at the empty popcorn maker on the left (D).  Look at the drinks maker on the back wall (D).  Look at the door on the back wall (D).  Look at the cash register on the right (D).  Look at the cash register on the right (D).  Look at the PAPER DISPOSABLE CUP on the floor (D), and pick up the PAPER DISPOSABLE CUP (S).  Leave the Refreshments Counter. 


Head right, and make your way back to the red carpet.  Follow the red carpet, and return to the audience area. 







Head down the isle, to the stage.  Climb up onto the stage (W). 







Look at the stage lights at the front of the stage (D), and touch the stage lights (S). They’re extremely hot!  Hot enough to melt something!  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), and scroll to (Left & Right Arrow Keys) THEATRICAL GREASE PAINT.  Select THEATRICAL GREASE PAINT (A), then scroll along (Left & Right Arrow Keys) to PAPER DISPOSABLE CUP, and combine them (A), so you get CUP HOLDING GREASE PAINT.  Look at the hot stage light again (D).  Now open your Inventory again (Space Bar) and scroll along (Left & Right Arrow Keys) to CUP HOLDING GREASE PAINT, and use this  (S) with the hot stage light.  You now have some MELTED GREASE PAINT.  Go to back to the top left corner of the stage, and leave the stage. 







Climb down stairs on the left, then climb down the next set of stairs to the basement. 







Walk along the corridor at the bottom of the stairs, on the right. 


Head up the corridor, to the end. 


At the end of the corridor, when the camera angle changes, head up to the end of the corridor.  The little alcove is hear.  Open the door in the alcove (S), and enter through the door into Sub-Basement. 







Climb down the stairs.  Walk straight up the corridor for a few steps.  Open door on the left (S) and enter the maintenance room. 







Look at the support strut in the middle of the room (D).  Try to push the support strut (S), but it won’t budge.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar) and scroll (Left & Right Arrow Keys) to MELTED GREASE PAINT.  Use MELTED GREASE PAINT with the strut (S) to lubricate it.  Now try to move the strut again (S) - you still can’t shift it.  Talk to Nico (S) and work through all the conversation topics (S).  Maybe Nico could help you move the strut.  Look at the strut in the floor again (D).  Open your Inventory (Space Bar) and scroll through to NICO COLLARD icon.  Use NICO COLLARD icon with the strut (S).  She obliges, and together, you manage to move the strut.  The safe in the Dressing Room above falls through, and smashes onto the floor.  That’s one way to crack a safe!  Look at the opened safe (D), and take SECURITY SWIPE CARD and CRYSTAL COVERED ARTEFACT (S) from the safe.  Now open the door (S) and leave the room. 







Head down, and follow the corridor round to the end.  Look at the huge metal door (D) and look at the electronic card reader (D) next to the door.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar) and scroll round to SECURITY SWIPE CARD (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Use the SECURITY SWIPE CARD in the card reader (S).  A lift is revealed.  Watch the cut scene as you & Nico travel downwards. 




Walk along the tunnel, and continue along until you see a stone carving with a forked lightning symbol, lying on the floor.  Continue up the tunnel until you reach the cavern. 







Watch the cut scene.  Walk along the bridge, to the 3 giant snake heads.  Watch another cut scene.  Take OMEGA STONE that’s floating in the column of plasma (S).  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk back along the bridge.  Watch the cut scene with the Grand Master.  When Susarro and Petra come up in the lift, you have to hide QUICKLY.  As soon as you’re able, copy Nico, run (Shift & Arrow Keys) to the left edge of the bridge, and climb down (A), so you are hanging on the edge.  When Susarro and Petra pause to see what happens next, shimmy left towards Nico.  When you are ’behind’ Susarro, climb back up (W), and QUICKLY run left to the lift (Shift & Left Arrow), then QUICKLY run down the tunnel (Shift & Down).  You have to be really quick here, and it will probably take you a few attempts.  Finally, you and Nico make it back to the lift, just in the nick of time! 







