06 April 2022

Lemmings 1



LEVELS 11 - 20




Number Of Lemmings: 60

% To Be Saved : 83

Release Rate: 50

Time: 5 minutes

There’s a large block standing between the Lemmings, and their home.  You may thinks it’s simple - just use a Basher to bash through.  However, there is a problem.  Notice the flashing arrows pointing left?  That means you can only bash from right to left - not the other way round.  So how are you going to solve this?  

Turn the first 2 Lemmings into Climbers, so they climb up the block.  

Once they are on the block, turn those same 2 Lemmings into Floaters, so they can survive the drop back down to the ground.  When the second Lemmings touches the ground again, turn it into a Builder, so it starts building a bridge.  This will create some more distance between it, and the first Lemming.  When the first Lemming is near the Home door (don’t let it go home yet), turn it into a Builder.  

The 2 Lemmings will eventually hit the wall on the right, turn around, and head back left.  When they reach the block, simply turn them into Bashers.  

They will start bashing through the block, allowing the remaining Lemmings through.  When they reach the bridge you built on the right, simply have one of them bash through it.  They can now all return home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 50

Release Rate: 99

Time: 5 minutes

The Lemmings come out at a very fast rate, and immediately head right.  Wait for them to hit the block, turn around, and walk left again.  As quickly as you can, make the first Lemming into a Blocker, to prevent the remaining Lemmings from falling to their death.  

Now turn a right-facing Lemming into a Basher, to bash through the block.  They’ll fall into the gap next to the block.  At the right edge of the gap, turn a Lemming into a Builder, so he starts building a bridge.  When he reaches the block again, make him build another bridge, like so.  

The Lemmings are now able to return home.  But don’t forget about the Blocker on the left - turn him into a Bomber to teleport him home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 20

% To Be Saved : 100

Release Rate: 1

Time: 3 minutes

This level is rather straight forward.  Having said that, don’t linger around, because you only have 3 minutes.  The Lemmings are released nice and slowly, so increase the rate to approximately 40.  Wait for the first Lemming to reach near the end of the walkway, then turn him into a Digger, so he digs straight down.  Wait for the next Lemming to almost (but not quite) reach him, and turn him into a Digger as well.  Repeat this for all the Lemmings.  

They will drop down, and continue home safely.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 75

Release Rate: 20

Time: 6 minutes

This level is rather up and down, so to speak.  When the first Lemming reaches the first corner, turn him into a Miner, to make him dig diagonally down & right through the block.  .  

In the lower section, when a Lemming reaches roughly half-way (and facing right), turn him into a Builder, so he starts building a bridge up to the next level.  When he reaches that level, turn one of the Lemmings into a Basher, so he bashes through the next block.  

He will bash through the block, and all the Lemmings will drop down into the next lower level.  As before, let a Lemming reach half-way along (and still facing right), then turn him into a Builder.  When he reaches the next block, turn him into a Basher, so he bashes through the block.  They now have a clear path to return home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 50

Release Rate: 40

Time: 8 minutes

The Lemmings fall down, and head right.  Make the first Lemming into a Climber, and a Floater.  He climbs up over the pillar.  Leave the remaining Lemmings in that first area for now.  

While the rest of the Lemmings are safely contained, turn this Lemming into a Basher, and have him bash  through the second and third pillars.  When he reaches the end of the path, turn him into a Builder.  

Make the bridge long enough to go all the way over the gap.  He’s quite high up now, so double-check he’s also a Floater.  When he reaches the bottom of the wooden stairs, turn him into a Miner.  Let him mine deep enough so he can’t reach the stairs or the fan-trap, but don’t let him mine all the way through the ground - turn him into a Builder again to stop him mining too far down.  

Now when he’s heading left again, turn him into a Builder again, and build a bridge to reach the previous bridge you built.  

When he’s close enough to the first bridge, he’ll bump his head, and stop building.  That’s fine.  The drop from the first bridge, and the ground, is greatly reduced now.  

You need to time this next part carefully.  And use the Pause button if you need to.  When the first Lemming is heading right again, turn him into a Builder, and have him build bridges over both broken parts of the wooden stairs.  

At the same time, go back to the group of Lemmings at the start.  At the left side of the first pillar, turn one of the Lemmings into a Basher, so he starts bashing right.  

