17 October 2021

Quest For Glory 2: Trial By Fire


YEAR:  2011

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure

WHERE TO GET IT:   AGD Interactive

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3







After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room and sit down at the table.  Shema brings your breakfast.  She tells you that an Air Elemental has prevented some of the Katta from setting up their stalls this morning.  Oh dear, looks like you’ll have to find out more about this Elemental, before you can defeat it.  Click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. Shameen tells you that Shema is dancing tonight.  You’re looking forward to it.  Now outside the Inn, your Saurus will greet you with a big ‘GRONK’ and a lick to the face.  Isn’t that nice!  However, you have to take him back to the Saurus Stables.  


After dealing with your Saurus, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Click MAP on yourself, and jump to Plaza Of The Palace, and see the Air Elemental for yourself.  He looks dangerous!  Now sneak up into the safety of the streets.  


Click MAP on yourself, and jump to Aziza's house, with the big purple door.  Remember, you have to be polite to her, so Knock On Door, and she‘ll let you in.  Sneak down the steps to sit down at the table with her.  She asks if you want some tea, so use the Talk Icon on yourself, and Answer Yes.  Now talk to her, ask about Daily News, and then work through the Elemental-related topics.  Now use the Talk Icon on yourself, and Say Goodbye to leave.  Outside her house, put yourself back in SNEAK mode.  


Let’s go and visit Keapon Laffin then.  Use MAP on yourself and jump to the Magic Shop.  Talk to him, and ask about Daily News, then Air Elemental, Mud, Fooler’s Earth, and Capture.  He’ll give you a POT OF DIRT, which you can use to defeat the Air Elemental.  Now leave the shop.  Outside the Magic Shop, be sure to refill your WATERSKINS from the fountain.  


So from what Aziza and Keapon Laffin have told you, you need some special earth to stop the Air Elemental, and you’ll need some BELLOWS to contain it.  You already have the FOOLER’S EARTH from Keapon, so now you just need the BELLOWS.  


Click MAP on yourself, and jump to the Weapons Shop.  Have you noticed the sign above his shop door?  Those BELLOWS would be ideal for dealing with the Air Elemental.  Use Talk Icon on yourself, and Tell About Air Elemental (if you haven‘t seen the Air Elemental at the palace, this option won‘t be available).  He agrees to give you his BELLOWS if you defeat him at arm wresting.  Unfortunately, you’re not strong enough to beat him.  Not to worry, you’re a thief, and you have other ways of getting what you want.  Leave the shop for now.  


Outside the Weapons Shop, walk down one screen.  The Challenger is here again.  Being a thief, you need to be able to walk across a tight- rope.  Use the Talk Icon on yourself, and Challenge him.  Then click your COIN PURSE on him to pay him a DINAR.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use the Hand Icon to climb up the tightrope and read the on-screen instructions how to cross the tightrope - use the Left Arrow Key to move left.  Now this part is tricky, but I found it slightly easier to get across as quickly as possible - don’t linger on the rope.  When you cross the rope successfully, the Challenger will give you 10 DINARS.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now challenge him again - click your COIN PURSE on him to pay him a DINAR, then climb up the rope, read the on-screen instructions, and cross the tightrope.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  For a third time, click your COIN PURSE on him to pay him a DINAR, then climb up the rope and cross the tightrope.  When you have successfully crossed the tightrope 3 times, he’ll refuse to challenge you again, because you have won all his money.  


Now sneak up into the streets and practice throwing your DAGGERS.  You need to get up to at least 160.  If you’re already at that level, do whatever you like until evening.  


When evening arrives, return to Katta’s Tail Inn.  Sit down at the table and watch Shema dance.  She’s a talented dancer.  When she’s finished dancing, click on the table and Order A Meal.  When Shema brings your supper, use Talk Icon on yourself, Thank Shema, and Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, leave the inn.  


Use MAP on yourself and jump to Plaza Of The Fighters East.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Sneak over to the Weapon Shop, use your MAGIC ROPE, and get the BELLOWS, then lower yourself back down to the ground.  Now use MAP on yourself and jump to Katta's Tail Inn.  Go into your bedroom and Sleep Until Morning.  




