02 August 2022

Syberia II


YEAR:  2004

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure














As soon as you dock, you see Hans leaving the Ark.  Step off the Ark, and head right. 












Climb up the ladder on the right. 







The Watchman is here, keeping guard at his post.  Click on him.  Oh dear, it was just a skeleton.  The Watchman must have died a long time ago.  Search him, to find a YOUKOL MEDALLION.  Exit the close-up, then climb back down the ladder. 







Head left, and continue left past the Ark, until you reach some stairs. 



Climb down the stairs. 


Look at the chest near the fence, to see a close-up.



Take the 3 STONE PLATES from the chest, then exit the close-up. 


Now head straight up to the next screen. 


You’re in a long, narrow walkway, with mammoth tusks acting as a roof.  Look at the flowers on the right, to get a close-up. 




Take a SYBERIA FLOWER.  Pick up the STONE PLATE that’s hiding in amongst the flowers.  Exit the close-up. 


Head up 2 times, until you reach the gate. 







Hans is sitting on a bench here.  Chat to him if you like. 


Notice the wheel contraption at the top right of the gate.  It looks just like the contraption Youki powered back in Romansberg.  But more than that - it looks like it controls the gate.  Pull the lever below it, at the bottom right of the gate, to lower it.  Now you just have to fetch Youki to power it. 


Head right, and make your way, all the way back to the screen with the chest next to the fence (where you found 3 STONE PLATES). 







Climb up the stairs on the right.  They’re not very obvious, but they are there. 


Walk right, to the next screen. 


Climb back onto the Ark. 












Climb down the ladder, to Below Deck. 







Youki woke up while you were gone, moved position, then went back to sleep.  He’s at the bottom of the screen now.  Give the SYBERIA FLOWER to Youki.  He’s awake now, and he bounds up the ladder.  Follow him - climb up the ladder at the back wall. 







Youki’s waiting for you here.  Step off the Ark, and head left. 












Head left to the next screen.  Don’t worry, Youki will follow you. 


Climb down the stairs on the left. 


Head straight up, and follow the walkway, until you reach the gate again. 







Watch the cut scene as Youki leaps into the wheel mechanism, and operates it to open the gate.  Youki is exhausted, and stays inside the wheel mechanism.  Hans continues through the gate without so much as a backward glance at you.  Follow him through the gate. 







Climb up the stairs on the right. 


Follow the path down to the next screen. 







Climb up, into the mammoth head. 





Hans is sitting here, looking out across the land. 




Talk to Hans, and he asks you to play the song that calls the mammoths.  You’ll have to use the ancient flutes in order to do so.  When you’re ready, climb right, out of the mammoth head. 







Walk over to the strange device. 




Now you’re standing next to it, you can see it more clearly.  Look at the wheel under the device to see a close-up. 




Pick up the STONE PLATE at the top left.  You now have 5 STONE PLATES.  And there are 5 cracked places where the symbols are missing from the wheel.  So you have to place the correct STONE PLATE into the correct place in the wheel.  You can look at the YOUKOL MEDALLION in the Documents section of your Inventory, for reference.  For easyness, I’ll show you the solution here. 





When all 5 STONE PLATES are placed, exit the close-up. 


Turn the handle on the left side of the strange device.  If the STONE PLATES are place correctly, sand will pour into the centre of the wheel below.  Look at the wheel again, to see a close-up. 


Take the IVORY KEY from the centre of the wheel, then exit the close-up. 


Walk up & left a few steps, and climb back into the mammoth head. 







Walk down the stairs at the left of the mammoth head. 







Walk left a few steps, to the Youkol flute.  This is the flute Hans mentioned, that can call the mammoths.  There are 3 parts to the flute.  Walk round to the side of it, and look at the dark panel to see a close-up. 



Insert the IVORY KEY into the keyhole at the bottom.  The panel opens up, and 20 symbols & holes appear.  Retrieve the IVORY KEY from the keyhole at the bottom, and place it here: 





Leave the IVORY KEY in place, and exit the close-up. 


Turn the wheel on the right of the device. 



This rotates the horn, and it starts humming.  Now you need to play the notes that will call the mammoths.  Look at the pipes to see a close-up. 




Did you see the painting in the Ark, showing a man riding a mammoth?  It showed the settings of this flute.  Use the switches next to each hole, to toggle them open or closed, as set them as so: 



        TOP          -       Open         Half           Open

        ROW                                Open



        BOTTOM  -       Half           Closed       Open

        ROW                Open



Pull the switch on the right.  Now sit back, and enjoy the final emotional cut scene.  The mammoths come, and Hans leaves you to be with them. 





The End! 

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