If you timed it well, you will have built both bridges before the group of Lemmings joins you.  Now let them all return home to safety.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 62

Release Rate: 1

Time: 8 minutes

The Lemmings drop nice and slowly, giving you time to think.  Let the first Lemming walk right along the ground, and when he reaches the edge, turn him into a Builder so he builds a bridge.  At the same time, make 2 Blockers on the ground, either side of the trapdoor above.  

With the majority of Lemmings safely contained, keep the first Lemming as a Builder, until he reaches the ledge at the top right.  

When the bridge is long enough, let the Lemming drop down to the platform, and head to the safety of home.  

Now go back to the group of Lemmings on the left.  Turn the Blocker on the right into a Bomber, while keeping the left Blocker in tact.  The Lemmings will all head right, up the bridge, and home.  Turn the remaining Blocker into a Bomber.  



Number Of Lemmings: 50

% To Be Saved : 40

Release Rate: 99

Time: 5 minutes

The Lemmings drop extremely fast again.  Turn the very left Lemming from the first trapdoor into a Blocker, so the rest of them can’t fall down (there’s hidden traps below that will kill your little friends).  

At the last trapdoor, turn a right-facing Lemming into a Climber.  When he climbs up that first little wall on the right, turn him into a Basher, so he bashes through the next block.  

Quickly turn him into a Floater so he survives the fall.  

When he reaches the top of the stairs on the right, turn him into a Builder so he builds some stairs over the entrance to Home.  Keep building the stairs until you reach the last pillar.  

At the pillar, he’ll turn around and start walking left again.  When he’s about half-way down the bridge, have him build another bridge up towards the left, where the rest of the Lemmings are.  

Make sure the bridge reaches the wall.  Now have the remaining Lemmings start bashing right, through the walls.  Thanks to your bridges, they won’t fall to their deaths.  Now Dig a hole through both bridges, allowing your Lemmings a clear path home.  

Don’t forget about that Blocker on the left.  Turn him into a Bomber to teleport him home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 70

% To Be Saved : 71

Release Rate: 80

Time: 5 minutes

As you may have guessed from the title, this level is all about Blockers and Bombers.  

Place a Blocker here (make sure you are past the dividing wall below), and then turn him into a Bomber.  

Place the next Blocker here (past the dividing wall below), then turn him into a Bomber.  

Place another Blocker here (right next to the dividing wall), then turn him into a Bomber.  Make sure there is a slight step for the Lemmings on the left above, so they don’t fall too far.  

Place yet another Blocker here (next to the dividing wall), then turn him into a Bomber.  

Place your last Blocker here, then turn him into a Bomber.  

The remaining Lemmings now have a clear path home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 80

% To Be Saved : 70

Release Rate: 20

Time: 5 minutes

Wait until the Lemmings are in between the first 2 solid arches.  Let one Lemming continue on forward.  Now from the remaining Lemmings, turn one into a Basher, and have him bash into the solid arch on the right.  Do the same for the solid arch on the left.  

When you have decent holes on each side (so the Lemmings can’t get up the arches), turn both Basher into Builders, to stop them bashing.  

Meanwhile, the Lemming you allowed to continue forward, turn him into a Builder, so he builds a bridge.  

When the bridge has safely reached the Home platform, go back to the group of Lemmings contained in the arches.  Turn one of them into a Builder, and build a bridge facing right, over the gap in the arch.  

They can now safely make their way home.  



Number Of Lemmings: 50

% To Be Saved : 60

Release Rate: 10

Time: 5 minutes

At the end of the first platform, turn the first 2 Lemmings into Builders, to build a bridge over that gap.  The Lemmings will reach the post, turn around, and walk back left.  So make a Blocker under the bridge to stop them from falling to their deaths.  

Turn a right-facing Lemming into a Climber, so that he climbs over the posts.  Also make him a Floater.  Leave the remaining Lemmings along for now.  

When your Climber reaches this point, turn him into a Builder, and build a bridge over the gap.  

While he is building his bridge, go back to the group of Lemmings at the start.  Turn one of them into a Basher, and bash right, through all the posts.  They have a clear path to reach home.  

Don’t forget about your Blocker under the bridge.  When the other Lemmings are away from danger, turn this Lemming into a Bomber.  

Continued In Part 3...

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