02 August 2022

Syberia II


YEAR:  2004

GENRE:  Point & Click Adventure














After unhitching the passenger car, you, Oscar, and Youki continue your journey.  However, it isn’t long before the train grinds to a halt once more, because you‘re run into a huge snowdrift, and the rail tracks are covered in snow.  You automatically climb out to investigate. 




The wind is howling, and it’s bitterly cold.  You can see a giant mammoth statue in the distance.  Head up, to the front of the train. 


Head up & right, to the next screen. 







Igor is standing here, clearly afraid.  He thinks the howling is evil spirits.  Talk to Igor and work through all the dialogue with him.  Walk straight down 2 screens. 






Your mobile phone rings - you have a call from Oscar.  He’s afraid that the howling noises are caused by a wild animal, so he wants to stay in the safety of the train.  Search the back of the snowbike to get a close-up. 


Take the GUAZE BLANKET, then exit the close-up. 


Look at the owl totem on the left to get a close-up. 



The wind echoing through the open beak is what’s causing the eerie wailing.  Place GUAZE BLANKET into the beak to make the wailing stop.  Exit the close-up. 


Go left, back to the front of the train. 







Head up & right, to where you saw Igor. 







Talk to Igor again and work through the dialogue.  Igor is relieved that they’ve gone.  Watch the cut scene, as he climbs onto the snow bike, and heads back home.  Seems like he’s not going to follow Ivan anymore.  You automatically return to your train. 







Well, Igor may have gone, but you still have to find the Youkol Village. 


Walk left, to the next screen. 


You’re still at the front of your train.  Follow the train left, to the next screen. 


Climb up into the engine room. 







Talk to Oscar and work through all the dialogue with him.   When conversation is over, leave the engine room via exit on the right. 







Walk up to the front of the train. 


Walk straight down, to the Owl Totem. 







This was where you last saw Igor, as he drove off in the snow bike.  Look carefully at the ground, and pick up the CRAMPONS.  This gives you enough traction to tackle the slippery ice slope in front of you.  So now… simply walk up the ice slope on the right, into the Youkol Village. 












The path is guarded by huge, sharp mammoth tusks on both sides.  Start walking right, to the next screen. 


Ivan corners you, wielding a huge mammoth tusk as a weapon.  One wrong move, and you’re shish-kebab!  Chat with Ivan for a while, and keep chatting until you repeat yourself.  Now you need a way to distract him, so that you can escape.  Open your Inventory, and use your MOBILE PHONE to call Oscar.  Oscar blows the train whistle.  When Ivan turns around to see what the noise is, take the opportunity, and walk over to the pile of ivory tusks on the sled at the top, to get a close-up. 



Take the IVORY KNIFE from the pile of tusks.  Use IVORY KNIFE to cut the rope attached to the sled on the right.  Watch the cut scene.  As Ivan approaches you, the ice cracks under your feet.  OH NO!!! 












Watch the cut scene.  You wake up in a strange bed.  You automatically get dressed.  Walk down to the other end of the hut. 


Open the door, and leave the hut. 







As soon as you step outside, you head tribal drums, banging from… somewhere.  The Chief is standing right outside the door.  Talk to him and work through all the dialogue.  You learn that Hans is with the Spirit Woman, and that he’s sick again.  Look at the bucket on the ground  -  between the door and the stairs  - to get a close-up. 


Take REINDEER ANTLERS from the bucket, then exit the close-up. 


Now the Youkol Village is rather confusing to navigate through, so I’ll try to make things as easy as possible. 


From outside the Chief’s hut, head right & down (not up the stairs), over the bridge, to the next screen. 


The drums are louder now, and you can see them in the distance.  Walk up, to the drums. 


Wow, the drums are very loud now!  This must be where the Spirit Woman is keeping Hans.  Try to run up, past the drums, but you just can’t make it.  If only you could stop those pesky drums! 


Go down to the next screen.  Notice the Harfing owl sitting in his perch.  Make sure you click on it - this bird is very important for an upcoming puzzle.  Walk straight down, to the next screen. 


Look at the contraption on the left to see a close-up. 



Pick up the LEATHER STRAP from the icy ground.  You automatically combine it with the REINDEER ANTLERS, so it becomes a SLINGSHOT.  Exit the close-up. 


Walk straight up 2 screens, so you are back at the drums. 


Look carefully at the frozen icicle hanging above the drum machine - it looks like it‘s cracked. 




