YEAR: 1992
GENRE: Point & Click Adventure
Walk up 4 times, left twice, and up to the Town Gates. Since
it’s late, the Town Gates are locked. But that won’t stop you. Cast LEVITATE to
get over the gate and into town.
You’re in the area with Erana’s Staff. Piotyr’s ghost appears,
and tells you the story of how he was defeated, and how Erana came
to be trapped in the darkness. Now it’s very late, so Sleep
Until Morning. You have another strange dream through the night.
Next morning, head up to the Burgomeister’s office. As per
Piotyr’s wishes, give PIOTYR’S SWORD to the Burgomeister
(who is Piotry’s great-grandson). The Burgomeister is glad to see
the SWORD, since it means his family’s honour has been
restored at last, but he lets you keep the SWORD.
Knock On Door of the Inn to enter.
Sit down at the table to get some breakfast. After breakfast,
stand up and leave the Inn again.
Walk down twice, so you are outside the Town Gates again.
You should have all the ingredients to make Baba Yaga’s ELDERBERRY
PIE at this point. Make your way down 3 times, right
twice, down once, right 3 times, and down twice.
Use Talk Icon on yourself and Say Magic Phrase. Now walk
left, through the hidden opening.
got them from one of the Wraith mounds) in the giant pestle & mortar,
then use the pestle & mortar to grind them up. Use an EMPTY
the mortar. Now in your Inventory window, place GRUE GOO, POWDERED
Now you need to bake the pie. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Show the uncooked PIE to Bonehead, then show it to
the group of skulls. They will cook the pie with a laser. Now
enter Baba Yaga’s hut. She turns you into… something! Not very
nice, is she? Anyway, she changes you back when she remembers about
the ELDERBERRY PIE. Now give her the cooked ELDERBERRY
PIE. As soon as you’re able, use Talk Icon on yourself, and
again, Tell About Gnome’s Humour - she gives you a GOOD HUMOUR
BAR to give to the gnome.
Leave Baba’s area.
Let’s head back to town, to give Punny Bones his reward. Head
up twice, left 4 times, up twice, left once, and up to the town.
Make your way to the Inn, and enter.
Climb up stairs, and enter Punny Bones’s room at end of the hall.
Give him the GOOD HUMOUR BAR. He’s delighted to have
his humour back - he plans to do one more show, and then leave
town. Talk to him and work through all the topics. When you’re
ready, leave his room. As you do so, he tells you the Ultimate Joke.
Now leave the Inn.
Enter Burgomeister’s office. Use Talk Icon on yourself and
work through all the topics. Burgomeister finally knows the truth -
that his great-grandfather was a hero, not a coward. He gives you PIOTYR’S
SHIELD as a ‘Thankyou’. Continue working through
all the topics. When you’re ready, leave the office.
Now walk down twice, so you are outside the Town Gates, and SAVE
Let’s go and see the Leshy again. Go down twice, then right 3
Search the bushes to find Leshy. His next riddle is about a killer
bush with attitude. Use Talk Icon on yourself and Guess Elderberry
Bush. Leave the area, then immediately return.
Search the bushes to find Leshy. He’s only got one more riddle
left. His last riddle is about the Heart Scroll. Use Talk Icon on
yourself and Guess Wraith.
Let’s concentrate on finding the remaining RITUALS now.
From the Leshy bushes, go right once, down twice, right once, and
down twice. Use Talk Icon on yourself and Say Magic Phrase.
Yes, you’re at Baba Yaga’s place again. She has one of the
Rituals. Enter her hut again.
Baba, the charming soul that she is, freezes you as soon as
you enter. Give her a FLASK OF GRUE GOO. Now use
Talk Icon on yourself and Ask For Dark One Ritual. You now have
the BREATH RITUAL, so leave her hut, then walk up to leave her
Let’s go and get the next Ritual. Walk up twice, then left 4
times, to the end. Continue up once, left twice, and down to the
bottom, so you’re back in the swamp area.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Check the time, and wait here
until evening. The Will O Wisps come out when it’s dark - you may
have to leave the screen, then return. Place some CANDY on
the ground to lure them close to you, then catch them with an EMPTY
FLASK. Now go right one screen.
Remember the Squid Stone? One of the Rituals is hidden here.
