15 September 2022

Syberia 3: The Complete Journey


YEAR:  2017

GENRE:  Adventure












Look at the automaton on the bench to the right of the stairs, to see a close-up. 


Click on the key at the bottom of the chest plate to zoom in. 


Pull the chest plate open again.  Zoom in on the heart. 


Now open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the VORALBERG ACTIVATION KEY (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that in the Voralberg keyhole.  Rotate the ACTIVATION KEY, and keep rotating it until it won’t turn any more.  Watch the cut scene.  Ahhh, Oscar!  It’s so good to see you again!  A different body and a different voice, sure.  But it’s still Oscar.  Oscar’s heart and Oscar’s soul!  However, this new automaton body does need some maintenance.  Decide how you want to respond to Oscar.  He’s quite shocked when he realises that he doesn’t have any clothes.  Again, decide how you want to respond to him.  He refuses to move from the bench until he has some clothes.  Okay, let’s find him some clothes then. 


Climb up  the stairs, to the gates of the Amusement Park. 












Enter through the gates, into the Park. 







Walk down a few steps, then climb up the stairs on the right. 







Climb into the rollercoaster car. 


Look at the large dial, to see a close-up of the controls. 


As before, crank the handle at the top left, all the way round, so the dial at the top left indicates 50.  Notice that the large dial has holes next to each number.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to a METAL SHANK (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into hole number 15.  Now open your Inventory again (I), scroll down to the other METAL SHANK (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and insert that into hole number 25.  Now pull down the lever at the top right. 


The rollercoaster begins it‘s journey, and then stops partway along.  Pan down slightly, so you can see the dial.  Remove the METAL SHANK from hole number 15.  The rollercoaster starts moving again, but then stops again when it reaches the Secret Platform.  Climb out, onto the platform on the left. 







Climb down the trapdoor, into the underground subway. 












Walk forward a few steps, and climb down the stairs to the platform. 







Head up, to the open train carriage.  Enter the open carriage on the right. 







Watch the cut scene with Katerina and the Youkols.  They’re listening to a soap opera on the radio, and the Youkols are finding it very emotional.  You automatically exit the carriage. 







Enter the carriage on the right again. 







Walk left a few steps.  Talk to Katerina and decide how you want to respond to her.  Make sure you give her back the VORALBERG ACTIVATION KEY.  She gives you KEY TO ANDREI’S CABINET.  Walk right, to the other end of the carriage.  Look at the wardrobe in the back corner to see a close-up. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to KEY TO ANDREI’S CABINET, and use that in the wardrobe to open it.  Oscar joins you.  So he DID leave the bench, after all.  Decide how you want to respond to him.  Oscar decides which clothes he likes, and dresses himself accordingly.  Decide how you want to respond to him.  He tells you that he will wait for you on the pier, and then he leaves.  When you’re ready, leave the carriage. 







Let’s go an meet up with Oscar again.  Head down the platform, until you see the stairs on the left.  Climb up the stairs. 







Go through the door in the back wall, and climb up the ladder. 












Climb back into the rollercoaster car. 







Click on the large dial to see a close-up. 


Remove the METAL SHANK at hole number 25.  The rollercoaster car takes you back to the start.  Exit the close-up 2 times. 


Climb down the stairs at the back right. 







Walk left, and continue left, until you see the door to the Workshop. 



Enter the Workshop. 







Walk left, to the far end of the building, and exit through the ‘back door’. 







Head right along the boardwalk, and continue right, until you see the tractor.  Oscar is sitting in the tractor, all ready for you.  Talk to Oscar and decide how you want to respond to him.  Watch the cut scene.  Oscar wants you to connect the Krystal to the tractor.  Walk right a few steps - someone has kindly placed a plank over the broken bridge, so you can easily get back to the Krystal now.  So let’s use it.  Cross right, over the plank. 












Look at the cable lying on the bridge.  That would be perfect for towing the Krystal - you just need some help to get it free.  Talk to the nearby Youkols and ask them to attach the cable to the tractor.  They do so.  Head down the bridge, and cross over the plank again. 












Talk to Oscar in the tractor, and use the following dialogue option. 



        1.     Advance



Watch the cut scene.  The little tractor fails to move the huge Krystal, and only drives it further into the sand.  Oscar suggest you tie the cable somewhere higher, so the boat would be pulled upwards as well as forwards.  He also asks you to give some slack in the rope, so that he can move the tractor.  Look at the winch on the back on the tractor, to get a close-up. 



Try to turn the handle, but it won’t move.  Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the VORALBERG SPANNER, and use that at the base of the handle, where it joins onto the winch.  Rotate the VORALBERG SPANNER slightly.  That’s better.  Now rotate the handle as much as you can. 


Talk to Oscar in the tractor again, and use the following dialogue option. 



        1.     Advance



Oscar moves the tractor forward.  Head left, along the boardwalk.  Notice the Ferris Wheel, as you pass the fence.  That might be the answer to your problems.  Talk to the Youkols that are standing next to the fence, and ask them to attach the cable from the tractor, to the Ferris Wheel.  Now head up through the gap in the fence, so you are inside the Park again. 



Step up, through the gap in the fence, so you are back inside the Park. 







Walk up the right side of the Ferris Wheel, so you see a ladder. 


Climb up the ladder. 


At the top of the ladder, look at the Ferris Wheel mechanism on the right to see a close-up. 


Open your Inventory (I), scroll down to the COG (Up & Down Arrow Keys), and use that in the cog part of the mechanism.  Pull down the lever on the right.  Exit the close-up. 


Walk left a few steps, and push the button next to the ladder.  Watch the cut scene.  The Ferris Wheel turns round, pulling the Krystal up and onto the beach, wrecking the place as it does so.  Mission accomplished… you guess!  Climb back down the ladder. 


Head up, past the wrecked Ferris Wheel, and go through the gap in the fence again. 







Now you’ve destroyed the Ferris Wheel, you need to find another way back to the Krystal.  Walk up a few steps, and go through the door on the right. 





Go right, to the other end of the building.  Leave the building through the door on the right. 







Walk right, to the gates.  Go through the gates to leave the Park. 







Climb down the stairs on the right. 












Walk right a few steps, and talk to the Youkols.  Watch the cut scene.  Oscar is fully clothed again.  The Youkols are afraid and want to attack him, but the Shaman comes to his rescue.  Decide how you want to respond to her.  Does she have a crush on Oscar?  You ask her to get everyone ready to leave, while you get the snow ostriches out.  Head right, and follow the path round to the other side of the boat. 


Continue right, until you see the lever in the wall. 


Click on the lever to see a close-up. 


Click on the lever again, and watch the cut scene as the boat’s hold is opened, and the snow ostriches are finally allowed out.  The Youkols are happy to be going on the next stage of their migration journey.  However, Olga and her goons are still hunting you! 





Continued In Chapter 6:  Baranour Underground Metro Station…

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