06 April 2022

Lemmings 1



LEVELS 21 - 30




Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 60

Release Rate: 50

Time: 8 minutes

Turn the first Lemming into a Basher here.  

Allow the Basher to continue working, but place a Blocker here (try not to let any Lemmings get past).  

The reason for this, is that there are traps ahead, and you need to prepare them.  Finish bashing through the block, then build a bridge over the gap.

Bash through the next block.  Build another bridge over the trap in the floor.  

Make sure the bridge reaches completely over the floor-trap (make sure he doesn’t bump his head and turn back, and that the bridge is long enough  to cover the trap).  

Now there is a safe path home.  Go back to the group of Lemmings.  Turn the Blocker into a Bomber, thus releasing the remaining Lemmings.  Watch them march safely home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 80

Release Rate: 50

Time: 5 minutes

Turn the first Lemming into a Basher here so he bashes through the tree.  Turn the second Lemming into a Blocker under the tree, and turn the third Lemming into a Blocker at the left edge of the cliff.  Like this.

This contains the majority of Lemmings, and stops them from falling to their deaths.  

Have the Basher continue to bash right, through all the trees.  After the trees, turn him into a Builder, so he starts building a bridge.  When he reaches the wall and turn around, have him build another bridge.  When he reaches the tree and turns around, have him build yet another bridge.  You’ll and up with a series of bridges that allows the Lemmings to reach the top of the cliff.  

Now turn the Builder into a Basher, and have him bash through the cave wall, allowing access to Home inside the cave.  

Go back to the Lemmings at the start.  Turn the Blocker on the right, into a Bomber, thus releasing the remaining Lemmings.  When they are away from danger, turn the last Blocker into a Bomber.  

The Lemmings now have safe passage home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 25

Release Rate: 50

Time: 8 minutes

The Lemmings will drop down, and head right.  Turn the first Lemming into a Blocker, before it reaches the Lava.  As they turn around and head left, turn the second Lemming into a Basher when it reaches the wall.  Make the third Lemming into another Blocker - somewhere between your Basher, and the Blocker on the right, so that it contains the remaining Lemmings (try not to let any other Lemmings through).  

Leave the group of Lemmings alone for now, and concentrate on your Basher.  There are a few brick-shaped holes in the wall, where you’ll need to make him a Basher again.  When he reaches this point, turn him into a Builder, to build a bridge over the gap.  

After the bridge, turn him back into a Basher, and have him bash through the remaining walls, until he reaches home.  

Go back to the group of Lemmings at the start.  Turn the Blocker on the left into a Bomber, thus releasing the remaining Lemmings.  

When they are away from danger, turn the final Blocker on the right into a Bomber.  Now watch the Lemmings march safely home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 30

% To Be Saved : 66

Release Rate: 99

Time: 5 minutes

The Lemmings are dropping fast!  Turn the second Lemming into a Blocker, allowing only one Lemming (or as few as possible) through.  Place Blockers like so, allowing the first Lemming to drop down to the section below.  

So you’ll have one Lemming in the middle level, near a pool of acid.  Turn him into a Builder, so he builds a bridge in the small gap between the metal path, and the platform.  One bridge is enough for that small gap.

When he has turned around and heading left, have him build another bridge over the directional block.  Turn him into a Floater, so he can float gently to the ground.  Let him reach the bottom left corner, and head right again.  Have him build another bridge here, leading right.  

This is in preparation for the group of Lemmings to get down here, so they don‘t face the huge drop.  Let your Lemming continue right.  Watch out for the trigger in the floor, underneath the pillar - the pillar will squish you.  When your Lemming reaches this point, have him build a final bridge over the trigger.  

When the bridge is covering the trigger, let your Lemming carry on his journey, and he will reach the safety of home.  Now concentrate on your group of Lemmings at the start.  Turn the Blocker on the right into a Bomber, so he releases the group.  When the group are all safely in the middle (or even the ground at the bottom) level, turn the final Blocker into a Bomber.  The remaining Lemmings can return home safely.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 50

Release Rate: 99

Time: 5 minutes

Once again, the Lemmings are dropping fast.  Let them climb up the mesh, towards web area.  When they reach the larger mesh squares, start turning them into Miners, so they mine down into the mesh.  Also mine down through the first part of the web, so they are contained in a safe area.  

Roughly half way along this web platform, turn one of the Lemmings in a Miner, so he digs through the web.  Do the same with the next web platform.  Now have one of your Lemmings bash right, through the web block.  It will look like this.  