After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room and sit down at the table.  Shema brings your breakfast, so click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn.   


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You have to defeat the Air Elemental today.  Your Throwing Skill has to be at least 160 at this point.  


Use MAP on yourself, and jump to Plaza Of The Palace, which is on the right of the map.  


Now the Palace Plaza spreads over 2 screens, and the Air Elemental goes back and forth between them.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now when the Air Elemental is near you, throw POT OF DIRT (the Fooler’s Earth from Keopon Laffin) into the funnel to ground it.  Now use BELLOWS on the funnel to capture it.  You suck up the Air Elemental with a loud ‘shlurp’.  That's the end of the Air Elemental, and the guards return to the Plaza.  


That’s 2 Elementals you’ve defeated now.  You’re really building a reputation as a hero.  


That’s all you have to do today.  Do whatever you like until evening.  


When evening arrives, sit down at the table in Katta’s Tail Inn.  Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room at top right, and Sleep Until Morning.  


DAY 10

After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room and sit down at the table.  Shema brings your breakfast, so click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


Nothing to do today.  Practice SNEAKing around, throwing your DAGGERS (remember to retrieve them afterwards), or sleep at Katta’s Inn until evening.  


When evening arrives, sit down at the table in Katta’s Tail Inn.  Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room at top right, and Sleep Until Morning.  


DAY 11

After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room - Shameen tells you that Omar the Poet will be performing tonight, and wishes to speak with you.  Sit down at the table.  Shema brings your breakfast.  This is the first time your trip to Rasier is mentioned, and Shema asks you to look up her cousin in Rasier.  Talk to her, ask about Daily News, and then work through the topics.  Now click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


Again, nothing to do today.  Do whatever you like until evening.  


When evening arrives, return to Katta’s Tail Inn.  Omar the Poet is here, and he thanks you for defeating the Fire Elemental and the Air Elemental.  He gives you a reward of 50 DINARS.  You automatically sit down at the table, as Omar recites his poem - wow, it’s an ode to you and your heroic deeds!  That’s kind of him!  Now remember, you still have his purse that he dropped the other day.  After his poem, stand up, and give him his PURSE.  Now talk to Omar and work through all the topics.  Now sit down at the table so that Shema can bring your supper.  Use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room at top right, and Sleep Until Morning.  

DAY 12

After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room - Shameen tells you about the Earth Elemental that is now plaguing the city.  You’ll have to deal with this problem as well.  Sit down at the table so that Shema brings your breakfast.  Click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Let’s find out more about the Earth Elemental.  Use MAP on yourself, and jump to the Guild Hall.  Rakeesh is here - talk to him, and ask about Daily News, then Earth Elemental, Nature, Flame, and Sword.  Now leave the Guild Hall.  


Use MAP on yourself, and jump to the Apothecary, which is in the Fountain Plaza.  Talk to Harik, and ask about Daily News, then Earth Elemental, and Earth.  Now click Talk Icon on yourself and Tell About Earth Elemental.  Now leave the shop.  


Drink water from the fountain, and fill your WATERSKINS in the fountain.  Now sneak down, so you can see the Magic Shop.  From here, leave the Fountain Plaza through exit at the top.   


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Okay, Earth Elemental beware!  Sneak up, and follow the path, until the Earth Elemental jumps out at you.  Approach the Earth Elemental, and throw POWDER at the Earth Elemental.  But the Earth Elemental can be sneaky - it may ‘disappear’, and teleport itself somewhere else.  If this happens, follow path again, or search in the north area of the city, until he reappears.  Throw POWDER again, and when he crumbles into a pile of rubble, you know you really have defeated him.  Use the CLOTH BAG to scoop up the remains of the Earth Elemental.  


Use MAP on yourself, and jump to the Saurus Lot.  The guard mentions something about the Dervish - let’s go and pay him a visit.  Click on the gate to collect your saurus, then click on the saurus to mount him.  Now go down to the City Overlook, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Take your saurus down 5 times, until you see the rock that looks like a dinosaur head.Then head left to the Dervish.  