Use your SLINGSHOT with the cracked icicle.  Good shot!  You manage to break the cracked icicle off, so it falls into the mechanism of the drum machine, thus jamming it.  Now walk up into the Spirit Woman’s hut. 







You’re understandably shocked by what you see in the hut. 



Hans is suspended mid-air, by lots of rope.  And he’s unconscious.  Look at Hans.  Now talk to the Spirit Woman and work through all the dialogue with her.  She tells you that the only way to save Hans, is to enter his dreams through the Tunnel Of Dreams.  But in order to do that, you need to find a rare fruit of the spirit door.  Look at the Youkol masks on the wall on the right to see a close-up. 


Take the YOUKOL MASK hanging up on the right, then exit the close-up. 


Walk left, to another part of the hut. 


Look at the table to see a close-up. 


Pick up the PRAYER WHEEL from the table.  Now walk down 2 times, so you’re at the door of the hut. 


Open the door, and leave the hut. 







Follow the path down, down again, and then left. 


Look at the wooden contraption next to the pots, to get a close-up. 



It appears to be some kind of fishing contraption.  Take the CORK BUNG from the ground, and take the EMPTY FLASK from the support pole. 




Attach the EMPTY FLASK to the hook at the top. 




Turn the handle on the lower right to lower the EMPTY FLASK, and fill it with water.  Turn the handle again.  Now take the FLASK FULL OF WATER from the hook.  Exit the close-up. 


Walk straight down to the next screen. 


The Youki enclosure is here.  Click on the gate at the front of the enclosure to see a close-up. 


Pick up FISHBONE from the ground, then exit the close-up. 


Walk right to the next screen.  Follow the path up, so you can see the rail tracks above you.  Cross up & left, over the bridge (under the rail tracks), to the next screen.  Notice the cave in the distance, at the top left.  Head up 3 times, so you are in the cave. 







Go down & left, to the next screen. 


Notice the Harfing bird stand on the right. 



Click on the Harfing bird stand to see a close-up. 


Hang the PRAYER WHEEL onto the branch, then click on it to spin it around.  The noise it makes attracts a Harfing bird.  Exit the close-up. 


Walk up to the ice wall, and click on it to get a close-up. 


Wow, it’s like a Lemmings Labyrinth.  And notice the red berries in there - that’s just the berries you were looking for, for the Spirit Woman.  But how are you going to get them?  The poor little Lemming is here, but he’s cowering in the corner, because he’s afraid of the Harfing bird.  Looks like he’ll take a bit of persuading, before he’ll help you.  Use the following instructions, to help the Lemming navigate through the labyrinth. 



        -       Place the CORK BUNG in the lower right hole (1), next

                to the Lemming.

        -       Exit the close-up.

        -       Click on the ice wall again, so you can see the

                labyrinth again.  You may have to do this several times. 

        -       The Lemming has navigated himself up the tunnel, and

                he’s standing just next to a big drop. 

        -       Remove CORK BUNG from the lower right hole, and

                place CORK BUNG in the hole at the base of the drop (2)

        -       The Lemmings uses it to jump over the gap, and is now

                at the bottom of a tall climb. 

        -       Remove CORK BUNG from the hole, and place the

                CORK BUNG in the lower left hole (3), so that the

                Lemming can‘t backtrack. 

        -       Pour the FLASK FULL OF WATER down the top left

                hole (4)

        -       The Lemming is able to float to the top, grab a mouthful

                of berries, and continue his journey. 

        -       Place the FISHBONE down the gap at the top (5), so

                that the Lemming can use it as a ladder. 

        -       The Lemming continues through the labyrinth,

                dislodging the BERRIES from the tunnel. 

        -       Make sure you retrieve the CORK BUNG.

        -       Pick up the DREAM FRUIT from the bottom right, and

                exit the close-up. 



Click on the Harfing Bird stand on the right. 


Retrieve your PRAYER WHEEL from the hook at the top, then exit the close-up. 


You have the DREAM FRUIT now, so let’s go back and give it to the Spirit Lady.  Walk down to the next screen. 


Go up to the exit on the right, and leave the cave. 







Go down 2 screens, so you can see the skeleton bridge on the right. 


Cross right, over the bridge, to the next screen. 


Head right (not up the stairs) to the next screen. 


Go down, right, and up & right. 


You can see the drums up ahead, even though they’re not beating anymore.  Head straight up 2 screens, so you’re back in the Spirit Woman’s hut. 







Walk down to the bed area. 


Talk to the Spirit Woman.  You give her the DREAM FRUIT, and she sends you into Hans’s dream. 





Continued In Chapter 7:  The Dream World…


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