15 September 2022

Syberia 3: The Complete Journey

 YEAR:  2017

GENRE:  Adventure












Watch the cut scene, as the snow ostriches have reached the edge of a bridge… and then stopped.  You climb out of your yurt to find out what is going on. 


Climb back up into your yurt on top of the snow ostrich. 







Look at the wooden crate on the right, to get a close-up. 


Pick up the LIGHTER, and pick up the KNIFE from the wooden crate.  Now exit the close-up. 


Leave the yurt. 







Walk forward, to the front of the snow ostriches.  Continue forward, onto the Bridge.  Now you can see that there’s no way across the bridge, as the far side of it is down.  So that’s why the snow ostriches stopped.  Walk right a few steps, and look at the shuttered booth on the front of the white building. 



There’s a sign saying “Back Soon” on the booth.  Walk round to the side of the building, and try to open the door.  Locked!  Step onto the balcony to the right of the building. 







Follow the balcony round to the back door (ignore the ladder for now).  Look at the back door to get a close-up. 


Try to open the back door, but it’s locked.  Peer through the window in the door - nobody in sight.  Bang on the door - nobody answers.  Hmm, the building seems deserted.  Exit the close-up. 


Walk left a few steps, and climb down the ladder. 





Head right, over the balcony, and enter the Store Room. 







Look at the button on the  back wall. 




Push the button.  This calls a cart, that will take you over the water.  When you’re ready, leave the Store Room. 







Well, the cart is here waiting for you, but you’re not able to climb into it yet.  You still need to do a few other things, first.  Leave the cart for now - you can come back to it later. 


Follow the balcony round, and climb down the next ladder. 




Walk forward, and pull the lever next to the wall.  This activates the waterwheels, and raises part of the bridge.  Now climb up both ladders, so you’re back at ‘Ground Level’, so to speak.  Head up, and go to the front of the building. 







From the front edge of the balcony, start walking left, and follow the path left, between some rocks.  You’ll find Kurk here, gazing out over the water. 









Talk to him and work through all the dialogue.  You learn that the traditional Sacred Bridge has collapsed, and he’s concerned about crossing over this new Toll Bridge.  When conversation is over, head right, and return to the front of the building. 







The booth that was shuttered before, is now open. 




Talk to the man in the booth, watch the cut scene, and choose how you want to respond to him.  Watch another cut scene, and work through all the dialogue with him.  You learn that the Watcher on the other side of the bridge likes a little tipple of vodka occasionally, which is good to know. 


Walk over to the bridge, and watch the cut scene as the man raises the 1st part of the bridge for you.  Cross over the bridge as far as you can, and watch the cut scene as the next part of the bridge is raised.  Now cross all the way over the bridge. 







On the other side of the bridge, walk over to the Watcher’s hut. 




Enter the hut. 







Watch the cut scene, and choose how you want to respond to the Watcher.  He tells you that the Youkols cannot cross over the Bridge, until you pass a test.  When conversation is over, leave the hut. 







Explore the area if you like.  When you’re ready, go back to the Bridge. 


Cross over both sections of the Bridge.  Watch the cut scene, as the man in the booth considers calling his Superior, to turn you in.  Watch another cut scene, as the man raises the final part of the Bridge, before fleeing on his motorbike. 







Head back to the area with all the snow ostriches. 







Look carefully at the ground near the snow ostriches, to get a close-up. 




Pick up the BRICK.  Look at the skid mark in the ground.  What is his problem?  Exit the close-up. 


Find the Shaman’s yurt, in amongst all the snow ostriches.  It’s the one with Oscar standing outside it. 




Chat to Oscar if you like.  Climb up the ladder, and enter the Shaman’s yurt. 







Talk to the Shaman, and watch a cut scene.  She’s still very weak, so she soon falls asleep.  Pay attention to what she says about signals of smoke.  Look at the chest next to her, to see a close-up. 


Move all the items around, until you find AYAWASKA’S STAFF.  Exit the close-up. 


Leave the yurt. 







Walk forward, to where the building with the booth is. 







Walk round to the balcony at the back of the building







Look at the door at the back of the building - still locked.  Look at the glass window - you can see the bridge controls.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the BRICK (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that to smash the window.  Now open the door, and enter the Bridge Control Building. 




Look at the box on top of the filing cabinet on the right, to see a close-up. 



Take the CUSTOMS OFFICER’S FLASK from the box.  You automatically exit the close up. 


Look at the Control Desk on the left - someone has to stay on this side, in order to operate the Bridge, so that the Youkols can cross.  But you can think about that later.  Take the CUSTOMS OFFICER’S PILE OF PAPERS from the table. 




When you’re ready, leave the building through the door you entered. 







Follow the balcony round a few steps, and climb down the ladder. 


Follow the balcony right.  The cart should still be here, waiting for you.  Look at the cart to see a close-up. 



Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the CUSTOMS OFFICER’S FLASK (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the cart.  Exit the close-up. 


Enter the Store Room. 







Press the button in the back wall.  Watch the cut scene as the vodka gets sent over to the Watcher on the other side of the Bridge. 







In return, the Watcher sends back a cart full of bags of sawdust.  Take BAGS OF SAWDUST from the top of the cart, then exit the close-up. 


Follow the balcony round, and climb up the ladder. 


Walk up to the front of the building. 







Walk left a few steps, and head down into the stone circle area. 








Look at the pipes on the left, to see a close-up. 




This is actually an oven.  Number the pipes like so. 




Look at Pipe 3 to see a close-up. 


