02 August 2022

Syberia II


YEAR:  2004

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure














After a frantic chase to catch up with you train, Ivan and Igor take the train over a bridge… just as it collapses!  The train is left dangling, leaving you on this side of the bridge with no way to cross over. 


You’ll have to look for a way around it.  At least you have Youki for company.  Head up & right to the next screen. 


Watch a short cut scene as Ivan and Igor taunt you.  You automatically continue right. 






Walk right to the next screen. 


Look at the frozen rock pile to get a close-up. 



There’s a fish frozen in here.  You have to melt the ice, in order to get the fish.  However, you’re not able to do that yet.  Exit the close-up. 


Follow the path right, and continue right, until Youki chases a beaver into the river.  He’s quite excited by this beaver, and no matter what you do, you can’t make him leave.  Watch Youki barking at the beaver if you like.  When you’re ready, follow the path up to the clearing. 


Take the dry BRANCHES from the base of the rock pile in the middle of the screen.  Also, click on the edge of the falls to learn that there’s a house down there.  Head down the path, and follow it along until you arrive back at the frozen rock pile. 


Again, look at the frozen rock pile to get a close-up.  The frozen fish is still here.  Place the dry BRANCHES into the gap at the bottom of the rock pile, then use BOX OF MATCHES to light the dry BRANCHES.  Witch the cut scene as the ice melts.  Now take the FISH OFFERING, then exit the close-up. 


Head right along the path, and continue, until you reach Youki, who’s still barking excitedly at the beaver.  Go up to the river’s edge. 


Give FISH OFFERING to Youki.  You finally manage to tempt him away from the beaver… for a short while.  As soon as you both hear a splash, Youki runs right back to the river.  Follow him back to the river’s edge. 


Well, the beaver has done what beavers do - and that is to gnaw through trees.  This tree has fallen across the river, acting like a bridge.  Isn’t that convenient?  Cross over the fallen tree - just don’t look down - and over to the other side. 


Follow the path up & right.  Watch a cut scene with Marson, your old boss. 







You’ve reached a crossroads.  Take the left path. 







Look at the branch hanging from the tree - it’s too high up, so you can’t reach it.  Look at the fence on the left - there’s no way you can jump that far.  Go right to the next screen. 







You see a log cabin in the distance.  Walk up to the log cabin. 












Watch the cut scene as your mother calls and tries to persuade you to come home.  After the phone call, open the door, and enter the cabin. 







Ahhh, isn’t this cosy? 


Look through the window and admire the view, then exit the close-up.  Look at the shelf above the fireplace on the left, to get a close-up. 


Take THE FISHERMAN’S GUIDE from the shelf, and note what it says about orange salmon.  Take the large RUSSIAN DOLL from the shelf, and take the HATCHET that was hidden behind it.  Exit the close-up. 


Open the front door again.  Poor Youki seems to be afraid of something.  I wonder wha… WOAH!!!  You have an uninvited guest!  A big, fierce, grizzly bear is right outside the door, and it doesn’t seem like he’s going to leave any time soon!  You quickly slam the door shut.  No wonder Youki was afraid.  Walk left, to the other side of the log cabin. 


Walk left, into the kitchen area. 


Look at the counter on the left, to get a close-up. 


Take the small FISH TANK from the counter - it looks like a small brown pot.  Now exit the close-up. 


Walk right, back to the previous screen. 


Open the back door, and head out to the jetty. 







Climb down the stairs to the platform. 


This place is all set up as a fisherman’s paradise.  That river must be full of fish.  Click on the fishing pole.  You automatically set your FISH TANK down on the ground.  Click on the lure box at your feet. 



Select the top right lure. 


Now click in the river at the lower right area. 



If you clicked in the right place, you’re rewarded with an ORANGE SALMON, which you automatically put into the FISH TANK (if you didn’t pick up the FISH TANK, Youki will just eat the fish).  You’re all done with fishing now, so climb back up the stairs. 


Open the back door, and enter the log cabin again. 







Go right, to the front section of the cabin. 


Click on the window next to the front door.  The grizzly bear is still prowling back & forth outside.  Open the window.   


Throw the ORANGE SALMON out of the window, to the bear.  The bear gobbles the ORANGE SALMON up, and then leaves.  Phew!  Exit the close-up. 


Open the front door, and leave the log cabin. 







Head left, back the way you came. 












Walk down the path, to the broken bridge. 








Click on the rope on the broken bridge - that knot is tied too tightly.  Use the HATCHET on the rope on the bridge.  You cut the rope free from the bridge, so you now have ROPE WITH PLATE.  Throw ROPE WITH PLATE onto the tree to create a swing, and watch as you swing across the chasm.  Although I have no idea how Youki was able make that jump! 







Head down to the next screen. 


Youki runs off to chase a bird.  Follow the path up to the next screen. 


Watch the cut scene with Youki and the bird.  Continue right until you catch up with Youki. 


Watch the cut scene with Ivan and Igor.  There’s also a plane that crashes. 


Look at the tall cliff face looming above you. 



Click on it, but you can’t reach the first foot hold.  Use HATCHET on the cliff.  Now you have to climb all the way up to the top.  The best way up is as follows. 