Hold the WILL O WISPS up to the Squid Stone, and
some hidden runes will be revealed. Use DARK ONE SIGN on
the Squid Stone, and spell out the name ‘Avoozl’. Make sure
you click on each letter until it turns red. If you’ve done it
correctly, a hidden compartment will open, and you automatically take
the SCROLL from it. You now have the SENSE
Now walk left, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk left,
into the swamp. Continue left, making sure to avoid those grasping
hands, until you reach the Mad Monk’s Tomb.
There are 2 Chenovys here. Rush up to them and kill them.
Look at the tombstone, and place DARK ONE SIGN in the
tombstone. The symbols here represent the Rituals, and you have to
click on them in the correct order. Start with the Mouth symbol at
top right, then work your way clockwise, clicking on each symbol. If
done correctly, you’ll find the BONE RITUAL. SAVE
Head right back through the swamp, still avoiding those
grasping hands, until you reach the shore. Place the flask of WILL
O WISPS on the swamp shore to release them.
Now walk up, so you’ve left the swamp behind.
This is where all 5 Rituals can be found.
Blood Ritual - Cask in basement of the Monastery.
Heart Ritual - Wraith mound
Breath Ritual - Baba Yaga, after she has Elderberry Pie.
Sense Ritual - Squid Stone in the swamp.
Bone Ritual - Mad Monk’s tomb in the swamp.
It’s very late now, and you’re tired. Go up 3 times, right 3
times, down twice, right once, and up once.
Sleep Until Morning. You had another weird dream through
the night. When you’re ready, leave the Garden.
Walk left twice, up twice, left once, and up to the top.
Make your way to the Burgomeister’s office. Talk to Burgomeister and
work through all the topics. Now Knock On Door of the Inn,
and enter.
Enter the Inn, sit down at the table, and have some breakfast.
Talk with the Innkeeper and his wife if you like, but they have
nothing new to say. Yuri & Bella are such nice people - if only
you could find their missing daughter for them. When you’re ready,
leave the Inn.
Walk down twice, so you are outside the Town Gates, and SAVE YOUR
Head down twice, right twice, and up once to the graveyard.
Look at the Borgov family crypt. It’s quite imposing, isn’t it?
Igor gave you the KEY for this after you rescued
him, so use KEY in the crypt door to enter it.
Have a look around the crypt. Now if you remember, there should
be a secret passage leading through this crypt into Castle Borgov.
But where is it?
Look at the Borgov crest on the floor. Notice the different
colour strips on the left of the crest. Now there’s a big clue in
the name. Press the coloured strips in the following order.
B - Blue (5)
O - Orange (2)
R - Red (1)
G - Green(4)
O - Orange (2)
V - Violet (6)
If you’ve done this correctly, a secret compartment opens up, and you gain
another KEY. Use KEY to unlock Bas Relief on
the right.
You’ve done it! You’re inside the castle! SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Now the castle is rather complicated, with lots of secret
passages, and stairways leading up and down, making it very tricky to make
a map. But here’s how you get through it.
Walk right 3 times.
Defeat the Badders and climb up the stairs.
Go through door at top of the stairs.
Click on crest at top of the bookcase.
Walk through newly-revealed passage.
You’ve reached the pink bedroom. Go through door on right.
Climb up the stairs.
Go through door at top of stairs.
In the room with pink curtains, go through door on the left.
Go up another set of stairs.
Try to go through door at top of stairs.
There’s a monster here that won’t let you into the room. Check
the time, and wait until it’s evening.
Open door at top of the stairs again. This time, the monster
won‘t slam the door on you. A little girl is here, and she called
the monster ‘Toby’. The girl looks like a vamp. Talk to
the little girl and work through all the topics. She tells you her
name is Tanya. Could this be the Innkeeper’s lost child? Talk
to Toby and work through all the topics. Give Tanya the DOLL.
Use Talk Icon on yourself and work through all the topics (except
Goodbye). Make sure to tell them about Erana’s Staff. Toby
demands that you take them to the staff.
You, Toby, and Tanya travel back to town, and stand around
Erana’s Staff. Toby understands the sacrifice, and he’s willing to
give his life so that Tanya may become a human child again. His
nods, and his ‘Uh-huh’ grunts are heartbreaking! The
sacrifice is complete - Tanya is human again. Toby proved how much
he loves Tanya. *sniff* You take Tanya home to her
The next morning, you awake in the inn, and ERANA’S STAFF is
in your possession. Leave your room and go downstairs.
