02 August 2022

Syberia II


YEAR:  2004

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure














Look at the stove on the left, to get a close-up of it. 


Take BOX OF MATCHES from the stove, then exit the close-up. 


Walk down to the next screen. 


Follow the path along, until you hear the bells chiming. 







Most of the monks have left for prayer, leaving you alone in the courtyard (except for 2 other monks that have taken a vow of silence) 


Walk left towards the building. 


You’re outside a door now.  Open the door, and enter the Chapel. 







The Chapel looks very grand, with paintings and candles adorning the walls.  Ignore the gate on the right for the moment - it’s locked, and you don’t have the key.  Follow the carpet down to the next screen. 


Walk up to the door at the far end of the room, and watch the cut scene.  Father Healer is not impressed to find you - a woman - in the chapel.  Work through all the dialogue options with him.  Watch the cut scene.  Eventually, Father Healer brings Hans into the monastery. 







The next day, you speak with Father Healer again.  He believes Hans is beyond healing, but he agrees to tend to Hans’s soul, until he dies.  You refuse to believe that - Hans CAN be cured!  Work through all the dialogue options.  When conversation is over, Father Healer leaves you outside the Medical Wing. 


Walk up, through the archway, into the covered area. 


Enter the door on the right, into Hans’s room. 







Talk to Hans and work through all the dialogue options.  Take note of Hans’s ramblings about his father - this is important for later on.  Also note that Hans asks you to find Brother Alexei, who lived with the Youkols.  Continue the dialogue options with Hans.  When conversation is over, leave the room. 







Talk to the monk who was eavesdropping and work through all the dialogue options with him.  He’s rather cryptic about Alexei’s whereabouts.  He gives you a SCROLL and a STAINED GLASS MAMMOTH, then he leaves.  Look at the items in your Inventory if you like.  Now walk up, and leave the covered archway. 


Pick up the BRUSH that’s lying on the ground next to the bucket.  Walk down to the courtyard. 







Walk down one screen. 


Go left to the building. 


Open the door, and enter the Chapel again. 







Inside the Chapel, make your way down to Father Healer’s private room. 


He comes out to greet you.  Work through all the dialogue options with him.  He still insists that nothing can be done to help poor Hans.  Make sure you ask about Brother Alexei - you finally learn that Alexei is dead.  When conversation is over, walk down one screen. 


Look closely at the painting on the wall on the left. 



You see a close-up of the painting.  Click on the bible in the man’s hand.  Now use your BRUSH on the bible, to scrub at the painting.  You reveal a diagram of a cross and some dots, that were hidden behind the bible.  Take note of this diagram. 


When you are ready, exit the close-up. 


Walk down and leave the Chapel. 







Wald down one screen, away from the chapel. 


Now head up one screen. 


This path leads back to the entrance of the monastery.  Look at the wheelbarrow on the right, to see a close-up. 



Take SHEARS from the wheelbarrow (they weren’t here before, but they are now), then exit the close-up. 


Go up to the next screen.  


Walk down to the main Courtyard. 


Enter the Cemetery at the top left of the screen. 







Follow the path up & left, past the tree, so you can see the Gravedigger.  Look at the hole in the wall near the Gravedigger, to see a close-up. 


Look at the gap.  Hmm, it looks kinda steep.  But remember this for later.  When you’re ready, exit the close-up. 


Continue right along the path, to the gravestones. 


Look at the gravestone near the front, to see a close-up. 


The gravestone is covered in vines.  Use the SHEARS to cut the vines away, so you can clearly read the gravestone.  Oh dear!  This is Alexei’s grave!  So he really is dead!  Take the HERBS AND BRAMBLES from the base of the gravestone, then exit the close-up. 


Head down, and make your way out of the Cemetery, back to the Courtyard. 







Enter the fancy door next to the Cemetery, into the Library. 







Follow the spiral balcony right, until you’re at Ground Level.  Notice that the hanging candles are set out the same as the diagram in the hidden picture you saw in the Chapel.  Pick up the long pole from the wall on the right. 


Now you have an overhead view.  You need to light the correct candles, in accordance to the diagram in the chapel wall.  Use the cross etched into the floor as a guide.  Click on the following candles to light them. 



