02 August 2022

Syberia II


YEAR:  2004

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure















After sharing Han’s dreams, you wake up back in the Spirit Woman’s hut, with Hans still dangling from the ceiling.  Talk to her if you like, but she’s not very helpful.  Walk down, towards the door of the hut. 


Open the door and leave the hut.  Watch the cut scene with Marson. 







The Youkol village is still rather confusing to navigate, so I’ll try to make things as easy as possible.  




Outside the Spirit Woman’s hut, open your Inventory, and use your mobile phone to call Oscar, who’s still on the train.  Oscar seems rather concerned about ‘little furry creatures’ who might attack the train.  You should head back there, to see what’s going on.  Walk straight down to the next screen. 


Walk left 2 screens. 


Cross over the bone bridge, and take the upper left path to the next screen. 


You can see the rail tracks above you.  However, your train is not there, because it still back at the outskirts of the village.  Cross over the bridge under the rail tracks. 


Head down, and follow the path along, until you see a ladder made from mammoth bones.  Climb up the bone ladder. 


The rail tracks are running parallel to you.  Climb up the stairs, so you are above the rail tracks. 


Head right a few steps, and climb down the other end of the stairs. 


Go down to the next screen. 


Follow the path up to the next screen. 


You’re next to the rail tracks again.  And you can see a chain lying on the rail tracks.  Continue down to the next screen. 


There are 2 Youkols here, in warm coats - could these be the ‘little furry creatures’ that Oscar mentioned when you called him?  Talk to the Youkols and work through the dialogue with them.  They seem to be scared of something.  Are they talking your train (took toot)?  And Oscar (nanook metaal)?  You can see your train in the distance, so when you’ve finished talking to the Youkols, head up to the train. 












The giant owl totem is still here, marking the boundaries of the village.  Head down & left, towards the train. 


There’s a large hook on a chain, lying on the tracks in front of the train. 



Try to lift it, but it’s too heavy for you.  You need some help.  Unfortunately, the Youkols are afraid of metal man Oscar, so they won’t help.  You need to convince them that Oscar is not dangerous.  Head left to the next screen. 


Climb into Oscar’s engine room.  












Talk to Oscar and work through all the dialogue with him.  Through dialogue, you give him the YOUKAL MASK you got from the Spirit Woman’s hut, and you convince him to wear it.  Watch the short cut scene. 












Head up & right, and then follow the rail tracks along, until you see the 2 Youkols again. 


Talk to the Youkols and work through the dialogue with them.  They see Oscar in the Youkol mask, and decide that he’s not a threat after all.  So they agree to help you.  Watch the cut scene, as they attach the hook & chain to your train.  However, even though the chain is now attached, it is still loose - you need to tighten it.  Head up, and then left, so you can see the front of your train. 


Click on the front of your train to get a close-up.  Click on the winch to tighten the train.  Watch the cut scene, to see the effects of the chain being tightened.  Head down & right, and continue along, until you see some wooden stairs going over the rail tracks in the Youkol village. 












Climb up the stairs.  The bridge is like a T-junction.  Walk left a few steps, so you are halfway over the bridge. 


Follow the bridge down & right, to the next screen. 


Click on the levers under the horizontal beam to see a close-up.  The levers are hard to spot, but they’re there. 



Pull the lever on the right.  Watch the cut scene, as your train is pulled into the Youkol village. 


Now you need to talk to Oscar again, to find out what Hans meant by ‘open your heart’.  Go down & left, back to the previous screen. 


Follow the bridge right, to the next screen. 


Climb right down the stairs.  If you look carefully in the upper right area, you’ll see a bone ladder leading down. 




Climb down the bone ladder. 


Follow the path down & left. 


The Youki enclosure is here.  Head right to the next screen. 


Go up to the next screen. 


You can see the rail tracks above you, as well as the stairs leading up to it.  You can also see your train now.  Climb up the stairs. 


Climb up into the engine room of the train. 












It’s time to get to the bottom of Hans’s cryptic message.  Talk to Oscar, using the following dialogue option. 



        -       Heart



Oscar starts acting strangely.  Watch the cut scene, as he leaves his beloved train.  It’s heartbreaking when he refers to himself as ‘only an automaton’.  You automatically climb out of the engine room. 












What is Oscar talking about?  Climb back down the stairs. 


You get a phone call from your old boss Mr Marson.  After you hang up on him, head right to the next screen. 


Cross over the small bridge on the right, and continue right to the next screen. 


Once again, go right to the next screen. 


You should see the long drumsticks that are in front of the Spirit Woman’s hut.  Head up towards the long drumsticks. 


Head up again, into the Spirit Woman’s hut. 