The Innkeeper thanks you for returning Tanya. Talk to Tanya
and work through all the topics. Talk to the Innkeeper and work
through all the topics. Use Talk Icon on yourself and work through
all the topics. Sit down at the table to get some breakfast.
When Bella appears, talk to her and work through all the topics.
When you’re ready, stand up, and leave the Inn.
Walk down twice, so you are outside the Town Gates, and SAVE YOUR
Let’s get another reading from Magda. Head down twice, right
4 times, up 3 times, right once, then up to the Gypsy Camp.
Enter Magda’s caravan. Talk to her and work through all the
topics. Talk to Davy and work through the topics. Use your MONEY
POUCH on Magda to get a reading. Use Talk Icon on yourself and
Tell About Child, then Say Goodbye. When you’re ready, leave the
Gypsy Camp.
Check the time. Do whatever you like for the rest of the day.
When it’s evening, return to the Inn in town.
Enter the Inn. The gnome should still be here - sit down at the
table to watch his last performance. Talk to Punny Bones and
work through the topics. Talk to the Innkeeper and work through
the topics. Talk to 3 men at the back table and work through the
topics. When you’re ready, go up to your room.
Immediately leave your room again. Punny Bones has left now.
Sit down at the table to get some supper. When Bella arrives,
talk to her and work through all the topics. After supper, stand up
and leave the Inn.
Head down to the area with Erana’s Staff. Piotyr’s ghost will
appear again (you may have to leave the screen, then return). He
tells you to free Erana’s spirit.
Now return to the Inn, Knock On Door, and enter the Inn.
Climb upstairs to your room.
Click on your bed, and Sleep Until Morning.
When you wake the next morning, a NOTE has been left at
the end of your bed. Take the NOTE to read it.
It’s a note from Katrina, asking you to meet her at the Castle Gates
this evening.
Leave your room, and climb downstairs. Sit at the table to get
your breakfast. After breakfast, leave the Inn.
Walk down twice, so you are outside the Town Gates, and SAVE YOUR
GAME HERE. Check the time and do whatever you want
until evening. When evening arrives, make your way to the Castle
Uh-oh! Your old pal Ad Avis is here! It was really him that
sent the note asking you to meet here. He’s now a vamp, and he’s
under the Dark Master’s control, which he’s not too happy about! He
captures you, takes you to the Castle Dungeon, and chains you up. He
casts a sleep spell on you, and you don’t wake up until the next morning.
You HAVE to escape from this dungeon! Luckily you’re a
powerful Paladin - simply click on yourself to break the chains.
Take the STAKE and take the HAMMER that
Ad Avis left next to you. Click on the door twice to hear the goons
talking outside. So there’s a secret passage in here? Let’s
find it! SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Click on the Iron Maiden
to open it, then step inside.
Wow, you find yourself in a bedroom. A very large, luxurious
bed- room. Have a look around if you want. Look at the coffin,
then open the coffin. It’s… it’s… KATRINA!!! Quickly, before
she wakes, Kiss Katrina.
She’s not very happy for taking Tanya from her, and chains you up in the
dungeon again. Talk to her and work though all the topics. Now
use Talk Icon on yourself and say whatever you like. Whatever you
say, it will end the same way - she’ll force you to help her find the Five
Rituals. Use Talk Icon on yourself and Agree To Help. You
have 3 days to return with the Rituals. Then she teleports you
outside the Castle Gates.
Since you already have all 5 Rituals, simply leave, then return.
The gate is open, so head on up to the castle. Katrina takes
you to the Dark One Caves, so that you can perform the Rituals and
summon the Dark One to cast Eternal Night. *gulp*
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You’re in the cave with the
tentacled beast. Use ROPE AND GRAPNEL to climb down
into the pit. Attack him and defeat him, then take the BOOK that
was next to him. The Book was the diary of the last Boyar, and
contained the Essence Ritual. You memorise it to heart.
Use ROPE AND GRAPNEL to climb up again. Click
on the rope, and Cross Hand-Over-Hand, as you did before. Go right
into the next cave.
This is the cave with 4 doors. The door on the right is
pulsating - click on that door to enter.
