15 September 2022

Syberia 3: The Complete Journey


YEAR:  2017

GENRE:  Adventure













I said it before, and I’ll say it again - the snow ostriches are MAGNIFICANT! 


Something is spooking the snow ostriches, and they refuse to go any further.  Head left a few steps, then up, and continue up, to the dark tunnel.  Enter the mouth of the tunnel. 


Watch the cut scene as dozens of bats fly at you from the tunnel.  Yikes!  That must be what’s spooking the snow ostriches.  You need to find a way to get rid of them.  Walk down a few steps and talk to Kurk and the Shaman.  Decide how you want to respond to them.  The Shaman tells you to find something that would frighten the bats.  Walk all the way down, to the beginning of the tunnel.  When the camera angle changes, walk right.  Talk to the Youkol on the right and work through all the dialogue.  Take the YOUKOL CLOTH from the snow ostrich. 



Walk left a few steps, so the camera angle changes back. 


Climb up onto the platform on the left, then climb up the stairs in the doorway on the left. 






Oscar is here.  Talk to him and work through all the dialogue with him.  Walk through the doorway on the right, next to Oscar, into the airlock itself. 


Walk over to the wall on the right, and push the big red button.  You look through the window in the door, and see that it’s completely contaminated with radiation outside.  So you can’t go outside, you’ll have to continue your journey through the subway then.  Go back through the doorway on the left, back to where Oscar is standing. 


There’s nothing else you can do here, so walk back down the stairs, to the railway line. 







Climb down the platform, and onto the railway line.  Walk right a few steps, and climb up onto the opposite platform.  Talk to the Blacksmith Youkol at his workstation. 



Not very helpful, is he?  Go through the doorway on the right that’s near him, next to the 2 Youkols chatting. 







You find yourself in the lower level of the Metro Station. 



Follow the path at the top left, round the corner. 


Climb down the stairs, to the sewers below. 







The water looks extremely… contaminated!  Walk left, through the gate, and look at the SEAWEED on the ground to get a close-up. 


Pick up the SEAWEED.  You automatically exit the close-up. 


Head right along the platform, all the way to the other end.  There’s another Youkol here, who wants to give you a gift.  Decide how you want to respond to him.  He gives you a tree ROOT to hit the bats with, then he runs off.  Head left, back to the stairs.  Climb up the stairs. 







Follow the upper right path, round the corner. 


Climb up the stairs, then walk forward to the railway line. 







Notice that the Blacksmith Youkol has left his spot at the bottom right corner, but his workstation is still there.  Look at the workstation to see a close-up. 


Take the FLASK and the LIGHTER,  from the workstation.  Look at the small hole at the end of his workstation - it’s good for DIY.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the ROOT (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the small hole.  Open your Inventory again (I), scroll down to the YOUKOL CLOTH (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that on the top of the ROOT in the hole.  For the 3rd time, open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the FLASK (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and pour that onto the top of the ROOT with the YOUKOL CLOTH.  For the final time, open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the LIGHTER (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use the LIGHTER with the ROOT with the YOUKOL CLOTH.  Voila!  You’ve made yourself a TORCH.  Climb down off the platform, onto the railway line. 


Head up, all the way to the dark tunnel with the bats.  Enter the dark tunnel and watch the cut scene.  You scare the bats… but then they just fly right back into the dark tunnel.  Damn!  But notice the ventilation shaft in the roof. 


Head down to the far end of the railway line.  Talk to Kurk, and suggest that the ventilation shaft in the roof might be the only way to get the bats out, but they are currently sealed.  The only way to open the ventilation ducts if from the outside… but it’s too contaminated for anything made of flesh & blood to go outside.  The way he phrased it can only mean one thing!  Oscar! 


Walk left, then up a few steps, and climb onto the platform on the left.  Climb up the stairs in the doorway on the left. 







Watch the cut scene.  Oscar volunteers to go outside and open the ventilation ducts for you.  That’s very brave of him! 