Walk down to the other side of the hut. 


You’re met with a strange scene - Oscar lying on the bed, with Hans hanging above him.  Now get ready for some very emotional scenes.  I’m not ashamed to admit that I shed a tear or two! 


Click on Oscar in the bed, to see a close-up of his heart. 



The heart is set out like a clock, with 12 buttons in it.  Number the buttons from 1 to 12, with 12 being at the top, like a clock.  If you remember the time that Hans’s father leaves for the factory - 7.15 - then click on buttons 7 & 3, to open the heart. 



A kind of cross appears in the centre.  Click on buttons 12, 6, 3, and 9. 



Take the VORALBERG KEY from Oscar’s heart, then watch the incredibly emotional cut scene as Oscar sacrifices himself for Hans.  R.I.P. Oscar.  You will be missed!   *SOB*


Hans still needs some time to rest & recuperate, but while he’s doing that, you can get the train prepared for the next part of your journey.  When you’re ready, walk down to the other end of the hut. 


Open the door and leave the hut. 







Walk down to the next screen. 


Head left, and continue left, until you reach the rail tracks with the train. 


Climb up the stairs, to the rail tracks. 


Climb into the engine room of the train. 












It’s strange to be in the engine room without Oscar.  Look at the Control Panel in the middle of the back wall, to see a close-up. 


Now, there are several things you have to do here, in order to get the train ready.  However, you can’t do anything without a key.  So insert the VORALBERG KEY from Oscar’s heart, into it’s slot at the top of the Control Panel, between the 2 gauges. 



Look at the Control Panel.  The various levers and switches control the various functions of the train. 




        1.     Operates an extendable grabber snake

        2.     Up = grabber snake extends from top 

                Down = grabber snake extends from bottom

        3.     Turns water into steam

        4.     Sucks up liquids from below it

        5.     Collects whatever is in front of it

        6.     Heats up the boiler. 

        7.     Releases a jet of steam



Okay, first thing’s first.  You need some coal for your engine.  Pull Lever 2 ‘Up’.  Pull Lever 1 ‘Up’.  Flip Switch 5 up.  Your coal gauge (top right) is now showing as ‘Full’


You need some water.  Pull Lever 2 ‘Down’.  Pull Lever 1 ‘Down’.  Flip Switch 4.  The grabber snake gobbles up some water, and your gauge (top left) is now showing as ‘Full’


You need to melt the huge ice wall in front of you, so that you can continue your journey.  The best way to do that, is by using steam.  Turn Wheel 6.  Turn Wheel 3.  Flip Switch 7.  Watch the cut scene, as a boiling hot jet of steam is released, melting the ice wall in front of you. 


Now leave the train via the exit on the right. 












The train is all ready to leave.  You just need to collect Hans now.  You also need to let Youki out of the enclosure.  Climb down the stairs on the right. 


Go right, to the next screen. 


Cross over the small bridge, and take the top right path up to the next screen. 


Walk up again, to the Chief Youkol who is guarding the huge gate.  It was completely iced over before, but you managed to melt the ice. 


Talk to the Chief Youkol and work through all the dialogue with him.  You realise that, since Syberia is surrounded by water, you can’t continue your journey by train.  Chief Youkol agrees that you can take the Ark.  Head down & left, to the next screen. 


Go down & left, to the next screen. 


Cross left, over the bridge.  Take the upper left path, back to the rail tracks with the train.  Remember, you need to let Youki out of the enclosure.  Follow the path left & down to the next screen. 


Head straight down, to the Youki enclosure. 


At the Youki enclosure, click on the gate at the front of the enclosure to see a close-up. 


Click on the right edge of the gate to open it.  Youki excitedly bounds out the enclosure, and far away.  Exit the close-up. 


Go right, to the next screen. 


Head up, back to the rail tracks.  Go right to the next screen. 


Cross right, over the  small bone bridge.  Continue right, and keep going right, until you can see the long drumsticks belonging to the Spirit Woman in the distance. 




Head up 2 times, so you are in the Spirit Woman’s hut. 







Walk down to the other side of the hut. 


Hans has already left.  Click on the Spirit Woman to say ‘Goodbye’ to her.  Go back down to the other side of the hut. 


Open the door and leave the hut. 







Go down to the next screen. 


Head left, and continue left until you’re back at the Chief Youkol standing in front of the gate. 



You can see Youki standing on the bridge leading to the Ark.  Climb left, onto the Ark (you won’t be able to do this, unless you have already said ‘Goodbye’ to the Spirit Woman).  Watch the cut scene as you and Hans  (*sob*   poor Oscar!) continue your journey on the Ark. 





Continued In Chapter 9:  Penguin Island…

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