Nico is holding the lift doors open so the Susarro and Petra can’t get up here.  But she can’t hold them forever -you’ll have to find something else to keep the doors open.  Look at the lift doors.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll round to the BOTTLE OPENER (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use BOTTLE OPENER to jam the life doors (S).  Follow the tunnel back to the stairs.  Climb up the stairs, go through the door (S), and enter the Basement. 




Head up the corridor a few steps, then go down the corridor on the left.  Follow the corridor to the end, and try to climb up the stairs on the back wall, but Susarro has left guards there.  You need to find another way out. 


Head back into the corridor on the right.  Walk up a few steps, and head through the gap in the fence. 


This area is under the stage.  Go to the lift platform in the middle of the room.  Press the button to the left of the lift (S) and make sure that the lift platform is down.  Stand on the lift platform, and use the lift platform (S) to rise up onto the stage. 



Walk to the front of the stage and climb down (A).







Run up the centre aisle to the back of the theatre.  Walk right a few steps to the ladder that brought you here in the first place. 







As you arrive outside again, a stranger attacks you and shocks you with a taser gun, leaving you unconscious.  Watch the cut scene, as Susarro and Petra see the safe you smashed open earlier.  












You come round in Nico’s apartment.  Nico tells you that you managed to snatch a STONE CYLINDER from your attacker, but the attacker stole the CRYSTAL COVERED ARTEFACT from you.  Work through all the conversation topics with Bruno, Andre, and Nico (S).  You realise that the diagram you saw on the Omega Stone is the exact same symbol you saw back in the Congo caves.  So there’s nothing else for it - you have to go back to the Congo. 












You manage to find your old pal Harry, who drives you and Nico to a clearing outside the caves.  Walk over to the big wooden door.  Look at the door (D) and try to open the door (S).  Talk to Nico (S) and work through the conversation topics (S).  When you ask her about the door, she will try to help you open it.  While she is pulling at the door, look at the door yourself.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll along to the METAL ROD (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and use METAL ROD with the door (S) to break the padlock.  Now open the door (S) and enter the Temple. 







Walk forward and go through the archway.  You feel an earth tremor. 




Poor Cholmondely’s body is still lying on the floor here.  Walk up to the Omega Door.  Look at the Omega Door (D) and open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll through to the OMEGA STONE (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and insert OMEGA STONE into the Omega Door (S).  The door opens.  Head up through the door, into a hallway. 







Be careful here - the hallway is full of booby traps!  Jump up to the wall on the left (W) and shimmy across (Arrow Keys) to the other end of the hallway.  As long as you don’t touch the floor, you’ll be safe from the deadly spikes.  When you reach the other end, drop down to the floor (A).  Now look at the giant cogs at the end of the spike traps (D).  If you could block those cogs, you could effectively stop the deadly traps.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar), scroll through to the METAL ROD (Left & Right Arrow Keys), and push that into the giant cogs (S).  Watch the cut scene, as Nico makes it safely across, and joins you on this side of the hallway. 


But you’re not done here yet.  Look out, across the hallway, but don’t cross over it.  You see a corpse lying halfway along.  You should investigate that corpse.  Walk down to the stone blocks, on the opposite side from the cogs.  Drag a stone block (S & Arrow Keys) to just past the nearest spikes. 


Now go back and get the other stone block.  Drag it (S & Arrow Keys) so it’s level with the spikes, so the spikes can’t close.  Climb over this stone block (W), and place yourself in between both stone blocks.  Push the first stone block (S & Down Arrow Key) down 2 times, so it’s level with the next set of spikes. 


Climb over this block (W).  You’ve reached the corpse now.  Look at the corpse (D) and search the corpse (S) to find an ANCIENT SCARF.  But there’s something inside the ANCIENT SCARF.  Open your Inventory (Space Bar) and look at the ANCIENT SCARF (D) to find a METAL PLATE.  Look at the ANCIENT SCARF again (D), and look at the METAL PLATE (D) to see that they both have a lightning symbol on them.  Now turn around, climb back over the stone blocks (W), and return to Nico.  Talk to Nico (S) and work through all the conversation topics. 