If any escape, and head left again, simply turn them into Floaters.  They will travel all the way left, and eventually return here.  

Now in this new area the Lemmings are contained in, at the top part of the web, have a Lemming mine down & right, so they can drop down to the ground.  Make sure the gap is before their home.  

They can now reach home safely.  

If there’s any stragglers, you can either wait for them to return here, or you can Nuke them.  



Number Of Lemmings: 2

% To Be Saved : 100

Release Rate: 30

Time: 5 minutes

You only have 2 Lemmings to save this time.  Should be a doddle, right?  On the right edge of the platform, turn both of them into Builders, so they start building a bridge leading right.  They’ll both drop down to the platform below.  Also make both of them into Floaters.  Roughly halfway along that platform, have them both build another bridge, up to the last platform.  

Now simply let them continue forward, and drop down to the safety of their home.  Told you it was a doddle!  



Number Of Lemmings: 50

% To Be Saved : 50

Release Rate: 1

Time: 5 minutes

The Lemmings are released, and immediately head right.  Their home is down below them, to the right.  The problem is, that huge drop is too much for them, and they will die.  You have to lead them left, up, over, and round.  

Let the first Lemming walk right a few steps, then turn him into a Blocker.  The next Lemming will reach him, turn around, and head left.  When he reaches the gap, turn him into a Builder so he builds a bridge left, over the gap.  

Now you have to make them turn right, and head onto the top platform.  When a Lemming reaches the top of the stairs, turn him into a Blocker.  This make the other Lemmings head right again.  Turn one of the Lemmings into a Builder, so he builds a bridge over the gap.  

The Lemmings will follow the path right.  When they reach the stairs on the right, turn the first Lemming into a Blocker, to prevent the other Lemmings falling into the pool of acid.  Now turn the next Lemming (or possibly the next 2 Lemmings) into Builders, so they build a bridge over the gap.  

You have a safe path home now.  Increase the flow rate to maximum.  When you only have Blockers remaining, you can either turn each Blocker into a Bomber, or you can Nuke them.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 60

Release Rate: 80

Time: 5 minutes

The Lemmings are released, and fall into a ladder-like device.  When one of them is walking left, turn him into a Climber.  As he is climbing up the wall on the left, quickly turn him into a Floater, so he survives the fall down.  

When he reaches this point (use the ‘spike‘ sticking down from above you as a guide), turn him into a Builder, so he starts building a bridge up & left.  

Leave the other Lemmings alone for now.  Keep your Builder building a bridge, until he reaches the top platform on the left.  

Now there is a bridge going all the way up to home.  Concentrate on the group of Lemmings in the ladder-device again.  Have them Dig straight down the first 3 rungs.  When they reach the bottom ’rung’, have them Bash left through the block.  This is to ensure that Lemmings head left towards home, and away from the pool of lava on the right.  

Now sit back and watch them reach their home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 60

Release Rate: 90

Time: 8 minutes

The Lemmings are coming out thick & fast.  Turn the first Lemming into a Blocker, so they don‘t fall into the water and drown.  Turn a left-facing Lemming into a Miner, so he starts mining down & left.  

Turn another left-facing Lemming into a Climber, so he can climb over the wooden wall.  After the wall, turn him into a Basher, so he bashes through the thick block.  

When he reaches the small gap in the stairs, turn him into a Builder, so he can build a bridge.  Continue the bridge up to the next platform (watch out, in case he bashes his head and turns around).  

Next, have him Bash all the way through the pyramid.  

The next part is quite tricky.  Turn him back into a Builder, and have him build a series of bridges up to the top.  

Now he can return home.  

But don’t forget about the group of Lemmings at the start.  Have a left-facing Lemming bash through that wooden wall.  When the Lemmings are safely away, turn that Blocker at the start, into a Bomber.  Now sit back, and watch them return home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 60

% To Be Saved : 66

Release Rate: 10

Time: 5 minutes

This is quite easy, when you know how.  The Lemmings drop into narrow slots in the walls.  Simply have them Bash the appropriate way through the wall, and down to the level below.  

Don’t worry if you accidentally bash the wrong direction - simply turn that Basher into a Blocker to prevent the other Lemmings from falling to their deaths, and bash the other way.  

If you have any Blockers at the end, turn them into Bombers.  

This is the end of the Fun Levels.  The Lemmings quest continues in the Tricky Levels.  

The Tricky Levels start here.

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