The Dervish mentions the Puzzle of Five Ws.  Dismount your saurus, and take a drink from the pool.  Now talk to the Dervish, and ask about Daily News, then Puzzle, When, Who, What, Beast, Harik, Where, Skareen, and Why.  This is all very cryptic!  Maybe you could find this Caged Beast that the Puzzle referenced?  Mount your saurus again, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


From the Oasis, head down (North) twice, then left (West) 8 times, until you reach the Caged Beast.  Dismount your saurus, and look at the Caged Beast.  The poor thing won’t survive much longer.  Give him some water from your WATERSKIN.  There’s nothing else you can do for him at the moment.  


Mount your saurus, talk to him, and Return To The City.  Now make your way up into the city, then use MAP on yourself, and jump to the Apothecary.  Use the Talk Icon on yourself, and Tell About Beast (if you haven’t seen the Caged Beast, this option won’t be available).  Now talk to Harik, and ask about Dispel Potion, then Griffin Feather, Fruit Of Compassion, Plant, and Hair.  Now leave the shop.  


That’s all your tasks for today.  Do whatever you like until evening.   


When evening arrives, sit down at the table in Katta’s Tail Inn.  Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room at top right, and Sleep Until Morning.  

DAY 13

After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room and sit down at the table.  Shema brings your breakfast, so click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use MAP on yourself, and jump to Aziza’s house with the purple door.  Knock On Door, and she will let you in.  Sneak down the stairs to sit at the table with her.  She asks if you want to share some tea, so click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Answer Yes.  After the tea, click Talk Icon on yourself again, and Tell About Beast.  Now talk to Aziza, and ask about Beast, Dispel Potion, Contrary Element, Capture, and Fruit Of Compassion.  When you ask about Fruit Of Compassion, you learn the tragic tale of Julanar the Healer.  You have to help her by giving her gifts of Kindness, Magic, and Love.  Use Talk Icon on yourself, and Say Goodbye to leave her house.    


Put yourself back in SNEAK mode.  Use MAP and jump to Plaza Of The Fountain North.  Drink water from the fountain, and fill your WATERSKINS.  


Now use MAP and jump to the Saurus Lot.  Click on gate to collect your saurus, then click on saurus to mount him.  Go down to the City Overlook, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Aziza told you about Julanar, so let’s go and find her.  Travel right (East) many screens, until you reach the Tree Woman.  Click on your saurus to dismount.  Now remember, Aziza said you need to give her gifts of Kindness, Magic, and Love, which will restore her spirit.  The first gift is Kindness.  Give water from your WATERSKINS to the Tree, then click the Talk Icon on yourself and Tell About Yourself (you may have to repeat this several times, if your Communication Skills are not high enough).  She turns round to face you.  The second gift is Magic.  Give CLOTH BAG WITH ELEMENTAL EARTH to the tree, then click Talk Icon on yourself and Tell About Earth Elemental.  She sprouts leaves on her branches.  The third gift is Love.  Click on the tree, and Hug Tree, then click Talk Icon on yourself, and Say Julanar.  You have restored her spirit, and she will thank you by giving you the Fruit Of Compassion.  That’s all you can do for her.  


Now mount your saurus, and travel left (West) many screens (past the City Overlook) along the desert wall, until you reach the sleeping Griffin.  Dismount your saurus, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look around, and look at the Griffin.  He’s sleeping peacefully.  Sneak over to the left side of him, use your MAGIC ROPE to climb up, and take a FEATHER from the nest (don‘t take from the Griffin, or he will come back and attack you later).  Now lower yourself back down to the ground.  


You have both the ingredients Harik needed for his Dispel Potion now, so click on your saurus to mount him, talk to him, and Return To City.  Head up to the Saurus Stables, dismount your saurus, then sneak up to the Gates Plaza.  


Make sure you are in Sneak Mode.  Use MAP on yourself and jump to the Apothecary.  Give GRIFFIN FEATHER and give FRUIT OF COMPASSION to Harik.  He completes the Dispel Potion, and gives you 3 bottles of DISPEL POTION.  Now leave the shop.  