Head through the doorway on the right. 


Follow the corridor into the Tile Room. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  The floor is booby trapped.  If you step on the wrong tile, the ceiling will drop down and squish you.  Stepping on 1 of the 4 tiles near the entrance will show you a clear path.  But they don’t join up, so you have to hop from 1 tile to another.  You’ll need Nico’s help with this.  Blank tiles are always safe. 


This is how to cross over the tiles. 



        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Fish tile (S).

        -       Walk over to the tiles, and step onto the tiles that are lit:

                Blank, 4 fish, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Scorpion tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                6 scorpions, blank, STOP HERE.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Snake tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                3 snakes, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Fish tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                4 fish, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Bird tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                4 birds, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Scorpion tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                6 scorpions, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Snake tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                4 snakes on the left, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Bird tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                4 birds, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Fish tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                4 fish, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Scorpion tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                4 scorpions, blank.


        -       Open your Inventory (Space Bar).  Scroll through to

                NICO COLLARD icon (Left & Right Arrow Keys).  Talk to

                her (S) and ask her to stand on the Snake tile (S).

        -       Step onto the tiles that are lit:

                5 snakes, blank.



You made it safely across.  Jump up to grab the ledge (W) then climb up onto the platform (W).  Unfortunately, you’ll have to leave Nico behind for the moment.  Walk through the doorway, into the next corridor. 




Most of the corridor in this room has fallen away.  Walk to the edge of the ledge, and lower yourself down (A).  Shimmy left to the platform below, and drop down onto it (A).  Jump across (S) to the platform on the right.  Lower yourself down (A), and shimmy across (Arrow Keys) until you’re above the next platform.  Drop down (A) onto the platform.  Now jump down to the next platform on the right (A), then jump down to the ground (A).  Walk over to the thing that’s glimmering on the floor.  Look at it (D) to learn that it’s crystals embedded in the rock.  Now head through the stone archway, into the cavern. 







Wow, this is a huge cavern!  A giant slab of stone is balanced on top of a stalagmite, like a see-saw.  Above you, on the right, is the way out.  Walk forward a few steps, then turn left, and climb up onto the stones on the left (W). 


Climb up onto the stones at the back (W).  Now walk right, onto the giant slab of stone (S).  When you get near the end of the slab, it tilts, and you slide off it.  If you could stop one side from tilting, you could get across this over-sized see-saw.  This is a complicated procedure, and very tedious. 


Head left again, and climb up the stones on the left (W) like you did before.  Make your way to the 2 red boxes. 


Climb behind the box on top (W) and push it forward 1 time (S & Down Arrow Key).  Climb out of the gap you’re currently standing in (W).  Now drag the box left, and back (S & Arrow Keys) so it’s next to the other box that’s perched higher up. 


Go right a few steps, back to where the 1st red box is.  Drag this box (S & Arrow Keys) left, and manoeuvre it (S & Arrow Keys) into the slot in front of the box that’s on top of the ledge. 



The boxes are at 3 different levels - top, middle, and bottom.  Push the mid-level box back (S & Up Arrow), so it’s next to the top-level box.  Now climb up to the top-level box (W).  Drag the top-level box right 3 times (S & Right Arrow Key), so it’s on the platform with 9 stones.  Go to the mid-level box.  Manoeuvre it down, right. & back a few times (S & Arrow Keys), so it’s in the slot to the right of the top-level box. 



Go left, to the bottom-level box.  Manoeuvre it along (S & Arrow Keys), so it’s in this position. 


Climb up the stones to the top-level box - the platform with 9 stones (W). 



Push the box right a few times (S & Right Arrow Key), to here. 


Now manoeuvre the mid-level box (S & Right Arrow Key), so it‘s to the right of the top-level box. 

Climb up to the top-level box (W), and drag it right, until it‘s on the edge of the see-saw. 


Now simply walk right, across the see-saw.  Phew!  That was exhausting!  When you get to the end, jump across the gap (S), then continue right, into the Mechanical Device Room. 





Continued In Part 3...

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