When done correctly, you see a round window opening at the top of the library.  Follow the spiral balcony left, and continue all the way to the top. 


You’ll see the opened window, with a beam of sunlight shining through.  Click on the window to see the town of Romansburg.  Now go to the Documents section of your Inventory and select the STAINED GLASS MAMMOTH.  Use STAINED GLASS MAMMOTH on the round window.  Exit the close-up.  The aim here, is to adjust the panels in the correct order, so that an image of the mammoth reflects onto the wall opposite.  Adjust the panels in this order: 



        -       Bottom

        -       Left

        -       Top

        -       Right



An image of the mammoth is projected onto the opposite wall.  Notice where the eye of the mammoth lands.  Exit the close-up. 


Follow the spiral balcony right one screen, and you’ll see the mammoth projected onto the wall.  Click on the mammoth eye to see a close-up. 


Click on the wall decoration - you’ll here some creaking, and a secret room opens up to your right.  Enter the secret room. 


Take BROTHER ALEXEI’S BOOK, and take YOUKOL RELIC from the middle shelf.  Look at BROTHER ALEXEI’S BOOK in the Documents section of your Inventory, and read through it for some useful information.  Pay close attention to what it says about brambles.  Leave the secret room. 


Head right along the spiral balcony to the next screen, then leave the Library. 







Head down, and make your way back to the top of the tower, where you first entered the monastery. 







Look at the stove on the left to see a close-up. 


Pull the handle on the left to heat up the pot.  Place HERBS AND BRAMBLES into the pot.  Use the lever under the pot funnel to open the candle mold.  Take a wick that’s hanging up to the left of the pot (looks like a fly swatter), to place it into the candle mold.  Close the candle mold again.  Click on the pot tap to allow the melted wax into the candle mold.  Open the candle mold again to get a HERBAL CANDLE.  Exit the close-up. 







Head down, and follow the path along, until you reach the Medical Wing where Hans’s is being kept. 


Walk right to the Medical Wing. 







Walk up, through the archway, into the covered area. 


Enter the door on the right, into Hans’s room. 







Look at the table at the bottom corner of the room, opposite Hans.  You see a close-up of the table.  Remembering what you read in ALEXEI’S BOOK, place the YOUKOL RELIC onto the table.  Insert HERBAL CANDLE into the YOUKOL RELIC, then use BOX OF MATCHES to light it.  Watch the cut scene.  The candle has a strange effect on Hans, and he seems to be feeling much better now.  Chat to Hans.  Although he’s feeling better, he’s still not strong enough to stand up.  You’ll have to find a way for you both to escape.  When you’re ready, leave the room. 







Head up through the archway, and return to the Courtyard. 







Walk down 2 screens, so you are outside the Chapel. 


Walk left to the Chapel. 


Open the door and enter the Chapel. 







Make your way along to Father Healer’s private room.  This time, he’s not here, so enter the room. 


In Father Healer’s room, search the altar section at the back wall to see a close-up.  Take ORNATE KEY, then exit the close-up.  Leave the room. 


Walk down 2 screens, to the big door, but don’t leave the Chapel. 


Look at the  gate on the right to see a close-up.  Use ORNATE KEY in the gate to unlock it, then head right through the gate to another part of the chapel. 


This is the bell tower.  Pull the long rope on the right to ring the bell, thus summoning all the monks inside for prayer.  Note that the Gravedigger also leaves his post to go for prayer, leaving the hole in the wall clear for you and Hans to make your escape.  Go left, and leave this bell tower room. 


Go up through the door, and leave the Chapel. 







There’s just a few more preparations, before you and Hans can escape.  Make your way back to the Cemetery. 







Follow the upper left path, past the tree, and on to the hole in the wall. 


Click on the coffin on the ground, where the Gravedigger was working, and watch the cut scene as you move the coffin into place.  Head down 2 screens, and leave the Cemetery. 







Make your way back to the Medical Wing, and into Hans’s Room. 







Talk to Hans, and watch the cut scene.  You and Hans escape from the Monastery just in the nick of time!  You automatically return to the train. 





Continued In Chapter 3:  Back In Romansburg...


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