You’re back in the Bone Chamber. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
The Dark One Altar is on the right, with a torch holder on each side
of it. Use your TORCH to light altar-torch on the left,
then replace YOUR TORCH in sconce on the right of the altar.
Use DARK ONE SIGN in the altar, then use BONE
RITUAL on the altar. Dang! The bones have formed a
cage around you, trapping you inside. But don’t worry. You’re a
mighty paladin, simply click on the bone cage, then Break Cage.
You’re free! Take the TORCH again, and leave the
The door on the left is pulsating - click on that door to enter.
You’re in the Blood Chamber. Walk down to bottom of the path.
Click on the ledge above you to climb up onto it. Walk up to altar
on the right. Use BLOOD RITUAL on the altar.
An acidic liquid starts flooding the cave. Use ROPE
AND GRAPNEL on the ledge above you to climb up. Now push
the rock down into the pool below. This cuts the flow of the liquid
off. Climb back down to the ledge below, then work your way down to
the left side of the lower pool. Click on the ledge below to climb
down. Make your way out of the cave again.
The top-left door is pulsating. Click on that door to enter.
You’re in the Breath Chamber. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Walk over to the altar on the left, and use BREATH RITUAL on
the altar. Now this bit is kinda tricky, and it’s hard to make out.
There are 6 tentacles on the altar on the altar, and they have to be
blown in the correct order. Blow the tentacles as so, SAVING your
game between each blow.
- Bottom Right
- Bottom Left
- Bottom Middle
- Top Middle
If you did it correctly, a door will open, and a strong wind will
pulsate through the cave. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk
back towards the right of the cave. As you do so, you’ll get sucked
in by the wind. Grab onto the flapping tendril on the floor, roughly
half-way up the path - it will ‘flip’ you over to the right side of
the path. Good! Now leave the cave.
The top-right door is pulsating. Click on it to enter.
You’re in the Sense Chamber. You can’t see anything, feel
anything, hear anything, or smell anything. Work your way to the
lower-left, then upper-left, then upper-right of the cave.
Gradually, your senses return. When you reach the top-right,
you’re at the Altar. Use SENSE RITUAL on the altar.
The dendrites are now activated, and pulsating with electricity.
You have to find a safe way out of there. SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE. Walk along the top platform, until you’re standing
underneath a giant slingshot (roughly halfway along). Use ROPE
AND GRAPNEL on the slingshot to swing across the large gap. Now
simply walk down, and out the cave.
All that’s left now is the Heart Ritual. This is the giant altar
in middle of the room. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Use HEART RITUAL on the stone altar, then click on
the stone altar to climb up.
Katrina and Ad Avis are here. You begin the Ritual to
summon Avoozl. As soon as you are able, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Now all hell begins to break loose. Ad Avis blasts the
platform you are standing on, leaving you hanging on for dear life.
Katrina doesn’t approve of this (she’s become quite fond of you),
and attacks Ad Avis. Unfortunately, this is her downfall! By
attacking Ad Avis, she has broken the bonds that control him, allowing him
to do as he pleases. He attacks her. She retaliates and
attacks him. Both of them throw some spells at each other.
Then Ad Avis turns his attention to you, and tries to kill you with
a spell. Katrina jumps in front of the spell to save you - but it
kills her instead. You finally manage to pull yourself back up onto
the platform. You HAVE to stop Ad Avis, once and for all!
Use ERANA’S STAFF - it transforms into a spear.
Ad Avis taunts you, saying that you can’t just throw the spear at
him, cos he’ll knock it aside. Okay, let’s try something
more devious. Use Talk Icon on yourself and Tell Ultimate Joke.
This distracts Ad Avis, and he can’t stop himself from laughing.
Now throw SPEAR \ ERANA’S STAFF at him.
The STAFF returns to you, asking you to free Erana.
It seems poor Erana was trapped by the Dark One, and cursed to spend
eternity in darkness and torment. Use ERANA’S STAFF on
the glowing crystal to free her spirit, allowing her to finally pass on to
the afterlife. She drives Ad Avis back to the darkness, where he
Thanks to you, the Shadows Of Darkness have been driven
from Mordavia. Now sit back and enjoy the Hero’s Ceremony.
Congratulations - you proved yourself a hero once again.
The End!
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