        -       Right above you 3 times

        -       Shimmy right 2 times

        -       Right above you 4 times

        -       Shimmy left 4 times

        -       Right above you 2 times

        -       Shimmy right 2 times

        -       Right above you 2 times

        -       Shimmy right 2 times

        -       Right above you 4 times



Watch the cut scene with Marson.  When is he going to realise that you’re not going back?  Anyway, you finally reach the top of the cliff face. 







Walk down to the next screen. 







There’s paths leading off in all directions.  Go left, to the plane crash. 







Walk up to the red wreckage of the plane. 


Oh dear - the plane has broken into several pieces.  Walk up between 2 pieces, to the next screen. 


The front section of the plane is here.  Ignore it for now.  Head up one more screen. 


There’s someone dangling from a tree, with his parachute caught on a tree branch.  This is your old pal Boris who you met in Syberia 1.  Click on him to talk to him, but he’s fast asleep and snoring.  And you won’t be able to wake him up, because he is wearing a headset.  If you could talk to him through his headset, maybe you could wake him up.  Go down one screen. 


Click on the plane, to see a close-up of the cockpit. 


Maybe you could use the radio in the plane, to communicate with Boris.  To activate the radio, use the following switches in this order. 



        Point 1.              Turn the dial at the top left, to turn it on,

                                and it turns red.


        Point 2.              Look at the 2 toggle switches near the

                                bottom right.  Flip the switch on the left up,

                                so both switches are up.  The light next to

                                them turns green, and a panel at the top right

                                starts flashing. 


        Point 3.              Look at the 3 coloured toggle switches near

                                the bottom right.  Set the switches so that

                                Yellow is up, Red is up, and Green is down. 


        Point 4.              Look at the ‘B’ toggle switch next to the green

                                light at the top.  Flip it down.  You now see the

                                number ‘03’ in the panel on the top right. 

                                That’s half the radio frequency, but you still need

                                the other half.  Flip the ‘B’ toggle switch back up



        Point 5.              Look at the ‘A’ toggle switch, next to the yellow

                                dial at the top.  Flip this down. 


        Point 3 (again):  Look at the 3 coloured toggle switches.  Flip

                                them so that Yellow is down, Red is up, and

                                Green is up.  You now see the other half of the

                                radio frequency - ‘28’



The complete radio frequency is ‘0328’.  You just need to find a radio to use it on.  Exit the close-up of the cock-pit. 


Head down 3 screens, so you’re back at the crossroads. 







Go down to the radio tower. 







Watch the cut scene with Ivan and Igor on the sled.  They have Hans on the back of that sled.  You automatically chase the sled as much as you can. 







There’s no way you can run as fast as a snow sled - you have to find a quicker way to the train.  Walk down one screen, back to the crossroads. 







Walk down, back to the radio tower. 







Go up one screen, to the base of the satellite dish. 


Ignore the satellite dish for now.  Click on the little shack on the left, to get a close-up. 


Click the red button on the radio to power it on.  The panel flashes.  The dull red buttons correspond to the numbers in the panel.  So set the buttons to ‘0328’.  Now look at the microphone on the left, and press the red button to talk to Boris.  You tell him to release the straps of his parachute, so he’s not dangling from the tree anymore.  You automatically leave the close-up. 


Now Boris is awake, and free, let’s go and talk to him.  Head down 2 times, back to the crossroads. 







Go left, to the plane crash. 







Head up 2 screens, so you can see the front of the plane crash.  Boris is at the head of the plane, trying to fix it.  Talk to Boris and work through all the dialogue with him.  Talk to him again, and ask about the ‘Mission’.  He agrees to let you use the ejector seat of his plane, to help you find Hans, if you can find a way to activate it.  Talk to Boris again, and you learn how to use the manual controls for the ejector seat.  The first step, is to find out the coordinates for the train.  The problem is that the radar isn’t working.  Now guess who has to fix the radar?  Head down 3 screens, back to the crossroads. 







Walk down to the radio tower. 







Go up one screen, to the base of the satellite dish. 


Climb up the ladder, up to the satellite dish. 


Turn the handle on the control dial 2 times, so the handle is facing to the left.  Now exit the close-up.  Climb down the ladder. 


Enter the little shack on the left, to see a close-up. 


Look at the wee radar screen on the right, and click on the red button to turn it on. 


The radar beeps, and you see an indicator in the bottom right quarter, showing where the train is.  The numbers along the left side and top show that it bleeps at 20 (left side ) \ 80 (top).  Exit the shack. 


Head down 2 times, back to the crossroads. 







Go left, to the plane crash. 







Head up 2 screens, so you can see the front of the plane crash. 


Click on Boris to talk to him and ask about the Mission.  Click in the cockpit of the plane to see a close-up. 


Look at the panel on the left. 



Set the coordinates to show 80 (left) & 20 (right).  Push the white button at the bottom of this panel, under where you just set the coordinates.  Watch the cut scene.  The ejector seat shoots up, and you parachute your way back to your train. 



Continued In Chapter 5:  The Train…

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