The camera pans round to the back of the pipe.  Take FUNNEL 02.  Exit the close-up. 


Look at Pipe 5 to see a close-up. 


Press the button at the top, to open the pipe.  Look inside the pipe to zoom in. 


Take QUARTER PART OF YELLOW RESIN and QUARTER PART OF BLUE RESIN, then exit the close-up 2 times. 


Look at Pipe 7 to see a close-up. 


 Press the button at the top, to open the pipe.  Look inside the pipe to zoom in. 


Take QUARTER PART OF YELLOW RESIN, then exit the close-up 2 times. 


Look at the indent on top of the oven. 



Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to AYAWASKA’S STAFF (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the indent on top of the oven.  It fits perfectly.  Click on the STAFF to see a close-up. 



Remember that the symbols are coloured Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow.  Exit the close-up. 


Click on the bottom part of the oven to get a close-up. 



Click on the handles in the middle, to open the doors.  Take QUARTER PART OF RED RESIN, ROUND CHUNK OF BLUE RESIN, FUNNEL 01, FUNNEL 03, and FUNNEL 04 from the left side.  Take LOG from the right side.  Now focus on the middle section.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the LOG (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the middle section.  Again, open your Inventory (I), scroll down to CUSTOMS OFFICER’S PILE OF PAPERS (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that on top of the LOG.  For a 3rd time, open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the LIGHTER (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that to light the fire.  The LOG and the PAPERS burn beautifully.  Click on the top part, to close the doors again.  Exit the close-up 2 times. 


Walk right a few steps, and look at the tree stump to get a close-up.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the ROUND CHUNK OF BLUE RESIN (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that on the tree stump.  Open your Inventory again (I), scroll down to the KNIFE (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that to cut the BLUE RESIN.  You automatically take the QUARTER PART OF BLUE RESIN.  Walk left, back to the oven.  Click on the oven to get a close-up. 


Look at Pipe 5 to zoom in on it. 


If necessary, push the button at the top to open the pipe.  Rotate the handle at the bottom, so that it is vertical.  Pull the top lever upwards, to raise up the top section inside the pipe.  Now pull the lower lever (above the handle), so that it is facing towards you.  It will probably take a few attempts to do this, as it has a tendency to spin too far.  Pull the top lever down again.  Click on that top section to zoom in on it. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the QUARTER PART OF RED RESIN (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the in the bottom left quarter. 



Zoom out of the close-up. 


Press the button at the top, to close the pipe.  Exit the close-up. 


Look at Pipe 6 to zoom in on it. 


Push the button at the top to open the pipe.  Rotate the handle at the bottom, so that it is vertical.  Pull the top lever upwards, to raise up the top section inside the pipe.  Now pull the lower lever (above the handle), so that it is facing towards you.  It will probably take a few attempts to do this, as it has a tendency to spin too far.  Pull the top lever down again.  Click on that top section to zoom in on it. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the QUARTER PART OF BLUE RESIN (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the in the bottom left quarter. 



Zoom out of the close-up. 


Press the button at the top, to close the pipe. 


Look at Pipe 7 to zoom in on it. 


If necessary, push the button at the top to open the pipe.  Rotate the handle at the bottom, so that it is vertical.  Make sure both lever at facing towards you.  Click on that top section to zoom in on it. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the QUARTER PART OF BLUE RESIN (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the in the bottom left quarter. 




Zoom out of the close-up. 


Press the button at the top, to close the pipe.  Zoom out of the close-up. 


Look at Pipe 8 to zoom in on it. 


If necessary, push the button at the top to open the pipe.  Rotate the handle at the bottom, so that it is vertical.  Pull the top lever upwards, to raise up the top section inside the pipe.  Now pull the lower lever (above the handle), so that it is facing towards you.  It will probably take a few attempts to do this, as it has a tendency to spin too far.  Pull the top lever down again.  Click on that top section to zoom in on it. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the QUARTER PART OF YELLOW RESIN (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and place that in the in the bottom left quarter. 



Press the button at the top, to close the pipe.  Zoom out of the close-up. 


Look at each of the 4 drawers below the pipes.  Click on each drawer, in turn, to see the close-up. 


Pull the drawer open.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the BAGS OF SAWDUST (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and pour that into the drawer.  Push the drawer close, then exit the close-up. 


Do this with all 4 drawers. 


Look at Pipe 1.  The camera pans round to the back of the pipe.  Press the button at the top to open the pipe.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to FUNNEL 01 (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into the pipe.  Press the button at the top to close the pipe again.  Exit the close-up. 


Look at Pipe 2.  The camera pans round to the back of the pipe.  Press the button at the top to open the pipe.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to FUNNEL 02 (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into the pipe.  Press the button at the top to close the pipe again.  Exit the close-up. 


Look at Pipe 3.  The camera pans round to the back of the pipe.  Press the button at the top to open the pipe.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to FUNNEL 03 (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into the pipe.  Press the button at the top to close the pipe again.  Exit the close-up. 


Look at Pipe 4.  The camera pans round to the back of the pipe.  Press the button at the top to open the pipe.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to FUNNEL 04 (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into the pipe.  Press the button at the top to close the pipe again.  Exit the close-up. 


Make sure both doors on the oven are closed.  Click on the pipe on the left of the oven, to get a close-up. 



Rotate the handle, so that it is vertical.  Exit the close-up 2 times. 


You see coloured smoke rising up from the pipes. 


Now sit back, and enjoy the final, dramatic cut scene. 





The End!


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