Drink water from the fountain, and fill your WATERSKINS from the fountain.  Now use MAP on yourself and jump to the Saurus Lot.   Click on the gate to collect your saurus, then click on saurus to mount him.  Now sneak down once to the City Overlook, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Now you have the DISPEL POTION, you can help the Caged Beast.   Travel left (West) 5 times (one screen past the Griffin), then down (South) three times.  The Caged Beast is here.  Dismount your saurus, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Sneak up to the cage and give one of your RATIONS to the Beast.  While he is distracted, click on his tail to get some of the Beast’s HAIR, which you automatically mix into the DISPEL POTION.  Now give DISPEL POTION to the Beast.  The Beast transforms into… Al Scurva.  He’s not exactly grateful that you dispelled him, but at least he gives you a warning about Ad Avis, his old Master.  Now mount your saurus, talk to him, and Return To The City.  Head up to the Saurus Stables, dismount your saurus, then sneak up into the Gates Plaza.  


Do what you like for the rest of the day.  


When evening arrives, sit down at the table in Katta’s Tail Inn.  Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, and leave the inn.


Outside the Inn, click MAP on yourself, and jump to Money Changer.  She has more work for you, so tell her 'Yes', you are interested.  She asks for 20 dinars up front, so click MONEY POUCH on her to pay her.  After she gives your instructions, leave the shop. 


Click MAP on yourself, and jump to Plaza Of The Fountain North.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now this is how to find the guard’s house Dinarzad told you about.  


Leave Plaza Of The Fountain North by the top exit.  
Follow long path along (ignore that path on the left) to the intersection.
Turn left into Khalsa Darb.
Follow path until you see path on the left.
Take left path into Kudra Darb.
Follow long path until you see path on the right.
Take right path into Sahir Tarik.  


You’ve reached a dead end, but there is a door on the left, just as Dinarzad told you.  Check the time, and wait until The Night Is Still Young.  Make sure you are SNEAKing and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use your THIEVES TOOLKIT on the door to break in.  


Inside the house, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at table on the left, and look at blue jewellery box on the table.  Use your THIEVES TOOLKIT on the blue box to open it - if you‘ve been practising your Lock Picking skills, this will be no problem to you.  Now click on blue box to open it, then Search Box.  Repeat this several times, until you ‘Spy Something That Looks Valuable’ - unfortunately, it’s too tangled to take.  Use your DAGGER in the blue jewellery box to cut through the tangle, and you are left with a JADE BRACELET.  Now click on the blue box again to Close Box.  Now look at cabinet on the back left wall, and use OIL on the cabinet to oil it’s hinges.  Open the cabinet to find some DAGGERS and a HEALING PILL, which you take.  You hear voices outside, so click on the table a few times to hide behind it.  When the coast is clear, come out of your hiding place.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Sneak over to drawers on the right, open drawers, and find a BAG OF COINS.  You hear a knock on the door, so quickly click on the table again to hide.  Now Rahat will start looks for his father’s stash… which you happen to be holding!  While he’s busy searching drawers on the right, you click on the table to stand up, then click BAG OF COINS on cabinet on the left.  Quickly click on the table again to hide.  Rahat will find the stash, take a few coins, and then leave.  When the coast is clear, click on cabinet again to get BAG OF COINS.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now look at those nice silver swords above the doorway in the back wall.  Don't they look tempting?  Sneak over to them (make sure to avoid that squeaky floorboard right at the back), and click MAGIC ROPE on them.  Climb up, grab the SWORDS, then lower yourself back down to the ground.  You’ve done well here!  Click on door on the right to sneak out again.  Phew, you’re safe!  


Click MAP on yourself, and jump to Money Changer.  Give her the SILVER SWORDS and accept her offer.  Give her the JADE BRACELET and accept her offer.  When you’re ready, leave her shop.  


Well that was quite a thrill, but it’s very late now, and you’re tired.   Use MAP on yourself and return to Katta’s Tail Inn.  Enter your room, and Sleep Until Morning.  