Walk forward and climb up the stairs.  Exit the station through the door. 







Walk right a few steps, and watch the short cut scene.  Walk over to the statue in the middle.  Now from your position next to the statue, turn to face the Metro Station.  Look at the conduit in the roof. 



It should be easy for you to open that.  Follow the Metro Station building right, until you see the bus stop.  Ignore the red fire engine for now.  From the bus stop, cross over the street to the row of buildings on the other side of the street. 



Walk left a few steps, to the dark blue building with the open doorway. 



Enter the building. 







Go up through the door on the right, and walk behind the teller’s desks.  Pick up SHEARS from the ground.  Leave the bank. 







Walk down a few steps and right a few steps, and make your way back to the red fire engine.  Climb into the front of the fire engine. 



Try to release the brake lever - love the comment about Kate Walker (hee hee)!  Pan right slightly, and pull open the door for the glove compartment.  Look in the glove compartment to see a close-up. 


Move all the items around until you find the IGNITION KEY.  You automatically exit the close-up.  


Look at the ignition keyhole next to the steering wheel.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the IGNITION KEY (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that in the ignition keyhole.  Rotate the IGNITION KEY to start the fire engine.  Release the brake lever.  Watch the cut scene as you move the fire engine closer to the conduit in the roof. 


Walk over to the back of the fire engine.  Climb onto the back of the fire engine.  Climb to the upper part of the fire engine.  Click on the Control Panel to get a close-up. 


Rotate the fire engine clockwise (top wheel), so you can see the conduits in the roof of the Metro Station. 



Raise the ladder slightly (bottom wheel), so it’s above the roof.  Extend the ladder (lever on the right), so that the ladder reaches the roof.  Now climb along the ladder, onto the roof.  Look at the first conduit to get a close-up. 


Look at both parts of the window.  It’s completely welded shut, with no way to open it.  So you’ll have to get creative.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the SHEARS (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that on the conduit.  Watch the cut scene as you break it open.  Notice that 2 automaton guard dogs are attracted by the noise, and come out to investigate.  Climb back down the ladder. 


Uh-oh… those 2 automaton guard dogs are here.  And it looks like they’re not going away any time soon.  How are you gonna get off the fire engine?  Climb down to the lower section on the back of the fire engine.  Click on the hose nozzle on the back of the fire engine to get a close-up. 


Pull the pin out from the hose wheel.  Pan round, so you can see the front of the contraption. 



Zoom in on the cap at the front of the contraption on the left, and pull the cap out.  Zoom in on the front of the hose wheel.  Pull the hose out, and attach it to the contraption on the left. 




Zoom in on the contraption on the left.  Rotate the wheel.  Now pan up to the hose nozzle, click on the hose nozzle, and watch the cut scene as you send the guard dogs packing.  That’ll teach them!  Climb down off the fire engine. 


Explore the rest of the area if you like.  When you’re ready, head back to the Metro Station (the long building with the green roof), and enter it. 







Walk forward and climb down the stairs.  Enter the airlock on the left. 


Push the red button on the wall.  Watch the cut scene, as you are quarantined.  Oh dear! 












You watch helplessly, as Oscar is quarantined.  You need to find some iodine for him.  Look at the little compartment next to Oscar’s door, to get a close-up. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the SEAWEED (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into the holder inside the little compartment.  Close the compartment door, and watch the cut scene.  Phew!  Oscar is finally decontaminated, and he’s released from the airlock.  Choose how you want to respond to him.  You tell him to wait with the Youkols.  When you’re ready, climb down the stairs. 







Climb down off the platform, onto the railway line.  You need to scare the bats again, so you need to relight your torch.  Climb up onto the platform on the right.  Look at the Blacksmith’s workstation to see a close-up. 


Pick up the FLASK from the workstation.  Watch the cut scene.  This time, the bats fly of through the open conduit in the ceiling, and the snow ostriches carry on the journey. 


You and the Youkols find a good place to camp for the night.  





Continued In Chapter 7:  Olympia..


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