DAY 14

After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room and sit down at the table next to Abdulla.  He tells you about the Water Elemental that has been unleashed upon the city.  Shema brings your breakfast, so click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now talk to Abdullaand ask about Daily News, then Water Elemental.  The city isn’t safe, until you prove yourself once again.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You need to deal with this Water Elemental.  FAST!  Now where else would a Water Elemental be, other than in the fountain?  Use MAP on yourself and jump to Plaza Of The Fountain.  Yep, there it is, playing in the fountain.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Approach the fountain, but don’t get too close.  Now drop WATERSKIN onto the ground, then use BELLOWS on the Water Elemental.  You automatically pick up the WATERSKIN again.  You’ve now defeated the Water Elemental, and the fountain returns to normal.  


Use MAP on yourself and jump to Plaza Of The Palace.  The Katta have set up their stalls again, now that the Air Elemental is gone (thanks to you), and they want to show their appreciation.  They give you a treasured SAPHIRE PIN, which is a very high honour in their land.  


Do what you like for the rest of the day.  


When evening arrives, sit down at the table in Katta’s Tail Inn, next to Abdulla.  Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room at top right, and Sleep Until Morning.  

DAY 15

After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room and sit down at the table.  Shameen informs you that Aziza has requested your company tomorrow (Day 16).  Sit down at the table, so that Shema can bring your breakfast.  Click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Do what you like until evening.  


When evening arrives, sit down at the table in Katta’s Tail Inn.   Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room, and Sleep Until Morning.  

DAY 16


After a peaceful night’s sleep, you awaken the next morning feeling very refreshed.  Leave your room - Shameen reminds you to go and see Aziza today.  Sit down at the table, so that Shema can bring your breakfast.  Click the Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your breakfast.  Now stand up, and leave the inn. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  This is your last day in Shapier, so you need to tie up any loose ends.


Remember, Aziza requested your presence today.  Use MAP on yourself, and jump to Aziza's house with the purple door.  Knock On Door, and Aziza will let you in.  She has some important information she wishes to share with you, but before she can do so, your faithful saurus turns up with a loud ‘Gronk’!  She welcomes your saurus into her home, and it is revealed that the saurus is really… Emir Arus Al- Din, the missing Emir from Rasier.  But he has been enchanted.  You have to carry on to Rasier, while your saurus stays with Aziza.  You automatically leave her home.  


Make sure you are in Sneak Mode.  Use MAP on yourself and jump to the Guild Hall. Rakeesh is here, and he gives you some good advice.  Now leave the Guild Hall. 


From outside the Guild Hall, sneak down one screen.  Approach katta merchant on the left, next to the Weapon Shop.  Use Talk Icon on yourself, and Make Purchase.  Select the WATERSKINS, change quantity to 5, offer 60 CENTIMES, then find a middle ground that the Katta will accept.  


Use MAP on yourself and jump to the Apothecary.  Use the Talk Icon on yourself, and Make Purchase.  Select HEALING PILLS (red bottle), change the quantity to 4, and offer 5 DINARS, then find a middle ground that Harik is willing to sell them for.  Again, use Talk Icon on yourself and Make Purchase.  Select VIGOR PILLS (green bottle), change quantity to 4, and offer 470 CENTIMES, then find a middle ground that Harik is willing to sell them for.  Leave the Apothecary.  


Approach the Katta's food stand on the right.  Use Talk Icon on yourself and Buy Meat.  Select LIZARD JERKY RATIONS, change quantity to 5, offer 80 CENTIMES, then find a price that the Katta will accept.  Sneak over to the fountain, and drink water to quench your thirst, then fill your WATERSKINS from the fountain.  


Do what you like for the rest of the day.  


When evening arrives, return to Katta’s Tail Inn.  Omar the Poet is here, and he rewards you with 100 DINARS for everything you have done for the City.  Now sit down at the table, and watch Omar recite another poem… dedicated to you!  When he’s finished his poem, click on the table, and Order A Meal.  Shema brings your supper, so use Talk Icon on yourself, and Thank Shema, then Say Goodbye.  Click on the food in front of you to eat your supper.  After supper, stand up, go to your room at top right, and Sleep Until Morning.    

DAYS 17 - 26

Shameen and Shema wake you up very early in the morning, and give you some supplies for your journey to Rasier.  Leave your room - the Katta bid you farewell.  The game takes control at this point, and you will be sent on your way with a new Saurus.  You will meet up with the caravan, and the game's intermission will carry out. 





Continued In Part 3...


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